12 JANUARY 2024
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OPR: AF/A1P Certified by: SAF/MR
Supersedes: AFI36-2501, 16 July 2004 Pages: 132
This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-21, Utilization and
Classification of Military Personnel; DAFPD 36-25, Military Promotions and Demotions; and
DAFPD 36-26, Total Force Development and Management. The instruction establishes the
objectives and procedures for promoting Department of the Air Force Regular Air Force (RegAF)
commissioned officers from second lieutenant to colonel (Part 1); outlines how to continue RegAF
officers twice nonselected for promotion and provides details on selective continuation boards and
special selection review boards (Part 2); and outlines objectives and procedures for promoting
officers to the grades of brigadier and major general (Part 3). In collaboration with the Deputy
Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital (SF/S1), the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower,
Personnel, and Services (AF/A1) develops personnel policy for officer promotions and selective
continuation. This publication applies to Department of the Air Force RegAF officers, including
United States Space Force (USSF) members until such time as separate service guidance is
published or otherwise annotated in this publication. This publication does not apply to the Air
Force Reserve or the Air National Guard. All references to United States Air Force (USAF)
terminology, units, grades, and positions will also apply to the equivalent in the United States
Space Force, as appropriate, until such time as the USSF provides its own independent guidance.
For example, references to Airmen or RegAF members will apply to Guardians. References to
MAJCOMs or Numbered Air Forces will apply to field commands (FLDCOM). References to
wings will apply to deltas/garrisons. Air Staff roles and responsibilities (i.e., AF/A1) will apply
to the equivalent Office of the Chief of Space Operations (Space Staff) office (i.e., SF/S1), as
appropriate. This instruction requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected
by the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 5400.11, DoD
Privacy Program. The applicable System of Record Notices are F036 AF PC S, Officer Promotion
2 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Propriety Actions, F036 AF PC Q, Personnel Data System (PDS), F036 AF PC C, Military
Personnel Records Systems, and F036 AF PC J, Promotions Documents and Records Tracking
Systems (PRODARTS); available at Ensure all
records generated as a result of processes prescribed in this publication adhere to Air Force
Instruction 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, and are disposed
of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule which is located in the Air Force
Records Information Management System. Refer recommended changes and questions about this
publication to the office of primary responsibility (OPR) using the DAF Form 847,
Recommendation for Change of Publication; route DAF Forms 847 from the field through the
appropriate functional chain of command. This publication may be supplemented at any level, but
all supplements that directly implement this publication must be routed to the office of primary
responsibility for coordination, and all major command (MAJCOM/FLDCOM)-level supplements
must be approved by the Human Resource Management Strategic Board prior to certification and
approval. The authorities to waive wing, unit, delta or garrison level requirements in this
publication are identified with a Tier ("T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3") number following the compliance
statement. See Department of the Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 90-161, Publishing Processes
and Procedures, Table A10.1, for a description of the authorities associated with the Tier numbers.
Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval
authority, or alternately, to the publication’s office of primary responsibility for non-tiered
compliance items. Compliance with the following attachments in this publication are mandatory:
Attachments 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
This document has been completely revised and must be reviewed in its entirety. Major changes
include guidelines on the requirement for adverse information to be considered by promotion
selection, special selection, and selective continuation boards to the grade of O-4 and above (to
include processes for O-3 promotions that have "extraordinary adverse information" per
Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1320.04); guidelines for selection boards to
recommend officers of particular merit, from those officers recommended for promotion in each
competitive category, to be placed higher on the promotion list than seniority alone dictates;
Chapter 4 guidance for special promotion issues such as exclusion from promotion consideration,
honorary promotions and temporary promotions; and Chapter 8 guidance for conducting special
selection review boards (SSRBs) for Major General and below.
1.1. Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF). ........................................................................ 10
1.2. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) / The Chief of Space Operations. ....... 11
1.3. The Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1) / The
Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Personnel (SF/S1). ...................................... 11
1.4. Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force (SAF/IG). ........................... 12
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 3
1.5. Chief, Military Force Policy Division (AF/A1PP) / Director, Military Force
Management (SF/S1P). ............................................................................................ 12
1.6. Developmental Category Leads. .............................................................................. 12
1.7. Headquarters ............................................................................................................ 12
1.8. Military Personnel Flight (MPF). ............................................................................ 13
1.9. Commander. ............................................................................................................. 14
1.10. Senior Rater. ............................................................................................................ 14
1.11. Eligible Officer. ....................................................................................................... 14
2.1. Program Objectives. ................................................................................................. 15
2.2. Rules Governing All Boards. ................................................................................... 15
2.3. Selection Board Membership. .................................................................................. 15
2.4. Organizing Boards. .................................................................................................. 17
2.5. Board President. ....................................................................................................... 17
2.6. Board Members. ....................................................................................................... 17
2.7. Board Recorders. ..................................................................................................... 18
2.8. Administrative Support Staff. .................................................................................. 18
2.9. Rules Governing Communications With Boards. .................................................... 18
2.10. Letters to a Board. .................................................................................................... 19
2.11. What Information Meets the Board. ........................................................................ 20
2.12. Instructing Boards. ................................................................................................... 21
2.13. Board Member Preparation. ..................................................................................... 23
2.14. Conducting Trial Runs. ............................................................................................ 23
2.15. Record Distribution Procedures. .............................................................................. 23
2.16. Scoring Records. ...................................................................................................... 23
2.17. Scoring Scales. ......................................................................................................... 24
Table 2.1. Scoring Scale. .......................................................................................................... 24
2.18. "Splits”. .................................................................................................................... 24
2.19. Resolving ................................................................................................................ 24
2.20. New Documents. ...................................................................................................... 24
2.21. Identifying "Show Cause" Records.......................................................................... 24
2.22. Promotion Quota Computation. ............................................................................... 25
2.23. Establishing "Cut Lines”. ......................................................................................... 25
4 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
2.24. Establishing the Initial "Gray" Zone. ....................................................................... 25
2.25. Objective Quality Review (OQR). ........................................................................... 25
2.26. Re-establishing the "Cut Lines”. .............................................................................. 26
2.27. Adverse Information Review. .................................................................................. 26
2.28. Board President Quality Review. ............................................................................. 26
2.29. Gray Resolution. ...................................................................................................... 27
2.30. Scoring BPZ Records (if applicable). ...................................................................... 27
2.31. BPZ Displacement (if applicable). ........................................................................... 27
2.32. Fully Qualified Select List. ...................................................................................... 28
2.33. Skillset Requirements Procedures. ........................................................................... 28
2.34. Merit-Based Reordering........................................................................................... 28
2.35. Resolution of "Show Cause”.................................................................................... 29
2.36. Selective Continuation. ............................................................................................ 29
2.37. Board Report. ........................................................................................................... 29
2.38. Additional Reports. .................................................................................................. 29
2.39. Outbriefing Board Members. ................................................................................... 29
2.40. Board Anomalies. .................................................................................................... 30
2.41. Lists. ......................................................................................................................... 30
2.42. Removing an Officer From a Board Report............................................................. 30
2.43. Releasing Board Information. .................................................................................. 30
3.1. Board Recorders. ..................................................................................................... 32
3.2. Board President. ..................................................................................................... 32
3.3. AFPC. ...................................................................................................................... 32
3.4. MPF. ........................................................................................................................ 33
3.5. Determining Promotion Sequence. .......................................................................... 33
3.6. Post Board Screening. .............................................................................................. 34
3.7. SecAF Promotion Withholds. ................................................................................ 34
3.8. Notifying Officers Selected for Promotion. ............................................................. 36
3.9. NotifyingOfficers Not Selected for Promotion. ..................................................... 36
3.10. Effects of Nonselection for Promotion. ................................................................. 37
3.11. Publishing Promotion Orders. ................................................................................ 37
3.12. When to Promote the Officer. ................................................................................ 37
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 5
3.13. Promotion to Field Grade Officer. ......................................................................... 37
3.14. Conducting Promotion Ceremonies. ...................................................................... 37
3.15. Retirement Restrictions for Promotion. ................................................................. 37
3.16. Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) for Promotions. ................................ 37
4.1. Exclusion from Promotion Consideration. .............................................................. 38
4.2. Declining a Promotion. .......................................................................................... 39
4.3. Frocking (Early Pin-On). ......................................................................................... 40
4.4. Posthumous Promotions. ......................................................................................... 41
4.5. Honorary Promotions. .............................................................................................. 42
4.6. Transferring Promotions to an Active Duty Promotion List. ................................... 42
4.7. Temporary Promotions. ........................................................................................... 43
5.1. When to Question Promotions. .............................................................................. 47
5.2. How to Document Reasons for PPA. ..................................................................... 47
Section 5APromotion List Removals and Delays. 48
5.3. Initiating Authorities. ............................................................................................... 48
5.4. Delaying a Promotion. ........................................................................................... 48
5.5. Resolving a Promotion Delay. ................................................................................. 50
5.6. Removing First Lieutenants through Lieutenant Colonels from a Promotion List. . 51
5.7. How to Initiate a Promotion List Removal, Delay, or Resolution of Delay Action.
................................................................................................................................. 52
5.8. How to Process Promotion List Removal or Delay Actions. ................................... 52
Section 5BNot Qualified for Promotion (NQP) Actions. 54
5.9. Recommending a Second Lieutenant NQP. ............................................................. 54
Section 5COther Promotion Propriety Actions. 57
5.10. Removing an Officer from a Report of a Selection Board. ................................... 57
5.11. Promotion Deviation from Sequence Number Order. ........................................... 58
6.1. General. .................................................................................................................. 59
6.2. SSB Approval Authority. ......................................................................................... 59
6.3. Conditions That May Warrant an SSB. ................................................................. 59
6 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
6.4. Submitting Appeals for SSBs. ................................................................................. 59
6.5. SSB Procedures. ....................................................................................................... 60
6.6. Presentation of the SSB to the Board Members. ...................................................... 60
6.7. Board Composition. ................................................................................................. 60
6.8. Board Member Preparation. ..................................................................................... 61
6.9. Scoring Records. ...................................................................................................... 61
6.10. Scoring Scales. ......................................................................................................... 61
6.11. Defining "Splits”. ..................................................................................................... 62
6.12. Resolving "Splits”. ................................................................................................... 62
6.13. Identifying "Show Cause" Records.......................................................................... 62
6.14. Promotion Quota for SSBs and Select or Nonselect Status. .................................... 62
Figure 6.1. SSB Decision Chart (Standard Selection Methodology). ........................................ 63
6.15. Board President Quality Review. ............................................................................. 63
6.16. Developmental Education Candidacy Selection. ..................................................... 63
6.17. Fully Qualified Determination. ................................................................................ 63
6.18. Resolution of "Show Cause”.................................................................................... 64
6.19. Board Report. ........................................................................................................... 64
6.20. Procedural Board Anomalies. .................................................................................. 64
6.21. Deviations. ............................................................................................................... 64
6.22. Post-board Actions. .................................................................................................. 64
6.23. Time Limits.............................................................................................................. 64
6.24. Writing Letters to SSBs. .......................................................................................... 64
6.25. Commander Actions on Promotions Resulting from SSBs. .................................... 65
6.26. Promoting Officers by SSB. .................................................................................. 65
6.27. Disclosing SSB Proceedings. ................................................................................. 65
Figure 6.2. SSB Decision Chart (Modified Selection Methodology). ....................................... 66
7.1. SecAF Responsibilities. ......................................................................................... 67
7.2. Developmental Category Leads and Developmental Category Functional
Managers. ............................................................................................................... 67
7.3. AF/A1PP. ................................................................................................................. 67
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 7
7.4. The Air Force General Officer Management Office (AF/A1LG) Responsibilities. 67
7.5. The Air Force Colonel Management Office (AF/A1LO) Responsibilities. ............. 67
7.6. AFPC/PB Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 67
7.7. AFPC/DPMSPP Responsibilities............................................................................. 67
7.8. MPF Responsibilities. .............................................................................................. 68
7.9. Commanders Responsibilities. ................................................................................. 68
7.10. Who is Eligible for Continuation. ............................................................................ 68
7.11. Selecting an Officer for Continuation. ..................................................................... 69
7.12. Determining Continuation Period. ........................................................................... 69
7.13. Requesting Continuation For Officers In The Grade of Lieutenant Colonel or
Colonel. .................................................................................................................... 69
7.14. Continuation for Special Projects. ........................................................................... 70
7.15. ADSC Agreement. ................................................................................................... 70
7.16. Status of Continued Officers. ................................................................................... 70
7.17. Continuation to Retirement Eligibility. .................................................................... 70
7.18. Termination of Continued Status. ............................................................................ 70
7.19. Terms For Involuntary Separation of Selectively Continued Officers. ................... 71
7.20. Early Termination of Continuation. ......................................................................... 71
7.21. Continuation Propriety Actions. .............................................................................. 71
7.22. Initiating Removal From a Continuation List. ......................................................... 71
Table 7.1. Processing a Recommendation to Remove an Officer From a Continuation List. .. 72
8.1. Authority for Special Selection Review Boards (SSRBs). ...................................... 76
8.2. Holding SSRBs. ....................................................................................................... 76
8.3. Organizing Boards. .................................................................................................. 77
8.4. Information Meeting the Board. .............................................................................. 78
8.5. SSRBs Procedures. .................................................................................................. 79
Figure 8.1. SSRB Decision Chart (Standard Selection Methodology). ..................................... 80
8.6. Board Report. ........................................................................................................... 80
8.7. Post Board Actions. ................................................................................................. 81
8.8. Appointment of Officers. ......................................................................................... 81
8.9. Disclosing SSRB Proceedings. ................................................................................ 81
8 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
9.1. SecAF Responsibilities. ......................................................................................... 82
9.2. General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force (SAF/GC). ............................ 83
9.3. SAF/IG. .................................................................................................................. 83
9.4. CJCS. ..................................................................................................................... 83
9.5. HQ USAF. ............................................................................................................... 83
9.6. The Air Force Colonel Management Office (AF/A1LO) or Space Force Senior
Leader Management Office (SF/S1L). .................................................................... 83
9.7. The Air Force General Officer Management Office (AF/A1LG). ........................... 83
9.8. Administering the Promotion Program. ................................................................... 83
9.9. MPF Career Development Element (for Brigadier General boards only). .............. 85
9.10. Eligible Officer. ..................................................................................................... 85
9.11. Department of the Air Force Members. ................................................................. 85
10.1. Program Objectives. ............................................................................................... 86
10.2. Promotion Eligibility. ............................................................................................ 86
10.3. Information Provided to Boards. ............................................................................ 86
10.4. Communications with Selection Boards. ................................................................. 88
10.5. Senior Officer Unfavorable Information Files. ...................................................... 90
10.6. Board Recorders and Board Administration. ........................................................... 91
10.7. Report of Board Proceedings. ................................................................................ 91
10.8. Action on Reports of Selection Boards. ................................................................. 91
10.9. Disclosure of Board Proceedings and Recommendations. .................................... 91
10.10. Announcing Board Results. ................................................................................... 92
11.1. Internal Board Structure. .......................................................................................... 93
11.2. Secretarial Guidance Concerning Promotions. ...................................................... 94
11.3. Scoring ..................................................................................................................... 94
Table 11.1. Major General Scoring Scale. .................................................................................. 95
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 9
Table 11.2. Brigadier General Scoring Scale. ............................................................................. 95
11.4. SSBs. ........................................................................................................................ 98
11.5. Post-Board Administration. ..................................................................................... 99
11.6. Report to the SecAF. .............................................................................................. 100
12.1. General Information. .............................................................................................. 101
12.2. Vacating a Promotion. ........................................................................................... 101
12.3. Delaying Promotions. ............................................................................................ 101
12.4. Removal From a Promotion List. ............................................................................. 103
12.5. Removal From a Report of a Selection. ................................................................... 103
12.6. Processing Procedures. .......................................................................................... 103
13.1. Frocking (Early Pin-On) for General Officers. ........................................................ 105
13.2. Declining a Promotion. .......................................................................................... 106
13.3. Promotion Deviations From Sequence Number Order. ......................................... 107
Attachment 4OATH OF OFFICE 124
(SAMPLE) 127
10 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Part 1
Chapter 1
1.1. Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF).
1.1.1. Administers the promotion program through the Assistant SecAF for Manpower and
Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR), the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services
(AF/A1) and Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Personnel (SF/S1); issues written
instructions to selection boards; establishes competitive categories (referred to or described as
a "developmental category"), promotion zones, eligibility and selection criteria, promotion
opportunity, and selection rates. (T-0) Officers in the same competitive category of the same
component and armed force will compete amongst themselves for promotion. (T-0)
1.1.2. Appoints and convenes selection boards under 10 USC § 611, Convening of selection
boards; § 628, Special selection boards; § 628a, Special selection review boards; § 1558,
Review of actions of selection boards: correction of military records by special boards;
judicial review; and provides guidance to implement a captain promotion process to generate
an all-fully-qualified-officer list when promotion opportunity is 100 percent under 10 USC §
624, Promotions: how made. (T-0)
1.1.3. Guarantees the independence and integrity of selection boards by prohibiting
unauthorized communications to boards and ensures compliance with DoDI 1320.14, DoD
Commissioned Officer Promotion Program Procedures, and applicable laws. (T-0)
1.1.4. Conducts yearly interviews, on a random basis, of board presidents, members,
recorders, or the administrative staff assigned to support board deliberations. (T-0) Conducts
these interviews to ensure boards convened under 10 USC § 611(a) follow applicable laws,
instructions, and administrative directives. (T-0) Conducts interviews for promotion boards to
major through colonel. (T-0) Delegates this function only to subordinate civilian officials
appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. (T-0)
1.1.5. Reviews annually the content of administrative briefings to the selection boards and
ensures they are consistent with and do not alter secretarial guidance. (T-0)
1.1.6. Ensures no official, civilian, or military: Directs a particular individual be selected (or not be selected) by a selection board.
(T-0) Censures, reprimands, or admonishes the board (or any member of the board) with
regard to the recommendations of the board or the exercise of any function within the
discretion of the board (T-0); or Attempts to coerce or, by any unauthorized means, influence any action of a board
(or any member of a board) in the formulation of the board's recommendations. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 11
1.1.7. Appoints qualified personnel (board president, board members, recorders, and
administrative staff) who can perform their duties without prejudice or partiality and will not
appoint individual board members for the purpose of affecting the selection of any individual
by the board. (T-0)
1.1.8. Approves a course of instruction for board recorders to ensure they are properly trained
on their duties and responsibilities. (T-0)
1.1.9. Approves release from duty as board members, recorders, and administrative staff.
1.1.10. Oversees the preparation of the Commissioned Officer Promotion Report in
accordance with DoDI 1320.13, Commissioned Officer Promotion Reports. (T-0)
1.1.11. Develops an annual promotion plan outlined in DoDI 1320.14 and 10 USC § 622,
Numbers to be recommended for promotion, and § 623, Establishment of promotion zones.
1.1.12. Establishes competitive categories to manage the career development and promotion
of certain groups of officers whose specialized education, training, or experiences require
separate consideration. (T-0) Approves career developmental briefs on an annual basis. (T-1) Ensures officers whose names are forwarded continue to remain qualified for
promotion or appointment and meet the exemplary conduct provisions. (T-0) Takes action under DoDI 1320.04, Military Officer Actions Requiring
Presidential, Secretary of Defense or Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness Approval or Senate Confirmation to delay the promotion or appointment of an
officer or withhold the nomination package when such action is necessary. (T-0) Nominates, as necessary, to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), a
minimum of two qualified and available officers for the CJCS to consider as possible joint
representatives in accordance with DoDI 1320.14 for promotion selection boards, special
selection boards (SSBs), special selection review boards (SSRBs) that consider joint
officers. (T-0) Provides reports of promotion, SSBs, and SSRBs that considered joint
officers to the CJCS. (T-0) For promotion selection boards (to the grades of O-5 and above), provide the
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment a statistical comparison of
the promotion selection rates for Acquisition officers and for line (or the equivalent)
officers. (T-0)
1.2. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) / The Chief of Space
Operations. Recommends annual promotion requirements and board members to SecAF.
1.3. The Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1) / The Deputy
Chief of Space Operations for Personnel (SF/S1).
1.3.1. Approves the Selection Board schedule. Selection Board Secretariat (AFPC/PB) will
ensure schedules are coordinated with all general officer and senior leader management offices.
1.3.2. Prepares an annual promotion plan recommendation for SecAF as specified in DoDI
1320.14 and 10 USC §§ 622 and 623. (T-0)
12 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
1.4. Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force (SAF/IG). Conducts pre-board and
post-board screening for adverse information and open investigations on promotion-eligible first
lieutenants (when applicable), captains, majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels. (T-1)
1.5. Chief, Military Force Policy Division (AF/A1PP) / Director, Military Force
Management (SF/S1P).
1.5.1. Develops an annual promotion plan as outlined in DoDI 1320.14 for submission to
SecAF. (T-1)
1.5.2. Recommends to the SecAF the promotion opportunity for each board based on
USAF/USSF requirements and recommendations from corps chiefs and functional managers
when applicable.
1.5.3. Coordinates with Human Resources Data, Analytics, and Decision Support Division
(AF/A1XD) to develop the five-year promotion plan for each competitive category. (T-1)
1.5.4. Prepares the Commissioned Officer Promotion Report, RCS: DD-P&R(A)1621,
according to DoDI 1320.13 and DoDI 1320.14. (T-0) The report will contain a narrative and
statistical summary of promotion opportunity and timing compared to the Defense Officer
Personnel Management Act (DOPMA) objectives and DoD guidelines. (T-0) Submits report
through channels to the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness (USD (P&R)) by 15 February of each year. (T-0)
1.5.5. Develops SecAF Memorandum of Instructions (MOI) for O-6 and below promotion
selection boards. (T-1)
1.6. Developmental Category Leads.
1.6.1. Developmental Category Leads are general officers and members of the Senior
Executive Service serving in specified positions. They are designated as leads for each
developmental category across the Regular Air Force.
1.6.2. Developmental Category Leads are responsible for identifying desired changes to the
developmental category for promotion processes, which may include masking/unmasking of
advanced academic degrees, masking/unmasking of deployments, and other structural changes
to developmental category as it impacts promotion processes. Changes must be approved by
the Secretary of the Air Force prior to implementation. (T-0)
1.7. Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC). Implements the promotion program
approved by the SecAF through a fair and equitable process to ensure the officer corps has
confidence in the integrity of the selection process.
1.7.1. Air Force Officer Promotions Management (AFPC/DPMSPP). Determines when
officers are eligible for promotion as outlined in Attachment 2, manages the first lieutenant
and captain selection process, conducts pre-board support for officer promotions, and will
accomplish the following: For promotion to captain (when the promotion opportunity is less than 100%)
through colonel, announces the board convening date to MAJCOM/FLDCOMs, Field
Operating Agencies, Direct Reporting Units, and Military Personnel Flights (MPFs)
approximately 150 calendar days before a board convenes. The announcement will provide
the eligibility criteria and the name and date of rank (DOR) of the most junior and most
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 13
senior officer eligible in-the-promotion zone (IPZ) as of the date of the announcement.
(T-1) For promotion to captain when the opportunity is 100%, prepares and dispatches
a memorandum to MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs, Field Operating Agencies, Direct Reporting
Units, and MPFs providing a comprehensive overview of the captain promotion process
and instructions for all pre- and post-selection actions. This memorandum will supplement
the guidance provided at Attachment 2. (T-1) Forwards Master Eligibility Listings (MEL) on approximately Day 150, Officer
Preselection Briefs (OPB) on approximately Day 140, and Duty Qualification History
Briefs and Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF) Notices on approximately Day 120
for eligible officers to the MPFs before each board convenes. (T-1) Receipt of OPBs by
eligible officers is not a legal prerequisite to convening a selection board nor to the proper
conduct of a selection board. Therefore, non-receipt of an OPB is not a basis for changing
the results of a selection board or granting an SSB. (T-1)
1.7.2. Selection Board Secretariat (AFPC/PB) conducts the officer selection boards. (T-1)
They will: Schedule the boards. (T-1) When applicable, initiate administrative documents
related to the execution of special selection boards (SSB), special selection review boards
(SSRB), and special boards (SB) and forwards to Air Force Promotions, Evaluations, and
Recognition Policy Branch (AF/A1PPP) or SF/S1P for SecAF approval. (T-1) Special
boards instructions are at Attachment 9. Obtain the board members from the nominating agencies. (T-1) Notify the board president, members, recorders, and administrative support staff
when nominated for board duties. (T-1) In the notification, provide access to a digital copy
of DoDI 1320.14 and applicable chapters of this instruction. (T-1) The board members
will acknowledge receipt of these materials. (T-1) Brief board members on board operations. (T-1) Administer the oath in Attachment 3 to board members before scoring records.
1.8. Military Personnel Flight (MPF).
1.8.1. Issues written notice to each eligible officer of the eligibility criteria, to include the
board convening date, and the names and dates of rank of the most junior officer and most
senior officer eligible IPZ. (T-1)
1.8.2. Identifies all assigned eligible officers and verifies eligibility status. (T-1)
1.8.3. Ensures eligible officers receive the OPB and instruction sheet. (T-1) Requests any
missing OPBs through the Air Force Promotion System as outlined in the personnel services
delivery memorandum (PSDM) (Convening Notice) in myFSS. If an officer believes the data
are incorrect, the MPF (or office of primary responsibility listed on the OPB instruction sheet)
takes necessary corrective action. (T-1)
1.8.4. Makes the validated changes in-system and via message in accordance with the OPB
instructions found in the board PSDM on myFSS. (T-1)
14 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
1.8.5. Provides senior raters the Master Eligibility List, Duty Qualification History Brief, and
other tools necessary to make an informed promotion recommendation, as outlined in the board
convening notice and as prescribed by DAFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation
Systems. (T-1)
1.9. Commander.
1.9.1. Notifies officers of selection or nonselection for promotion and ensures selectees remain
qualified for promotion through the promotion effective date. (T-1)
1.9.2. Initiates removal or delay actions as appropriate. (T-1) Commanders continuously
determine the officer’s suitability for selective continuation, should they not be selected for
1.10. SeniorRater.
1.10.1. Reviews the officer’s information as outlined in the board PSDM. (T-1)
1.10.2. Prepares the DAF Form 709, Promotion Recommendation, when required. (T-1)
1.10.3. Submits the completed DAF Form 709 to AFPC, as appropriate, no later than 30 days
before the board convenes (T-1); and
1.10.4. Provides the eligible officer a copy of their DAF Form 709 approximately 30 days
before the board convenes. (T-1)
1.11. EligibleOfficer.
1.11.1. Monitors their eligibility for promotion consideration by various zones (below-the-
promotion zone (BPZ) if applicable, in-the-promotion-zone (IPZ), and above-the-promotion
zone (APZ)), and competitive category. (T-1) The officer’s Core ID 150 days before the board
convening date referred, to in this publication as day 150, designates the competitive category
for promotion consideration. (T-1)
1.11.2. Ensures the accuracy of their own personnel data and Electronic Officer Selection
Record (eOSR), as defined in AFI 36-2608, Military Personnel Records Systems, prior to the
board convening date. (T-1)
1.11.3. Reviews their OPB for accuracy of personnel data and any adverse information and
takes necessary steps to correct errors prior to the board. (T-1)
1.11.4. Receives promotion recommendation from senior rater approximately 30 days prior to
the board. (T-3)
1.11.5. Reviews promotion recommendation forms (PRFs) and evaluations for accuracy and
discusses concerns with rating officials. Identifies omissions of facts (e.g., significant
achievements, wrong duty title or duty description). (T-1)
1.11.6. Considers submitting a letter to the board if applicable. (T-1) Reference paragraph
2.10 for guidance on submitting letters to the board.
1.11.7. Reports errors to the MPF or other points of contact listed on the OPB instruction
sheet. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 15
Chapter 2
2.1. Program Objectives.
2.1.1. Promotion is not a reward for past service. It is advancement to a position of greater
responsibility based on the requirements of the Department of the Air Force (DAF) and the
officer’s future potential. The promotion board objective is to select officers through a fair
and competitive selection process, advancing the best and fully qualified officers to positions
of increased responsibility and authority.
2.1.2. Promotion boards are convened under the provisions of 10 USC § 611, DoDI 1320.14,
DoDI 6000.13, Accession and Retention Policies, Programs, and Incentives for Military
Health Professions Officers (HPO), DAFPD 36-25 and DAFPD 36-26, and this instruction.
Additional references not mentioned in this publication but related to officer promotions are
listed in Attachment 10.
2.2. Rules Governing All Boards. While the board is in session, the board works directly for the
SecAF under the supervision of the board president. It is a violation of this instruction for anyone
to engage in unauthorized communications with board members as outlined in DoDI 1320.14 and
this instruction prior to and during a selection board. This includes attempts to improperly
influence a selection either negatively or positively. No person shall:
2.2.1. Direct a particular individual be selected (or not selected) by the board. (T-0)
2.2.2. Attempt to coerce or, by any unauthorized means, influence any action of a selection
board or any member of a selection board in the formulation of the board’s recommendations.
2.2.3. Censure, reprimand, or admonish the board or any member of the board for the
recommendations or the exercise of any function within the discretion of the board. (T-0)
2.3. SelectionBoard Membership. Members of promotion selection boards are appointed by
SecAF. (T-0) Board composition must be in accordance with 10 USC § 612, Composition of
selection boards, DoDI 1320.14, and this instruction. (T-0) Board duty should be rotated between
the maximum number of eligible officers over time. (T-1) Minimum requirements:
2.3.1. SecAF ensures board membership consists of at least five or more officers on the ADL.
2.3.2. Each member of a selection board must be serving in a grade higher than the grade of
the officers under consideration by the board. (T-0) No member of the board may be serving
in a grade below major. (T-0)
2.3.3. Personnel with immediate family members eligible for a board may not serve as a
member on that specific board. (T-1)
2.3.4. Selection boards shall include at least one officer from each competitive category of
officers to be considered by the board. (T-0) No more than two thirds of the voting members
will come from the competitive category under consideration; some categories will be
structured to ensure less than a majority of the board members are from the same competitive
16 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
category. (T-1) To the maximum extent possible, boards will reflect specialty and, where
applicable, aeronautical rating of officers to be considered by the board. (T-1)
2.3.5. Board membership for the judge advocate, chaplain, and health profession competitive
categories will be structured to ensure no more than two voting members (or not a majority or
more for a larger board) are from the same competitive category under consideration. (T-1)
The remaining voting members will be line officers, except for boards considering health
profession competitive categories where the other voting members will be officers from a
health profession competitive category not under promotion consideration on that board if such
officers are available. (T-1) This does not preclude Line of the Air Force (LAF) officers
substituting for these other voting members when it is deemed impractical for other health
profession categories to be present. For boards considering competitive categories other than
LAF, the competitive category under consideration will, under no condition, form the majority
of the board. (T-1)
2.3.6. Line of the Air Force (LAF) competitive categories board membership (excluding LAF
Judge Advocate (LAF-J)), including board presidents and panel chiefs, will include only LAF
officers from various competitive categories. (T-1) Boards are categorized into three groups: large, medium and small. Large boards
have 13 board members; medium boards have 7 board members; and small boards have 5
board members. For large and medium boards, at least the majority of the board members will
represent Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs) from within that competitive category and
the remaining board members will represent AFSCs from outside that competitive
category. (T-1) For small boards, a minimum of two board members will represent AFSCs
from within the competitive category but will not make up the majority of the board. (T-1)
Regardless of board size, panel chief will be a LAF or LSF officer. (T-1)
2.3.7. The members of a selection board will represent the diverse population of the Air Force
(to the extent practicable). (T-0) Boards will also reflect the eligible population in terms of
MAJCOM/FLDCOM of assignment (to the extent practicable). (T-1) Large
MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs will not dominate the board membership. (T-1) Ensure reasonable
representation of smaller commands over time. (T-1)
2.3.8. Board membership must include a Joint Qualified Officer, designated by the CJCS,
when considering Joint Qualified Officers, or officers serving on, or who have served on, the
Joint Staff. (T-0)
2.3.9. An officer cannot serve as a member of two successive boards considering officers of
the same competitive category and grade. (T-0) Exception: Board members may serve on
successive boards for SSBs or SSRBs when the second board is not considering the same
officer or officers.
2.3.10. After SecAF approves the board membership, if an approved alternate board member
is required to replace a primary board member, AF/A1 and SF/S1 (through SAF/MR) are
delegated the authority to approve the use of an alternate board member only if within 10 days
of the board convening date and no new alternate board member is required to be added to the
SecAF approved board membership. The authority provided to AF/A1 and SF/S1 will not be
further delegated. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 17
2.4. Organizing Boards. SecAF ensures, through the board recorder, that boards:
2.4.1. Will consist of a president, board or panel chairpersons, board or panel members,
recorders, and administrative support staff. (T-1)
2.4.2. If necessary, be organized into panels to allow the board reasonable time to complete
its work. If panels are formed, they will be subdivisions of the board and have as broad a
representation of MAJCOM/FLDCOMs and competitive categories as possible. (T-1)
Additionally, if panels are formed, records are distributed to panels to ensure as equitable a
distribution of quality as feasible, (see paragraph 2.15 below).
2.5. Board President. Will be a non-voting, non-scoring member of the board. (T-1) The board
president must be at least a major general (or select) for colonel and lieutenant colonel boards, and
at least a brigadier general (or select) for captain and major boards. (T-1) The board president
2.5.1. Perform administrative duties in connection with the board proceedings. (T-0)
2.5.2. Administer the oath in Attachment 3 to board recorders and administrative staff before
the board begins scoring records. (T-0)
2.5.3. Take no action to constrain the board from recommending for promotion those officers
it finds to be fully qualified and best qualified to meet the prescribed needs of the USAF or
USSF established by SecAF. (T-0)
2.5.4. Take no action to direct a particular officer be selected (or not selected) by the board.
2.5.5. Oversee the conduct of the board, including approving "rescores", monitoring
discussions, and resolving the "gray zone" records. (T-1)
2.5.6. Conduct a quality review of the records one score category below the second cut line
on each board’s order of merit (OOM). (T-1)
2.5.7. Ensure the consideration of all eligible officers without prejudice or partiality in a
consistent, fair, and equitable manner. (T-0)
2.6. Board Members.
2.6.1. Will perform their duties based on the best interests of the DAF, ensuring consideration
of every eligible officer without prejudice or partiality in a consistent, fair, and equitable
manner; and will not advocate for any particular career field, command, or any other category
of officers. (T-1)
2.6.2. Will request relief from the Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF) or Under Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD (P&R)) if they cannot, in good conscience,
perform their duties without prejudice or partiality. (T-0)
2.6.3. Will request relief from SecAF or USD (P&R) of their obligation to not disclose board
proceedings if they believe the integrity of the board's proceedings has been affected by
improper influence of senior military or civilian authority, misconduct by the board president
or a member, or any other reason. (T-0) Will report the basis for their belief to SecAF or USD
(P&R) after release from board duties. (T-0)
18 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
2.6.4. Not serve as a board member if they are an officer whose primary responsibilities
involve the career management of the officers eligible for consideration by a promotion
selection board or the career management of those officers once selected for promotion. (T-1)
2.7. Board Recorders. The board recorders will manage the flow of records to the board
members, answer administrative questions, review information for presentation to the board, and
advise the board president (and members) on board processes and other administrative matters.
(T-1) Primarily, they ensure procedures outlined in this instruction and board proceedings meet all
requirements of law and DoDIs. The board recorder will:
2.7.1. Complete a SecAF-approved course of instruction on their duties and responsibilities to
ensure compliance with law and DoD policy. (T-1) Board recorders will recertify annually.
2.7.2. Ensure at least one board recorder is present during all board deliberations. (T-0)
2.7.3. Not serve as a board recorder on boards for which they are being considered. (T-0)
2.7.4. Not serve as a board member and a board recorder for the same board. (T-0)
2.7.5. Not serve as a board recorder if they are an officer or civilian equivalent whose primary
responsibilities involve the career management of the officers eligible for consideration by a
promotion selection board or the career management of those officers once selected for
promotion. (T-0)
2.7.6. Request relief and report, if appropriate, from SecAF or USD (P&R) as outlined in
paragraph 2.6.3, if necessary. (T-0)
2.8. Administrative Support Staff.
2.8.1. Board Secretariat Administrative Support Staff. The administrative support staff will
organize records for presentation to the board, account for records that have been rescored,
answer administrative questions, maintain the order of merit established by the board members'
scores, and follow standard written procedures governing the administrative support for
boards. (T-1)
2.8.2. Will make available appropriate laws, regulations, and directives listed in Attachment
1 for board members to review during the board, as applicable to each board. (T-0)
2.8.3. Temporary Duty Administrative Support Staff. If utilized, these personnel, will assist
the board secretariat staff with administrative tasks. (T-1)
2.9. Rules Governing Communications With Boards.
2.9.1. The board recorder ensures all communications with the board are in writing, to include
guidance from SecAF (for letters from eligible officers, see paragraph 2.10). (T-0) Furnish
all written communications to all board members and record it as part of the board's record.
(T-0) An audio or video recording is an acceptable means for providing guidance to the board,
as long as a written transcript is a part of the board record. (T-0)
2.9.2. Only SecAF may appear in person to address a selection board on any matter. (T-0)
Should the SecAF address a board in person, AFPC/PB will provide a verbatim transcript of
remarks to every board member and include it in the record of the board. (T-0) This does not
restrict the staff from furnishing administrative information to the board. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 19
2.9.3. Board members, board recorders, and administrative staff may orally communicate
routine administrative information to the extent necessary to facilitate the board's work.
2.10. Letters to a Board.
2.10.1. Officers eligible for promotion consideration may send written communication to the
board calling attention to any matter the officer considers important. Specific instructions, as
they apply to each board, will be provided in the board convening notice. (T-0) Letters to the
promotion board will be made available to a selective continuation board (if applicable) unless
the officer indicates they do not want their letter to be seen by the selective continuation board.
(T-1) Eligible officers must: Submit the letter in good faith, ensure it is factual, and it contains accurate
information to the best of the eligible officer’s knowledge. (T-0) Must be able to support any statements made in the letter. (T-1) Only the eligible
officer may address the board, and only the eligible officer may submit the letter to AFPC.
(T-0) No one may write or submit a letter to the selection board on another officer’s behalf.
Officers should provide documents in one consolidated product. Must sign and date their letters to Central Selection Boards. (T-1) Send the letter to AFPC/DPMSPP so it arrives no later than 2359 (Central
Standard Time) 10 calendar days before the date the board convenes as prescribed by 10
USC § 614, Notice of convening of selection boards. (T-0) Eligible officers must review
additional instructions as outlined in the convening notice. (T-0) Letters arriving after the
10-day period prior to the board will not be presented to the board for consideration. (T-0)
2.10.2. Attachments may be included but should provide significant or new information that
cannot be included in the basic letter. The following limitations apply: Attachments addressed directly to a board on behalf of other individuals are not
permitted. (T-1) Attachments containing any of the following are not permitted: Information
SecAF has directed be excluded from the Officer Selection Brief (OSB) and the OSRs,
recommendations for promotion, assignments, specific professional military education
schools, and comments about assignments contingent on being selected for promotion.
(T-1) PRFs considered by previous boards, draft or proposed PRFs, evaluations and
decoration narratives are not permitted as attachments. (T-1) Letters, including attachments, will not exceed 10 pages: 5 two-sided pages or
10 one-sided pages. (T-1) AFPC/DPMSPP advises officers when letters and attachments do not meet the
above requirements and will not be presented to the board. (T-1)
2.10.3. 10 USC § 617, Reports of selection boards, requires the board to include in its report,
the name of any officer the board did not recommend for promotion, who requested not to be
promoted or who otherwise directly caused their nonselection through written communication
to the board. (T-0)
20 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 Letter writer determination. After "gray zone" resolution, the record of each
nonselect containing a letter from the member is returned to the board (or panel). The
board (or panel) is instructed to re-score each record as if the letter did not exist. The
hypothetical score is compared to the board (or panel) order of merit. If the hypothetical score would have made the record a clear select, then
the officer’s record will be identified as having caused the officer’s nonselection in the
board report. (T-1) If the hypothetical score would have placed the record into the "gray area",
the letter is removed and the record competes head to head within the panel against the
I/APZ select record from the lowest select "gray zone" score category. If more than one letter writer is hypothetically placed within the "gray," all
of the nonselect letter writers’ records will be rescored (with letters removed) along
with lowest select using a 6-10 scoring scale. (T-1) Normal rules for split scores will
apply. (T-1) The record of any letter writer that beats the I/APZ select record will be
added to the board report as having caused the member’s nonselection. (T-0) An officer who causes their own nonselection through communication to a
selection board is not entitled to involuntary separation pay. (T-0)
2.11. What Information Meets the Board.
2.11.1. The name and eOSR, outlined in DAFI 36-2608, Military Personnel Records Systems,
of each eligible officer, including the OSB. (T-0)
2.11.2. All adverse information an officer receives, subject to retention rules, will be filed in
the OSR and will be considered by promotion selection, special selection, special selection
review boards, and selective continuation boards to the grade of O-4 and above (to include
processes for O-3 promotions that have "extraordinary adverse information" per DoDI
1320.04). (T-0) Adverse information is any substantiated finding or conclusion from an officially
documented investigation or inquiry or any other credible information of an adverse nature.
To be credible, the information must be resolved and supported by a preponderance of the
evidence. (T-0) To be adverse, the information must be derogatory, unfavorable, or of a
nature that reflects clearly unacceptable conduct, integrity, or judgement on the part of the
individual. (T-0) Adverse information includes, but is not limited to: Any substantiated adverse finding(s) or conclusion(s) from an officially
documented investigation or inquiry, regardless of whether command action was taken
as a result. (Note: While some investigations (e.g., Inspector General, Commander
Directed or Equal Opportunity investigations) will conclude with substantiated/not
substantiated findings, investigations conducted by certain authorities, such as Security
Forces (SF) or the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), neither substantiate nor refute
allegations. Consequently, SF and OSI investigations are not considered adverse
information. However, command action taken as a result of information presented in
an SF or OSI Report of Investigation is considered adverse information and must be
filed in the OSR if a letter of admonishment or higher was issued). (T-0) In the event
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 21
that an investigation or inquiry concludes with a substantiated finding and a
commander (or equivalent) decided not to issue written command action, the findings
and the commander’s decision is documented via a MFR and Adverse Information
Summary (AIS).” Court-martial findings of guilt (Court-Martial Orders and Entry of
Judgement). (T-0) Nonjudicial punishment pursuant to Article 15, Uniform Code of Military
Justice. (T-0) Letter(s) of Reprimand. (T-0) Letter(s) of Admonishment. (T-0) Notice of Relief of Command (for cause). (T-0) Developmental Education Removal (for cause). (T-0) Letter(s) of Counseling (LOC) related to a substantiated finding or
conclusion from an officially documented investigation or inquiry. (T-0) Adverse information that received significant media attention or is of
interest to the Senate Armed Services Committee ("extraordinary adverse"). (T-0)
2.11.3. Letters submitted to selection boards by eligible officers (see paragraph 2.10). (T-0)
2.11.4. Information not part of the official military personnel record of an officer, but which
SecAF (or a civilian official appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, and designated by SecAF), determines as substantiated and which could reasonably
and materially affect board deliberations. SecAF, or designee, must ensure the procedures for
identifying and proposing such information for consideration apply to all eligible officers for
the board concerned. (T-0). In these cases, SecAF ensures the officer: Is notified and provided a copy of the information. (T-0) Is allowed a reasonable opportunity to submit written comments. (T-0) Is provided a factual summary of the information, if it is not totally available for
reasons of national security, or other lawful reasons. (T-0)
2.11.5. Administrative information to amplify or clarify the official military records,
instructions, and information provided to the board (e.g., career development briefs, etc.).
2.11.6. Information described in paragraph 2.11.4 will not meet a subsequent board unless
the information is in the official military personnel record of the officer, or SecAF or designee,
makes a new determination. (T-1) When rendering a new determination, the officer will have
the opportunity to comment upon notification. (T-0)
2.12. InstructingBoards. The board president will read the main portion of the SecAF’s
Memorandum of Instructions (MOI), verbatim. (T-0) The addenda and any attachments will be
read individually by each board member, when applicable. (T-1) These instructions will not
contain information on particular officers. (T-0) Do not modify, withdraw, or supplement the
22 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
instructions after the board submits its report to SecAF. (T-0) The instructions must contain the
following information:
2.12.1. The written instructions to promotion selection boards as outlined in DoDI 1320.14.
2.12.2. Guidelines to ensure the board considers all eligible officers without prejudice or
partiality. (T-0)
2.12.3. Information or guidelines on the needs of the USAF for officers with particular skills
(if necessary), including the need for a minimum or maximum number of officers with
particular skills in a competitive category. (T-0) Information or guidelines on officers with
particular skills must be furnished to the board as part of the written instructions provided to
the board. (T-0)
2.12.4. Guidelines to ensure an officer's marital status, civilian employment, religion, or
volunteer service activities, or any information regarding an officer's spouse will have no effect
on the officer’s promotion opportunity. (T-0)
2.12.5. Directions for boards convened to consider officers for promotion to a grade below
colonel in the Nurse Corps, Biomedical Sciences Corps, Medical Corps, Dental Corps, and
Medical Service Corps competitive categories, to give consideration to an officer's clinical
proficiency and skill as a health professional to at least as great an extent as the board gives to
the officer's administrative and management skills. (T-0)
2.12.6. Guidelines to prohibit board members, board recorders, and administrative staff (or
people acting on their behalf) from receiving, starting, or participating in communications or
discussions involving information that DoDI 1320.14 or this instruction does not allow. (T-0)
2.12.7. Guidelines on actions if a board member or board recorder believes someone is
exerting, or attempting to exert, inappropriate influence over the board or its proceedings.
2.12.8. The maximum number of officers the board can recommend in each promotion zone
and competitive category and determine this number by using the guidelines in DoDI 1320.14.
(T-0) No increase in the number may be made after the selection board convenes without the
written approval of the USD (P&R). (T-0)
2.12.9. Incorporate the exemplary conduct provisions of 10 USC § 9233, Requirement of
exemplary conduct, as applicable. (T-0)
2.12.10. Information or guidelines on merit-based reordering of the promotion list (if
authorized) to include prescribing procedures, percentages, and required board report content.
2.12.11. Guidelines to prohibit board members from considering an officer’s previous
decision to participate in the career intermission program or opt out of a promotion board, if
applicable. (T-0)
2.12.12. Guidelines to ensure the board gives appropriate consideration to officers who are
serving on, or who have served on, the Joint Staff or who are Joint Qualified Officers. (T-0)
The pertinent records of those officers shall be clearly identified to the members of the
selection board. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 23
2.12.13. Guidelines to ensure the board gives appropriate consideration to the performance of
acquisition officers. (T-1) The pertinent record of acquisition officers who should receive
appropriate consideration shall be identified to the members of the selection board. (T-1)
2.13. BoardMember Preparation. The selection board secretariat will pre-brief the board
president on the board agenda, SecAF MOI, board president responsibilities, and the trial run
exercise (practice scoring session). (T-1) Board recorders will conduct the first day administrative
briefing to board members. (T-1) The board president then will read verbatim, the main portion
of the SecAF MOI to the board. (T-0) A copy will be provided to each board member. (T-1) The
addenda and any attachments will be read individually by each board member, when applicable.
(T-1) Oaths are administered to board members, board recorders, and administrative staff. A trial
run exercise will then be conducted to familiarize board members with the selection records and
situations the board may encounter during actual scoring. (T-1)
2.14. ConductingTrial Runs. The board recorder provides board members pre-identified
records to set their scoring standard and to acquaint them with some situations they may encounter
during the actual scoring for the record. The trial run records will not be actual records of officers
being considered by the board. (T-1)
2.14.1. After the trial run, the board discusses scoring and observational differences to ensure
all members have a similar scoring baseline. There is no requirement for absolute uniformity
of scores. The trial run and discussion are valuable tools to help resolve differences and
establish consistency on scoring standards.
2.14.2. The board members make the determination if a subsequent trial run is needed.
2.15. Record Distribution Procedures. Within a competitive category, eligible records will be
grouped by zone (I/APZ together; BPZ separately, when applicable) and core identifier, then sorted
in ascending order by reverse of the officer's social security number, unless otherwise directed.
(T-1) All records will then be numerically sequenced using these numbers. (T-1)
2.16. Scoring Records. Records are scored on a best-qualified basis unless otherwise directed by
SecAF. Board members will ensure officers selected for promotion are fully qualified to assume
the next higher grade. (T-1) I/APZ records will be scored together. (T-1) BPZ records will be
scored separately from I/APZ records, if BPZ is authorized. (T-1) Records will be scored
separately by competitive category; officers within the same competitive category compete only
among themselves for promotion. (T-0)
2.16.1. Scores are based on the following: The material in each officer's OSR. Any information SecAF may provide to the board according to DoDI 1320.14. Any authorized communication by letter from the officer concerning their own
2.16.2. Score records by secret ballot, without discussion, unless a significant disagreement (a
"split") occurs in the scores on a particular record. If a board member identifies a record-based matter that causes concern, the
member will identify the matter to the board recorder who will ensure compliance with
24 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
proper communication rules. (T-1) If necessary, the recorder may take the matter to the
board president for resolution. (T-1) Board members may discuss their own personal knowledge and evaluation of the
professional qualifications of eligible officers as long as they discuss only matters
documented in the OSR or permitted by law, DoDI 1320.14, SecAF guidance, or
instructions. (T-0) Board members may not discuss or disclose the opinion of a person not a member
of the board concerning the officer unless that opinion is in the material presented to the
board under DoDI 1320.14. (T-0)
2.17. ScoringScales.
2.17.1. Boards will use the following scoring scale when the promotion opportunity is less
than 100%: (T-1)
Table 2.1. Scoring Scale.
Absolutely superior
Few could be better
Slightly above average
Slightly below average
Well below average
Lowest in potential
2.17.2. Some situations require a "yes" or "no" scoring system.
2.18. "Splits”. A "split" is a significant disagreement between board members regarding the
score of a record. A "split" is considered a difference in a score of 2 or more points between voting
members (e.g., 6 and 8, or 8 and 10). When using a "yes" or "no" scoring system for promotion
decision, a “split” occurs when the vote is not unanimous.
2.19. Resolving "Splits”. All voting members must be present and may discuss the record
involved in a "split." (T-1) Only members with split scores may change their scores in the process
of resolving a split. When using a "yes" or "no" scoring system and a "split" cannot be resolved,
the majority vote will rule. (T-1)
2.20. New Documents. If new information (e.g., decoration citation, evaluation, updated Officer
Selection Brief) regarding an individual’s record is acquired during initial scoring, the affected
records will be brought back for rescoring. (T-1) Board members may choose to keep their original
score or change it based on the new information. Split resolution may then occur. (T-1)
2.21. Identifying "Show Cause" Records. During the scoring process, in accordance with 10
USC § 617 and SecAF policy, board members are required to identify the records of officers who,
in their opinion, should “show cause” for retention on the ADL. (T-0) They do this by voting
"show cause" on the scoring ballot for each record of this type. Paragraph 2.35 addresses
resolution of “show cause" records.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 25
2.22. PromotionQuota Computation.
2.22.1. Compute the board promotion quota by multiplying SecAF-authorized promotion
opportunity by the number of in the promotion zone (IPZ) officers considered. The number of
officers recommended by a selection board may not exceed the number equal to 95% of the
number of officers IPZ. (T-0) If BPZ is applicable on a given board, the quota is then reduced
by the maximum number of SecAF-authorized BPZ quotas. The board convening package
will provide the BPZ quota. (T-1) The board’s quota is then reduced by an "adjusted board
2.22.2. The adjusted board quota step is done to ensure a proportion of records and associated
quota is available for consideration in the "gray process," discussed in paragraph 2.24. If the
adjusted board quota process is used, the board-convening package will provide specific
details. (T-1)
2.23. Establishing "Cut Lines”.
2.23.1. Establishing the Initial Cut Line. An order of merit is established after scoring is
complete. The initial cut line is then drawn on the order of merit at the bottom of the score
category coming closest to filling the quota (or adjusted quota) without exceeding it. A "score
category" consists of all records having the same aggregate score. The aggregate score is the
total of individual scores determined by voting members for each record. Since all scores are
determined at half-point increments, a "score category" will normally represent a half-point
spread in the order of merit. The records above this initial cut line will be recommended for
promotion unless the Objective Quality Review (see paragraph 2.25) results in placing them
below the cut line. (T-1) If the cut line is at a point where the number of cumulative records
equal the quota (or adjusted quota), this is referred to as a "clean cut."
2.23.2. Establishing the Second Cut Line. For a "clean cut," draw the second cut line at the
bottom of the score category immediately below the initial cut line. If a "clean cut" does not
exist, draw the second cut line at the bottom of the second score category below the initial cut
2.24. Establishing the Initial "Gray" Zone. The "gray" zone initially includes all records
scored below the initial cut line and above the second cut line. If the number of records in the gray
is less than twice the remaining quota, redraw the second cut line at successive score categories
until the number of records in the gray is equal to, or more than, twice the remaining quota. (T-1)
2.25. ObjectiveQuality Review (OQR). The Board Secretariat will complete this process and
provide results to the board president. (T-1) A board recorder will present the reason (see below)
the record is being returned to the board members for rescore and advise there is no intent to drive
any particular result. (T-1) A simple validation of their original score may be an appropriate result.
For all records returned for re-scoring, resolve splits and use only the resulting score. (T-1)
2.25.1. Identify all records above the second cut line and return the records for re-scoring if
they contain any of the following negative objective quality review characteristics: Court-martial findings of guilt (Court-Martial Orders and Entry of Judgement); Nonjudicial punishment(s) under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice; Letter(s) of Reprimand;
26 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 Letters(s) of Admonishment; "Do Not Promote" PRF; Current prisoner or appellate leave; Referral evaluation(s) or Training Report(s) (AF Form 475, Education and
Training Report); "Do not promote me" letter; Letter(s) of Counseling (LOC) related to a substantiated finding or conclusion
from an officially documented investigation or inquiry; Notice of relief of command (for cause). Developmental Education Removal (for cause).
2.25.2. Identify all records below the initial cut line (potential nonselects) and return the
records for rescoring, if they contain any of the following positive and special consideration
Objective Quality Review characteristics: Medal of Honor recipient; Prisoner of War/Former Prisoner of War; Missing in Action/Former Missing in Action; Astronaut; Wounded Warrior (Reporting Identifier 92WX); PhD in a Field of Value to the DAF; Are selected for Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) or Developmental
Education (DE) in-residence or assigned to AFIT or DE anytime from day 150 to the board
convening date (I/APZ only); "Definitely Promote" PRFs (I/APZ only).
2.26. Re-establishing the "Cut Lines”. After completion of objective quality review, the cut
lines will be redrawn. (T-1) Repeat steps in paragraph 2.23.
2.27. Adverse Information Review. 10 USC § 616, Recommendations for promotion by
selection boards, and DoDI 1320.14 require that records of officers recommended for promotion
containing adverse information be considered by all board members. This review is accomplished
by virtue of the OQR process described in paragraph 2.25 (Exception: For multi-panel boards,
if after OQR an officer above the panel’s initial cutline has adverse information contained in his
or her record, that record will be added to the "gray" for all board members to score.) Additionally,
the board must certify that all officers whose records contain adverse information and who are
recommended for promotion meet the requirement of exemplary conduct articulated in 10 USC §
9233. (T-0)
2.28. Board President Quality Review. The board president will conduct a quality review of all
records one score category below the second cut line. (T-1) This allows the board president to
review records about to be removed from further consideration by the board, but which are
generally competitive. The purpose of this review is to determine whether the record of every
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 27
officer in this range, as well as officers in special skills or career groups, have been scored in a
manner consistent with SecAF’s MOI and have been afforded fair and equitable consideration in
the initial scoring. If the board president determines there is a rational basis to conclude, from any
such record together with its aggregate score, the record may not have been scored in a manner
consistent with the MOI, the board president may direct such record be added to the "gray zone"
for re-scoring along with all other records in the "gray zone. “
2.28.1. The board president may add any acquisition corps/workforce officers (for competitive
categories where the majority of officers are not acquisition corps/workforce officers) and any
officers in reportable joint categories within 2 points of the second cut line. The purpose of
this quality review is to determine whether the records of individuals from special skill or
career groups identified in the MOI, such as joint duty officers, acquisition corps/workforce
officers and highly specialized officers who have had a comparatively narrow range of duties,
have been scored in a manner consistent with the MOI.
2.28.2. The board president may also add to the gray zone, any I/APZ record with a Definitely
Promote PRF, regardless of where it falls in the order of merit below the second cut line.
2.29. Gray Resolution. After the board president has conducted quality review, any records they
identify will be added to the "gray." (T-1)
2.29.1. After scoring, an order of merit will be established and the remaining quotas will be
applied to it. (T-1) If records are tied at the score that would result in promotion, this
establishes a new "gray" zone. Continue to resolve any "gray," without further board president
quality review, until all available promotion opportunities are filled. (T-1)
2.29.2. Prior to scoring any records in the "gray," the board president will instruct all members
to re-read SecAF’s MOI. (T-1) The board president will only be required to instruct the panel
to re-read the MOI during the first gray resolution. (T-1) For subsequent gray resolutions, the
board recorder will instruct the panel to re-read the MOI. (T-1)
2.29.3. After resolving the "gray area," if necessary, break any ties immediately above and
below the final cut line to determine the lowest select and #1 I/APZ nonselect.
2.29.4. Tentative I/APZ order of merit is now finalized pending BPZ scoring and BPZ
displacement (if applicable).
2.30. Scoring BPZ Records (if applicable). Determine which of the BPZ records are
Exceptionally Well-Qualified (EWQ) by voting "yes" or "no." After completion of EWQ process,
score BPZ records receiving a majority "yes" vote using the 6 to 10 scoring scale in accordance
with Table 2.1. Upon completion of BPZ 6 to 10 scoring, establish cut lines, complete an objective
quality review, complete a board president quality review, establish the "gray zone" and resolve
the "gray zone" using the same procedures outlined in paragraph 2.29 above for the I/APZ
2.31. BPZ Displacement (if applicable). The board will determine whether the full BPZ quota
will be used. (T-1) The board will be provided two records: the #1 I/APZ nonselect and the
bottom BPZ select (to include if either of these records was a skillset selection). (T-1) If necessary,
break ties at the bottom of the BPZ select list to determine the record to compare to the #1 I/APZ
nonselect. Each board member identifies the name of the officer they determine to be best
28 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
qualified for promotion. The process is by secret ballot, without discussion, and the majority vote
decides the issue.
2.31.1. If the BPZ record is determined to be best qualified, the process ends, and the full BPZ
quota will be used. (T-1) This is because the board determined the least meritorious BPZ
selected record is better than the best nonselect I/APZ record, and therefore all BPZ selected
records are better than all I/APZ nonselects. If the #1 I/APZ nonselect record is determined to
be best qualified, this record becomes a select and the BPZ record is a nonselect. Then go to
the new #1 nonselect I/APZ record and the new bottom BPZ select and repeat the process;
continue as necessary. (T-1)
2.31.2. The displacement process ends when a BPZ record is determined to be best qualified
or the board runs out of BPZ quotas, whichever occurs first.
2.32. Fully Qualified Select List. The board must confirm that all records selected for promotion
are fully qualified for promotion. (T-0) To do this, have the board vote on whether the #1 I/APZ
nonselect record is fully qualified for promotion. If a majority of the board votes "yes", the officers
above the #1 I/APZ nonselect and any BPZ selects are now considered "fully qualified" for
promotion. If a majority of the board vote “no,” conduct a fully qualified determination on both
the bottom I/APZ select and bottom BPZ select records (when BPZ applies). Continue voting on
the lowest remaining selects until the record receives a majority "yes" vote. The I/APZ and BPZ
records that received a majority "no" vote will not be recommended for promotion. (T-1)
2.33. Skillset Requirements Procedures. Requirements Displacement. Skillset selection
requirements, commonly referred to as “floors,” directed in the SecAF’s MOI will be satisfied
after resolving all gray scoring using the following procedures:
2.33.1. Identify, in order of merit standing, records in, and above the zone which hold the
skillset specified for a selection requirement and are above the cut line. If the number of
records meets or exceeds a skillset’s selection requirement, the selection requirement is
satisfied. If the selection requirement is not satisfied, proceed to paragraph 2.33.2.
2.33.2. Displace records on the tentative selection list which do not satisfy a skillset selection
requirement on a one-for-one basis in reverse standing order until requirements are satisfied,
or no records remain in that skillset. Records meeting the requirements on the tentative non-
selection list would be selected and displace the other records. As necessary, break ties to
achieve the skillset selection requirement. Notwithstanding the rule in paragraph 2.32,
records meeting the requirements on the tentative selection list must be individually confirmed
as fully qualified by majority vote.
2.34. Merit-Based Reordering. If SecAF authorizes use of merit-based reordering, board
members will recommend officers of particular merit, from those officers recommended for
promotion in each competitive category, to be placed higher on the promotion list than seniority
alone dictates. (T-1) "Officers of particular merit" are those whose records contain documented
performance consistently superior to the performance of others. Board members shall consider
the recommended order to be the relative standing of each officer selected for promotion, as
determined by record scoring. (T-1) The board report will include a separate roster, in
recommended order, of all those officers determined per SecAF guidance to merit higher
placement on the promotion list. (T-1) In the event of ties within the score category, the records
will be ranked within that score by seniority precedence as defined in paragraph 3.5. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 29
2.35. Resolution of "Show Cause”. After scoring is complete and a select/nonselect list is
established, return to the board all records previously identified for "show cause" determination.
If a record is nominated for "show cause" during “gray resolution,” the record will be returned to
the board for majority rule vote. (T-1) Board members will discuss all "show cause" nominations
and a majority rule vote will determine whether the officer’s name will be included in the board
report to SecAF recommending the member be required to "show cause" for retention. (T-1) If
the board makes a "show cause" recommendation, the chairperson completes a "show cause"
worksheet outlining the factors for the recommendation. The board president reviews the results.
If the board president determines there is a rational basis to conclude any of these records may not
have been voted upon in a manner consistent with SecAF MOI, the board president may direct
these records be returned to the board for re-vote. The second vote will be used. (T-1) If a record
is recommended for promotion, this recommendation overrides any pending "show cause" action
previously initiated and the record will not be returned to the board. (T-1)
2.36. Selective Continuation. Selective continuation ballots are generated for records meeting
SecAF eligibility criteria.
2.36.1. Ensure PRFs are removed from the records for the selective continuation board.
Letters to the promotion board will be provided to the selective continuation board unless
otherwise directed by the officer.
2.36.2. Brief the selective continuation board on the continuation eligibility criteria, SecAF
policy, the relevant portions of SecAF MOI, and applicable paragraphs in DoDI 1320.08,
Continuation of Commissioned Officers on Active Duty and on the Reserve Active-Status List.
2.36.3. When continuation opportunity is 100%, score records using "yes/no" votes. If voting
is not unanimous on a record and a split cannot be resolved, the majority vote rules. If the
continuation opportunity is less than 100%, use the 6-to-10-point scoring scale in accordance
with Table 2.1, resolving any splits or "gray zone" as described above.
2.36.4. The board president reviews results. If the board president determines there is a
rational basis to conclude any of these records may not have been voted in a manner consistent
with the applicable guidance, the board president may direct these records be returned to the
board for re-scoring. The second score will be used. (T-1)
2.37. Board Report. Board members, board recorders, and administrative support staff will sign
a board report conforming to the law and DoDI 1320.14. (T-0) This report will include lists of
those selected and nonselected, those identified as causing their own nonselection by
communication to the board, and those selected to "show cause" for retention. (T-0) If authorized
to recommend a merit-based reordering of the promotion list, the board report will include the
recommended order in which those officers should be placed on the promotion list. (T-1)
2.38. Additional Reports. After the board has completed and signed the reports, the selection
board secretariat will prepare, for review by SecAF, a report of selection rates for the following
segments of the eligible population of officers (when applicable): joint duty officers, acquisition
corps/workforce officers, race, ethnicity, gender, and other criteria as directed. (T-1)
2.39. Outbriefing Board Members. Recorders out brief the board members, clarifying
communication rules, discussing cautions and collecting all notes. It is important that personal
30 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
observations not jeopardize the credibility of the board process and that officers receive a
consistent USAF/USSF message.
2.39.1. The selection board secretariat staff will inform board members they are prohibited
from disclosing board proceedings (e.g., how a record scored, or comments made during split
resolution). (T-1)
2.39.2. Board members are encouraged to use the briefing slides provided by the selection
board secretariat staff to brief the board process and structure (e.g., numbers considered, board
organization, and process followed).
2.40. Board Anomalies. Certain procedural anomalies occurring during a board may require
variation from established procedures requiring board president resolution. During the board, the
board president may bring any matter to the attention of SecAF, or designated representative, if
they determine SecAF-level decision is required. The board president will advise SecAF of any
significant procedural anomalies during the board president’s outbrief of the board. (T-1) These
responsibilities of the board president do not limit in any way, the right of a board member or
board secretariat member to communicate with SecAF. After the board convenes, the board
president will make the determination to excuse a primary board member and if an alternate board
member is required. (T-1) The board president is the authorizing official for directing a SecAF-
approved alternate to replace the primary board member. (T-1) The need for an alternate board
member being called to replace a primary board member will be treated as an anomaly and will
follow guidelines specified in this paragraph. (T-1)
2.41. Lists. The selection board secretariat staff will maintain the capability to produce lists of
all individuals whose records are within the initial "gray" established statistically, all individuals
who were considered by the board president during the board president’s Quality Review, and all
individuals who were added to the gray as a result of the board president’s Quality Review. These
lists will not reflect specific scores or ranking within each category. (T-1) These lists will be filed
with the formal record of the Board, but not made part of that record. (T-1) They will be marked
"Controlled Unclassified Information." (T-1) These records will not be released under Freedom
of Information Act or the Privacy Act but could become subject to discovery in litigation. (T-1)
2.42. Removing an Officer From a Board Report. If the SecAF intends to recommend
removing an officer from a board report under 10 USC § 618, Action on reports of selection
boards, and the recommendation would include information not presented to the board, make the
information available to the officer. The authority to remove an officer below the grade of O-7
from a board report rests with the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) or Deputy Secretary of Defense
(DepSecDef). The officer will have a reasonable opportunity to submit comments on that
information to the officials making and reviewing the recommendation. (T-0) If the officer cannot
have access to the information for reasons of national security, or other lawful reason, the officer
will, to the maximum extent practical, be provided with an appropriate summary of the
information. (T-0) Specific procedures for commander-initiated actions are outlined in
paragraph 5.9.
2.43. Releasing Board Information. AFPC/DPMSPP and AFPC/PB release only the
recommendations of the board. They release information on the number of officers considered
and selected, board demographics, board organization, the general procedures followed by the
board, the number of board members and their names, grades, and service components. (T-0)
Board proceedings will not be released, including specific information on how the board scored
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 31
each record, to any individual not a member of the board. (T-0) The order of merit number
(commonly referred to as "line number") will only be used to notify the senior rater and officer of
the officer's promotion selection; further distribution and use are prohibited. (T-1) The use of
order of merit number for any other purpose is prohibited (e.g., stratifications, developmental
education selection, career field developmental team processes, and any other talent management
process). (T-1)
32 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 3
3.1. Board Recorders.
3.1.1. Collect all score rosters, internal working papers, etc., and ensure board members do
not retain copies of any such documents.
3.1.2. Except as provided in paragraphs 2.41, and, destroy all score rosters and
internal working papers associated with the board not part of the board report itself. Do not
do this until approval of the board results by USD (P&R) and the requirements contained in
paragraphs 2.41, and are met.
3.2. Board President. Provides feedback to the SecAF on how the board complied with the
SecAF instructions (e.g., joint experience, acquisition experience, etc.), and policy related
recommendations, as necessary.
3.3. AFPC.
3.3.1. AFPC/PB: Prepare board reports as specified in DoDI 1320.14, and 10 USC § 617. (T-0) Prepare race, ethnicity, and gender data of the population considered by selection
boards for promotion to major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel for all competitive
categories. (T-1) Ensure all letters to the board are included in the Master Personnel Record Group.
Access will be confined to those with a need to know and will be used for historical, legal,
and appeal purposes only. (T-0) Prepare reports showing promotion comparisons as a measure of the quality of
officers assigned to joint duty, as required by 10 USC § 662, Promotion policy objectives
for joint officers. (T-0) Promotion Benchmark Records. After adjournment of selection boards, the
selection board secretariat will identify a sampling of benchmark records near the
select/nonselect cutline for future SSBs, SSRBs, and special boards. (T-1) Provided
enough records in each category exist on the selection boards, five records from among the
lowest scored selects and eight records (5 + 3 spares) from among the highest scored
nonselects are identified. When less than five (or eight, respectively) records are available,
use the number available. If none of these benchmarks contain adverse information, the
selection board secretariat will also identify a benchmark record from the next lowest
scored select and the next highest scored nonselect, if any, with adverse information. For
boards with skillset requirements, the selection board secretariat will also benchmark the
bottom select from each semi-specialty (below the cutline); and five records plus three
alternate records form the score category immediately below the lowest semi-specialty
select. These records are archived for future use. (T-1) Merit-based Reorder Benchmark Records. If SecAF authorized use of merit-
based reordering, after adjournment, the selection board secretariat will identify a sampling
of benchmark records from among those selected for order of merit changes for any future
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 33
SSBs and special boards. (T-1) Identify a sufficient number of records across the relative
standing of selects to identify each consideree’s placement within the order of merit. These
records are archived for future use.
3.3.2. AFPC/DPMSPP: Establishes the public release date for promotions to captain upon SecDef
approval. (T-0) Establishes the public release date for promotions to major through colonel after
Deputy SecDef signs the memorandum forwarding the nomination scroll to the President.
(T-0) Provides instructions to MPFs for processing promotion releases. (T-2) Publishes promotion orders. (T-2) Publishes promotion increments (as appropriate), by competitive category, for
monthly projected promotions to grades of major through colonel. (T-1) A consolidated
list of sequence numbers with names must not be publicly disseminated. (T-1)
3.4. MPF.
3.4.1. Carries out promotion releases in accordance with this instruction and as instructed by
3.4.2. Servicing MPFs are responsible for notifying commanders or equivalent of promotion
notification (selection and nonselection) and must coordinate with gaining MPF and temporary
duty locations when necessary to ensure 100% notification. (T-1)
3.4.3. Prepares the required nonselection letters and sends signed letters of acknowledgment
on first and second time nonselectees to AFPC, Military Records Section (AFPC/DP1ORM)
for upload into the Personnel Records Display Application. On second-time nonselectees, also
send a copy to AFPC, Military Retirements and Separations Section (AFPC/DPMSSR). (T-1)
3.4.4. Retains a copy of the notification letter acknowledged by the officer. (T-1)
3.5. Determining Promotion Sequence.
3.5.1. When merit-based reordering is authorized, sequence numbers will be determined
according to the order of merit as determined by the board. (T-1)
3.5.2. When merit-based reordering is not authorized, officers recommended for promotion
will be sequenced by seniority precedence, which is determined via the following criteria (in
order listed): Current DOR. (T-1) Previous grade DOR (if applicable). (T-1) Total active federal commissioned service. (T-1) Total federal commissioned service. (T-1) Regular officers before Reserve officers (those with Regular commissions prior
to 2005). (T-1)
34 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 Regular officers rank among themselves based on date of Presidential nomination
for appointment as a Regular officer. (T-1). RegAF acceptance date (AF Form 133, Oath of Office (Military Personnel)).
(T-1) Academy Class Standing, if applicable. (T-1) Date of birth, with the earliest date taking precedence. (T-1) Reverse social security number, with the lowest number taking precedence.
3.6. Post Board Screening.
3.6.1. Post-board screening for adverse and reportable information is completed in accordance
with DoDI 1320.14 and DoDI 1320.04. (T-0)
3.6.2. Inspector General Complaints Resolution Directorate (SAF/IGQ) will conduct a post-
board screening of adverse and reportable information and open investigations for officers
selected for promotion. (T-1)
3.7. SecAF Promotion Withholds. Following the post-board screen, SecAF will withhold the
names of officers pending investigation into alleged adverse information or pending adjudication
of substantiated adverse information from nomination and appointment scrolls, unless otherwise
provided for in DoDI 1320.04. (T-0) When directed by the SecAF, an officer’s nomination may
be withheld, placed on hold, or split from an appointment or nomination scroll when there is cause
to believe the officer is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified to perform
the duties of the higher grade or there is cause to believe the officer has not met the requirements
for exemplary conduct set forth in 10 USC § 9233.
3.7.1. Nominations can also be withheld if: (1) sworn charges against an officer have been
received by an officer exercising General Courts-Martial jurisdiction over the officer and such
charges have not been disposed of; (2) a board of officers has been convened under title 10,
USC, Chapter 60; (3) a criminal proceeding in a Federal or State court is pending against an
officer; (4) substantiated adverse information about the officer material to the decision to
appoint the officer is under review by the SecDef or SecAF; or (5) SecAF determines that the
convening of a SSRB is required.
3.7.2. Officers will be notified in writing of their withhold status and the reasons why SecAF
withheld the officer from the appointment scroll. (T-0) The officer will acknowledge the
notification in writing.
3.7.3. Resolving Promotion Withholds. When an investigation, inquiry, or action is
completed on an officer whose nomination is on hold, or SecAF otherwise has sufficient
information to resolve the matter, SecAF will decide whether to support the officer’s
promotion or take other action. If required, AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P will collect detailed information (e.g., primary
source material to include, reports of investigation, statements, memorandums for record,
and command action (to include an officer’s response, if any)) to provide to SecAF to make
a determination whether to support the officer’s promotion. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 35 If SecAF supports promotion, upon promotion to the next higher grade, the officer
shall have the same DOR and the same effective date for the pay and allowances of the
grade to which promoted as the officer would have had if no delay had intervened, unless
the SecAF determines the officer was unqualified for promotion for any part of the delay.
(T-0) If the SecAF makes such a determination, the SecAF may adjust such DOR and
effective date of pay and allowances as the SecAF considers appropriate under the
circumstances. (T-0)
3.7.4. When an allegation is ongoing (e.g., Equal Employment Opportunity complaint or
potential Anti-Deficiency Act violation), and it is likely to take months or years to resolve, the
SecAF may review the allegations pertaining to the case and if that review indicates the
allegation will likely not be substantiated, forward the nomination. If SecAF forwards the
nomination, the submission will include the particulars of the complaint, the results of any
completed reviews and final decisions, the status of the pending actions and the expected length
of time to resolve, and the impact if the nomination is not forwarded. (T-0)
3.7.5. If adverse information was not available for review by the promotion board but should
have been (based on the board convening date), a SSRB must review the adverse information
and make a recommendation to SecAF whether the original recommendation should be
sustained in accordance with 10 USC § 628a, Special selection review boards. (T-0)
3.7.6. An officer’s name may not be removed from the promotion list, nor an officer’s date of
rank adjusted, unless a promotion propriety action is initiated. If SecAF determines additional
information is required for resolution of a promotion withhold or is considering removing and
officer’s name from the promotion list or adjusting the officer’s date of rank, SecAF will direct
the command to initiate a promotion propriety action. If directed to initiate a promotion
propriety action, the officer’s command must include the following information recorded on
an official memorandum, not a DAF Form 4363, Record of Promotion Propriety Action: The adverse information itself (e.g., referral performance report, letter of
reprimand, nonjudicial punishment, etc.) and detailed information (e.g., relevant source
material to include, reports of investigation, statements, and memorandums for record)
concerning the adverse or reportable information forwarded with the personnel action
(include the officer’s response, if any). (T-1) Recommendation as to whether each officer for which adverse information has
been forwarded merits promotion or appointment, and justification for why or why not.
(T-1) A statement evaluating the officer’s judgement as it relates to the adverse
information and the officer’s potential for future service. (T-1) A statement providing the officer an opportunity to review the information and
comment as appropriate. (T-0) An indorsement from the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander or designee
indicating whether or not they support the promotion. (T-1) Include as an attachment, the officer’s response to the promotion propriety action
(if any). (T-0)
36 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
3.7.7. An officer’s promotion eligibility period begins on the date the board report is approved
and becomes a promotion list and terminates at the end of the 1st day of the 18th month
following the month during which the board report is approved and becomes a promotion list.
(T-0) The SecAF may request the SecDef or designee extend the promotion eligibility
period for an additional 12 months (for a total of 30 months) in accordance with 10 USC §
629, Removal from a list of officers recommended for promotion. (T-0) The request must
be approved prior to the expiration of the promotion eligibility period. (T-0) At the end of an officer’s promotion eligibility period, an officer whose
appointment requires the advice and consent of the Senate will be administratively
removed from a promotion list by the office with primary responsibility for maintaining
the applicable promotion list pursuant to 10 USC § 629(c) if the Senate has not given its
advice and consent. (T-0) This provision is in effect for board reports approved after
January 1, 2007. (T-0)
3.8. Notifying Officers Selected for Promotion.
3.8.1. First Lieutenant. The commander notifies officers of the projected promotion effective
date at least 30 days in advance and advises them to assume the grade on the effective date,
unless otherwise directed. (T-1)
3.8.2. Captain through Colonel. When instructed by AFPC/DPMSPP, commanders notify
officers either verbally or in writing (optional) of their selection status. (T-1)
3.8.3. Commander responsibilities after selection announcement: Captain. The commander will advise the officer at least 30 days in advance of the
date the officer can assume the higher grade. (T-1) Major and above. The commander will advise the officer of the promotion after
announcement of the monthly promotion increments. (T-1)
3.9. NotifyingOfficers Not Selected for Promotion. Commanders will accomplish the
following actions:
3.9.1. Notify officers of promotion nonselection on the public release date, or as soon
afterward as possible. (T-1) Notify first and second time nonselected officers to captain, major,
or lieutenant colonel in writing and have them acknowledge receipt within 5 duty days. (T-1)
3.9.2. Verbally notify officers not selected three or more times for promotion to major or
lieutenant colonel, unless AFPC/DPMSPP provides other instructions. (T-1)
3.9.3. Verbally or in writing (optional) notify officers not selected for promotion to colonel.
3.9.4. Ensure the notification memorandum for officers not selected IPZ and those not selected
their first time APZ are informed of their option to receive nonselect counseling from AFPC.
(T-1) AFPC/DPMSPP provides sample notification letters prior to each promotion release.
3.9.5. Does not notify officers nonselected for promotion BPZ, if applicable. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 37
3.10. Effects of Nonselection for Promotion. Officers not selected for promotion to captain
through lieutenant colonel for the second time are separated in accordance with DAFI 36-3211,
Military Separations, unless they:
3.10.1. Are retirement eligible or within two years of qualifying for retirement eligibility (i.e.,
in sanctuary) as of the mandatory date of separation (DOS) established for twice nonselected
for promotion by that board. (T-0)
3.10.2. Are selected for selective continuation.
3.10.3. Have an earlier established DOS, mandatory separation date.
3.11. Publishing Promotion Orders. AFPC/DPMSPP publishes orders to announce the
effective date of promotions (as appropriate).
3.12. When to Promote the Officer. Promote first lieutenant through colonel on the effective
date of the order announcing the promotion unless the officer declines the promotion.
3.13. Promotion to Field Grade Officer. Senate confirmation is required for promotion to field
grade officer. Officers are not authorized to assume the higher grade until the effective date of
promotion or Senate confirmation, whichever is later.
3.14. Conducting Promotion Ceremonies.
3.14.1. Appropriate ceremonies to publicly recognize the importance of promotions are highly
encouraged. Commanders may use Attachments 4 and 5 for planning the ceremony.
3.14.2. Promotion ceremonies are generally conducted on the last duty day before the effective
date of promotion, as close to the end of the duty day as possible. Early ceremonies will not
affect the officer's pay, seniority, or entitlements. (T-1)
3.15. Retirement Restrictions for Promotion. Officers promoted to the grade of major,
lieutenant colonel, or colonel must serve satisfactorily in that grade for at least three years to retire
in the higher grade. (T-0). For criteria on how an officer is deemed to have served satisfactorily,
see 10 USC § 1370, Regular commissioned officers, and AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements. (T-1)
3.16. Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) for Promotions. No ADSC will be incurred
for officer promotions to the next higher grade. (T-1)
38 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 4
4.1. Exclusion from Promotion Consideration. When authorized by the SecAF in accordance
with the provisions of 10 USC § 619(e), Authority to allow officers to opt out of selection board
consideration, eligible officers who meet certain conditions may request exclusion ("opt-out")
from consideration by a selection board for promotion to the next higher grade. Officers approved
for exclusion from promotion consideration will meet the next promotion board for the same grade
and same zone, unless approved for further exclusions or deemed ineligible based on law or policy.
(T-0) Officers may request to opt out of promotion consideration no more than three times to the
same grade.
4.1.1. Eligibility. The request for exclusion from consideration is limited to promotions to the grade
of major, lieutenant colonel, or colonel. SecAF determines the exclusion from consideration is in the best interest of the
Air Force. (T-0) Requests for exclusion must be based on one or more of the following conditions: To allow an officer to complete a broadening assignment (i.e., an assignment
outside of the officer’s core AFSC, such as formal instructor duty, recruiting duty,
exchange assignments, etc.). (T-1) An officer is also eligible if selected for one of
these assignments and the officer begins the assignment before the promotion board
convenes; or (T-1) To allow an officer to complete a Department of the Air Force-funded
resident graduate-level education program (e.g., Masters, PhD). (T-1) An officer is
also eligible if selected for one of these programs and the officer begins the program
before the promotion board convenes; or (T-1) To allow an officer to complete a career progression requirement, the
accomplishment of which has been delayed by either a broadening assignment, a
Department of the Air Force-funded resident graduate-level education program, or
crossflow to a new career field; or (T-1) To allow an officer to complete another assignment of significant value to
the Air Force. (T-1)
4.1.2. Ineligibility. Officers who meet any of the following conditions are ineligible to request
to opt out of consideration for promotion: The officer was considered IPZ to the grade for which the officer requests the
exclusion from consideration and was not recommended for promotion. (T-0) The officer has received adverse information in the current grade. (T-1) See
paragraph 2.11 regarding adverse information.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 39
4.1.3. Authority. The authority to approve or disapprove such requests is delegated to
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR) and will
not be further delegated. (T-1)
4.1.4. Process. Members requesting exclusion from promotion consideration will comply
with all routing instructions and timelines detailed in the corresponding promotion board
convening notice and myPers officer promotions website. (T-1) Members’ requests will utilize
the template provided and will route, at a minimum, through the member’s senior rater,
MAJCOM A1/FLDCOM/S1, and Headquarters Air Force/Headquarters Space Force prior to
SAF/MR adjudication. (T-1)
4.2. Declining a Promotion. An officer may decline a promotion, in writing, no later than the
day prior to the promotion effective date. MPF notifies AFPC/DPMSPP, with an information copy
to the USAF Colonel Management Office (AF/A1LO) or HQ Space Force, Senior Leader
Management (SF/S1L) (colonel-selects only) and MAJCOM/A1 or FLDCOM/S1, when an officer
initiates a declination. AFPC/DPMSPP will not honor declinations signed on or after the
promotion effective date. (T-1). Exception: An officer selected for retroactive promotion by an
SSB, USAF Board for Correction of Military Records, or because of an administrative error, may
decline the promotion no later than the day following notification of selection. (T-1)
4.2.1. Officers must sign two copies of a Declination of Promotion Statement (Attachment
6). (T-1)
4.2.2. Officers who submit a declination statement and later decide to accept the promotion
may request withdrawal of the declination statement if they have remained continuously on the
ADL. Prior to the promotion effective date, an officer selected for promotion to
lieutenant colonel and below may submit a letter through the unit commander to the MPF
requesting withdrawal of the declination statement. An officer who has declined promotion
to the grade of colonel must submit a request to withdraw their declination through the
wing/delta commander or equivalent and AF/A1LO or SF/S1L, prior to gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM approval. (T-1) If the unit commander or Management Level
(Colonel or Colonel(s) only) approves, the MPF Career Development Element notifies
AFPC/DPMSPP to promote the officer. If the unit commander or MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander does not want to promote the officer, they disapprove the officer’s request and
initiates a promotion propriety action (PPA) in accordance with Chapter 5. (T-1) After the promotion effective date, an officer may submit a letter through the unit
commander and MPF Career Development Element to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander requesting withdrawal of the promotion declination (AF/A1LO or SF/S1L
must coordinate on colonel-selects). (T-1) If the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander
approves the request, AFPC/DPMSPP will promote officers with an effective date and
DOR effective of the approval date. (T-1) If disapproved by the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander, return the case file to the unit commander for PPA.
4.2.3. Officers who decline a promotion remain on the promotion list for which they were
selected. Colonel(s) who decline promotion will continue to be managed by AF/A1LO or
SF/S1L. (T-1)
40 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
4.3. Frocking (Early Pin-On).
4.3.1. When to frock. Under normal circumstances, early pinning (commonly referred to as frocking) is
not authorized. However, when it is essential to effectively perform duties in the higher
grade exceptions may be approved. Send requests for exception to AFPC/DPMSPP for frocking to major and
lieutenant colonel, or to AF/A1LO or SF/S1L for frocking to colonel. See paragraph 13.1
for general officer frocking. Requests must start with the first general officer (or
equivalent) at the gaining location. (T-1) Fully justify requests not meeting the criteria
4.3.2. Who approves frocking. AF/A1 or SF/S1 approves or disapproves requests for frocking of colonels. AFPC Commander (AFPC/CC) approves or disapproves requests for frocking to
major and lieutenant colonel.
4.3.3. Restrictions for frocking. Officers cannot pin on the higher grade before the Senate confirms the list
containing the officer’s name. An assignment to a billet with a higher grade does not automatically entitle an
officer to wear the higher grade. However, under 10 USC § 777, Wearing of insignia of
higher grade before promotion (frocking): authority; restrictions, in order to be considered
for frocking, officers must be selected to fill a position in the higher grade. (T-0) Limitation on number of officers frocked. In accordance with 10 USC § 777(d)(2), the number of frocked colonels may
not exceed two percent of the authorized end strength for colonels at any one time.
(T-0) In accordance with 10 USC § 777(d)(2), the number of officers frocked to
the grades of major and lieutenant colonel may not exceed one percent of the total
number provided for the officers in those grades for that fiscal year. (T-0) Prior to consideration for frocking, it must be determined if the officer was the
"best qualified" or sole volunteer for the higher graded position. (T-1) In most instances,
frocking requests will only be considered when an officer is being assigned to one of the
following assignments: Positions with significant international involvement. (T-1) Joint-duty positions where the officer is required to supervise more senior
sister Service officers. (T-1) Group commander or above when the officer supervises higher grade
officers. (See AFI 51-509, Appointment to and Assumption of Command, for
limitations on frocked officers to command). (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 41 Do not submit frocking requests for the following circumstances: Frocking for
temporary duty assignment or deployment, except in those cases where, in accordance with
AFI 10-403, Deployment Planning and Execution, the Air Component through line
remarks prohibits the officer grade requirements from being filled by a person having a
grade lower than the required grade. Approval of early pin on: Allows the officer to wear the higher grade and benefit from the protocol of
the higher grade. Does not authorize the officer to receive higher pay or entitlements. Does not authorize the officer to gain seniority on the ADL. Frocked officers (except for general officers) will not receive performance
reports or sign performance reports, recommendations, or similar administrative
actions in the higher grade until actually promoted by sequence number. (T-1) When referring to frocked officers, use phrase "is authorized to assume the
grade of" in place of "is promoted to the grade of." Frocked officers are authorized to be issued an identification card in the
higher grade upon the effective date of early pinning approval. If applicable, family
member identification cards may only be updated to reflect the same grade as the
member’s card when reissued upon expiration or loss. (T-0) Frocked officers and commanders should consult local staff judge advocate
to resolve questions concerning other documents.
4.4. Posthumous Promotions. 10 USC § 1521(a), Posthumous commissions, authorizes the
posthumous promotion of officers who were officially recommended for promotion, but the
member was unable to accept because of death. No person is entitled to any bonus, gratuity, pay,
or allowance because of a posthumous promotion.
4.4.1. Basic Criteria and Restrictions: The request must include the date of death and the circumstances of death. (T-1) The effective date for the posthumous promotion is the date of the appointment,
recommendation, or official recommendation. For a promotion board, it is normally the
day the promotion board selecting the officer adjourned. For promotion processes, it is
normally the day the senior rater signs the MEL. The officer must be approved for promotion by SecAF exercising delegated
Presidential authority. (T-0) A PPA must not be in effect against the officer. (T-1)
4.4.2. Commanders email posthumous promotion requests to the MPF. The MPF forwards
their recommendation to AFPC/DPMSPP for processing through AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P to
SecAF for approval or disapproval. The recommendation must state the criteria in paragraph
4.4.1 has been met and verify family members have been advised that no financial entitlements
accumulate as a result of a posthumous promotion. (T-1) Upon approval, AFPC/DPMSPP
will process the promotion order and send the published promotion order to the servicing MPF.
42 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
(T-1) The MPF will forward the promotion order to the immediate commander to present to
the next of kin. (T-1)
4.5. Honorary Promotions. 10 USC § 1563, Consideration of proposals from Members of
Congress for honorary promotions: procedures for review and promotion, authorizes the
Secretary of Defense to authorize an honorary promotion (whether or not posthumous) of a former
member or retired member of the armed forces that is not otherwise authorized by law. No person
is entitled to any bonus, gratuity, pay, retired pay, or other benefits from the United States to which
the former member or retired member concerned is or would have been entitled based upon
military service. (T-0) Further, an honorary promotion will not affect any benefits to which any
other person may become entitled based on the military service of such former member or retired
member. (T-0) On 11 June 2021, the Secretary of Defense, delegated the authority to the
Secretaries of the Military Departments to make honorary promotions under sections 1563 and
1563a, Honorary promotions on the initiative of the Department of Defense, to the grades of O-1
through O-6, W-1 through W-5, and E-1 through E-9. Basic Criteria and Restrictions:
4.5.1. The proposal must be made by a Member of Congress to the Secretary of the Air Force
with detailed reasoning for requesting an honorary promotion. (T-0) The Secretary of the Air
Force is the final approval authority for honorary promotion. (T-0)
4.5.2. The effective date for the honorary promotion is no earlier than 60 days after the date
of which the promotion notice of determination is sent to the Committees on Armed Services
of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and the Member of Congress who submitted
the proposal. (T-0)
4.5.3. The officer’s records must be in good standing and not bring discredit to the Department
of the Air Force. (T-1) A promotion propriety action must not be in effect against the officer.
(T-1) A review of the member’s record will be conducted to ensure they are eligible for an
honorary promotion to the next higher grade and will include a check for adverse information.
4.5.4. Upon approval, but no earlier than 60 days after the date of which the promotion notice
of determination was sent to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House
of Representatives, and the Member of Congress who submitted the proposal, AFPC/DPMSPP
will process the honorary promotion certificate and forward to the officer or next of kin. (T-1)
4.6. Transferring Promotions to an Active Duty Promotion List.
4.6.1. An officer on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) who is on an approved promotion
list (as a result of selection for promotion by a mandatory promotion board or an SSB) and,
who before being promoted is placed on the ADL of the same Military Service and placed in
the same competitive category, shall be placed on an appropriate promotion list for officers on
the ADL. (T-1) The promotion effective date and Current Grade Date of Rank (CGDOR) shall
be the same as if the officer had been selected to the grade concerned by the promotion board
for ADL officers and sequenced according to paragraph 3.5. (T-1)
4.6.2. Pending promotions by position vacancy or Federal Recognition Board may not be
transferred to the ADL.
4.6.3. Officers transferring to a different component should reference AFI 36-2504, Officer
Promotions, Continuation, and Selective Early Removal in the Reserve of the Air Force.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 43 An officer transferred from another military service in the same or comparable
competitive category who is on a promotion list to the next higher grade may be placed on
an appropriate promotion list for officers on the ADL based on the officer’s current grade
DOR/losing military service DOR. They will be sequenced according to paragraph 3.5.
(T-1) Officers will provide AFPC/DPMSPP documentation from the losing Military
Service verifying their selection for promotion to the higher grade. (T-1) Officers transferring require a new original appointment in the new component in
their grade as of the date of transfer. An appointment to the higher grade must be also
completed before the officer is promoted in the new component. (T-0)
4.7. Temporary Promotions. It is Air Force policy that an officer in the grade of first lieutenant,
captain, major, or lieutenant colonel may be temporarily promoted to the grade of captain, major,
lieutenant colonel, or colonel under the policy outlined in this instruction. Appointments under
this section shall be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. (T-0)
4.7.1. Applicability. This applies to Regular Air Force officers serving in the Air Force.
4.7.2. Responsibilities. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
(SAF/MR) is responsible for the management, oversight, and administration of the Air
Force Commissioned Officer Promotion Program and performs additional functions
related to commissioned officer promotion actions pursuant to express delegation by
SecAF. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AF/A1) and
Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Personnel (SF/S1) is responsible for implementing
the Temporary Promotion Program pursuant to this instruction. The Air Force Military Force Management Policy Directorate (AF/A1P)
maintains oversight of this policy. (T-1) AFPC is responsible for the execution and management of the temporary
promotion program, to include regular requests for position identification (AF/A1LO for
colonel positions only), temporary promotion board execution, and related personnel
system actions to ensure temporary promotion program execution. The selection board
secretariat shall make timely submission of selection board results to the SecAF. (T-1)
4.7.3. Position Designation. Temporary promotion appointment may only be made for service
in a "designated position." A designated position is one determined by SAF/MR to qualify an
officer for temporary promotion under 10 USC § 605, Promotion to certain grades for officer
with critical skills, and this instruction. The authority of SAF/MR to make such determinations
may not be further delegated. Designated positions must: Be designated to be held by a captain, major, lieutenant colonel, or colonel;
and (T-0) Have a critical shortage and require that an officer serving in such position
possesses the critical skill required of the position, as defined below. (T-0)
44 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 Functional managers, and A1LO (colonel positions), and other applicable
functional offices in conjunction with MAJCOMs, Wing Commanders, and other
stakeholders will submit positions annually for SAF/MR approval as eligible for temporary
promotion, in line with requested guidance and timelines. (T-1) A "critical skill" is defined as a skill or a set of skills essential for unit readiness
and/or mission effectiveness, where the Air Force has a shortage of personnel. This could
include skills obtained by either occupational or educational experiences, or a combination
thereof. A "critical shortage" is defined as a position in a low-density career field that is
unable to be filled by an officer in the appropriate grade with the required critical skills; or
a critical position that is unable to be filled with a volunteer from the desired grade who
possesses the appropriate knowledge, critical skills, and behaviors required for that
position. SAF/MR is designated the authority to make critical shortage determinations.
The authority of SAF/MR to make such determinations may not be further delegated. SAF/MR must certify designated positions annually. (T-1) Designated positions will not exceed the following and must remain within overall
Air Force grade limits as outlined in the DOPMA for all officer grades: Captain 95. (T-0) Major 305. (T-0) Lieutenant Colonel 165. (T-0) Colonel 75. (T-0) Only one officer can serve in a designated position. Overlap and double billeting
is not authorized. (T-1)
4.7.4. Officer Eligibility. Officers eligible for temporary promotion are those in the grades of
first lieutenant, captain, major, or lieutenant colonel who: Possess a skill in which the Air Force has a critical shortage, as determined by
SAF/MR (T-1); and Are serving in a designated position requiring the critical skill. (T-1) Officers
may be considered for promotion when officially selected to fill a position, but will not
promote until confirmed by the Senate, or upon SecDef approval for the grade of Captain,
and actually serving in the position. (T-0)
4.7.5. Temporary promotion recommendation. Temporary promotion recommendation and appointment may only be made for
service in a designated position. Temporary promotion recommendations are made to the next higher grade. Temporary promotion nominations to fill designated temporary promotion
eligible positions will be made by a member’s Development Team through the assignments
process. (T-1) Development Teams will perform a quality review and score records prior
to nominating an officer to fill an approved temporary promotion eligible position. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 45
For O-6 positions only, Development Teams will coordinate with A1LO upon nominating
an officer to fill a temporary promotion eligible position. Members assigned to fill an
approved temporary promotion eligible position may then be eligible to meet a temporary
promotion board convened by SecAF. (T-1) For officers encumbered to an approved
temporary promotion eligible position, an exception to policy may be considered in a
similar process as identified above. (T-1) Multiple members may be considered for temporary promotion to a single
position during the assignment selection process. However, when recommending
officers for temporary promotion to a selection board, no more than one officer will be
nominated for temporary promotion to a single designated position. (T-1) The selection of judge advocates to serve in any designated position remains
with the Judge Advocate General in accordance with 10 USC § 806, Judge advocates
and legal officers. Other career fields requiring functional authority approval for
assignments must ensure proper coordination when nominating members for temporary
promotion to a temporary promotion selection board. (T-1) Adverse information as defined in paragraph must be considered when
recommending a member for temporary promotion to a temporary promotion selection
board. (T-0)
4.7.6. Temporary promotion selection board process. Selection for temporary promotion will
be made only upon the recommendation of a board of officers convened by SecAF. (T-0) Temporary promotion boards will convene bi-annually, or as determined by
SecAF. (T-1) Temporary promotion boards will follow the SecAF MOI for the applicable board.
(T-1) Boards will apply the whole-person concept to assess all factors in the officer’s
record that bear on temporary promotion potential for the applicable critical position. (T-1)
These factors include skills, job performance, professional qualities, leadership, depth and
breadth of experience, job responsibility, advanced academic and developmental
education, and specific achievements. Of these factors, skills, and job performance are the
most important. Upon completion of deliberations, the selection board shall forward its
recommendations for SecAF approval. (T-1) In accordance with 10 USC § 605, temporary
promotion appointments shall be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate. (T-0)
4.7.7. Promotion acceptance. Temporary promotion, unless expressly declined by the officer,
is considered accepted on the date the temporary appointment is made. (T-0) The temporary date of rank assigned for temporary promotion will be the date the
Senate confirms the initial temporary appointment, or the date the officer reports into the
designated position, whichever is later. (T-1) Members must remain in their designated position no less than 12 months from
date of temporary appointment. (T-1)
46 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 An appointment under this instruction does not change the officer’s position on
the ADL. (T-0) Members selected for temporary promotion will continue to meet their
permanent promotion board timelines as scheduled. (T-0)
4.7.8. Entitlement. Officers temporarily promoted are entitled to the pay and allowances of
the temporary grade from the date specified in the appointment, and while so serving, until the
appointment is terminated as provided in paragraph 4.7.9. (T-0)
4.7.9. Termination of appointment. Unless sooner terminated, a temporary promotion
appointment is terminated: On the date the officer is promoted to the permanent grade of captain, major,
lieutenant colonel, or colonel (T-0); or On the date the officer is detached from a designated position, unless the officer
is on a promotion list to the permanent grade of captain, major, lieutenant colonel, or
colonel, in which case the temporary appointment terminates on the date the officer is
promoted to that grade. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 47
Chapter 5
5.1. When to Question Promotions. Promotion is not a reward for past service. It is
advancement to a position of greater responsibility based on the requirements of the Air Force and
the officer’s future potential. If an officer has not met the requirement for exemplary conduct set
forth in 10 USC § 9233 or is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified to
perform the duties of the next higher grade, it is in the best interest of the Air Force for the proper
authority to initiate action to delay the promotion, to find the officer not qualified for promotion,
or to remove the officer’s name from the promotion list. (T-1) Early identification of the officer
and proper documentation are essential. Formal rules of evidence do not apply to a PPA.
However, PPAs are not disciplinary or rehabilitative tools.
5.1.1. Commanders have a responsibility to ensure all commissioned officers under their
command have the necessary qualifications to serve in the next higher grade. (T-0) When
there is cause to believe an officer is not suited for promotion, commanders should initiate a
PPA. Do not wait for the completion of an investigation, disciplinary action, trial, or other
administrative process to initiate a PPA. Such action does not require proof beyond a
reasonable doubt. The standard of proof for a PPA is a preponderance of credible evidence.
If one can fairly conclude from the evidence already at hand that an officer is unsuited for
promotion, a removal action should be immediately initiated. If, on the other hand,
circumstances suggest that an officer "may" not be suited for promotion, and time is needed to
determine if the officer should be promoted, a promotion delay should be initiated.
5.1.2. Where removal action is appropriate, even if an officer declines a promotion, initiate
removal action because the officer’s name otherwise remains on the promotion list.
(Declination procedures are outlined in paragraph 4.2). (T-1)
5.2. How to Document Reasons for PPA. PPAs must clearly state the reasons for the action and
be accompanied by documentation substantiating those reasons. (T-1) In stating the reasons, be
as specific as possible; do not generalize. Moreover, if an officer has been the subject of an adverse
action, the stated reasons should focus on specifically what it is the officer did or failed to do for
which the adverse action was imposed. Do not merely state the officer was the subject of an
adverse action. (T-1) For example, one should state: “You are under investigation for improper
use of your Government Travel Card,” "You posted a photo of yourself in the nude on the internet,
for which you received an Article 15" or "You were involved in an armed robbery, for which you
are currently being tried by General Court-Martial" and NOT an over-generalized "You engaged
in conduct unbecoming, " or a reference only to the adverse action such as, "You received an
Article 15."
5.2.1. To create a sufficient record supporting the PPA, attach documentation such as report
of investigation extracts, witness and member statements or memos for record, record of trial
extracts (including stipulations of fact and guilty plea statements), incriminating email/texting
correspondence or video recordings, and copies of forged/falsified/fraudulent statements or
financial documents. Do not simply attach an AF Form 3070c, Record of Non-judicial
Punishment Proceedings (Officer); AF Form 1359, Report of Result of Trial, or other
disciplinary or adverse action without also attaching reasonably available evidence of the
underlying misconduct or substandard duty performance. (T-1)
48 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
5.2.2. All evidence to be considered, including any administrative disciplinary action and
responses thereto must also be included and served on the member as part of a PPA. (T-1)
Additionally, the package must include the member’s Single Uniform Retrieval Format
(SURF), all evaluations and training reports (TR) (including a draft of any unsigned report that
has not been finalized). (T-1) Documents must be submitted in a single PDF file, with
attachments listed, and tabbed accordingly. (T-1)
Section 5APromotion List Removals and Delays.
5.3. Initiating Authorities.
5.3.1. An officer’s immediate commander normally initiates a promotion list removal or delay
recommendation; higher level AF military commanders have concurrent authority to initiate
such actions. (T-1)
5.3.2. The next superior commander serves as the reviewing commander. The "next superior
commander" is the first military commander in the initiating commander’s AF chain of
command who is at least a wing/delta commander or equivalent commander. When actions
are initiated by a wing/delta commander (or equivalent) or higher commander, the initiating
commander is also the reviewing commander. (T-1)
5.3.3. The Air Force District of Washington Commander serves as the initiating and reviewing
commander for all officers assigned to: Headquarters U.S. Air Force; Office of SecAF; Office
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Department of Defense; all Field Operating Agencies and Direct
Reporting Units identified in Department of the Air Force Special Order GA-07-001, dated 17
September 2007 or AFPD 51-5, Administrative Law, Gifts, and Command Relationships, and
Agencies and activities outside the USAF where the officer is neither assigned nor attached to
a USAF element commanded by a USAF colonel or higher ranking AF officer. (T-1)
5.3.4. Notify the officer using DAF Form 4363, Record of Promotion Propriety Action, and
DAF Form 4364, Record of Promotion Delay Resolution. (T-1)
5.3.5. When an officer has been recommended for promotion by a promotion selection board,
SecAF may withhold the officer’s name and direct a promotion delay or removal action if there
is an ongoing investigation or there is reason to believe an officer is not qualified for
promotion. When the SecAF directs such an action, those officers whose promotions require
Senate confirmation are still subject to potential administrative removal from the promotion
list if they are not Senate confirmed during the 18-30 month promotion eligibility period. See
paragraph 3.7.7. Therefore, it is imperative that initiating authorities promptly and
thoroughly accomplish these actions.
5.4. Delaying a Promotion. Delaying an officer’s promotion is applicable to officers eligible for
promotion to first lieutenant and captain, or selected for promotion by a central selection board,
SSB, or special board to the grades of captain through colonel. A commander takes action to delay
a promotion if there is cause to believe that the officer has not met the requirement for exemplary
conduct set forth in 10 USC § 9233 or is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally
qualified to perform the duties of the higher grade. (T-0)
5.4.1. When disciplinary or administrative adverse action may be pending against an officer,
commanders should approve or recommend a promotion delay pending resolution of such
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 49
action. In addition to the standards described in paragraph 5.4, particular bases to delay an
officer’s promotion include: Sworn charges against an officer have been received by an officer exercising
General Court-Martial jurisdiction over the officer and such charges have not been
disposed of. Note: There is no requirement to wait until a trial is over before
recommending removal from a promotion list if there is a preponderance of credible
evidence supporting the removal action. An investigation is being conducted to determine whether disciplinary action of
any kind should be brought against an officer; A board of inquiry has been convened under 10 USC Chapter 60 to review the
record of an officer; A criminal proceeding in a Federal or State court is pending against the officer; Substantiated adverse information about the officer that is material to the decision
to appoint the officer is under review by the SecDef or SecAF; or SecAF determines, with respect to an officer, that a SSRB should be convened.
5.4.2. A commander takes action to delay the promotion until it is determined whether an
officer should be promoted. The delay of promotion is effective when the commander notifies
the officer of the delay, either verbally or in writing. Accomplish this notification prior to the
effective date of the promotion. Note: When an officer has a projected DOR and effective
date prior to public release of a board, notification should be made on the day prior to public
release date.
5.4.3. Initial Delays. A commander takes action to delay the promotion by following the steps detailed
in paragraph 5.7. (T-1) The reviewing commander may approve an initial delay, up to six months from
the officer's original promotion effective date. The officer may make a written statement
in memorandum format to SecAF, via the reviewing commander, in response to the
recommended delay action. Alternatively, the reviewing commander may convert the
action from a recommended delay to a recommended removal by simply recommending
removal and processing the file as a removal in accordance with paragraph 5.8.3. After indorsement, the reviewing commander sends the appropriate AF form(s)
and associated documents electronically to AFPC/DPMSPP through Department of
Defense Secure Access File Exchange (DoD SAFE) to
[email protected] who will conduct a quality review
check and update status in the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS). (T-1) If the
package includes a written statement from the officer to SecAF, AFPC/DPMSPP sends the
entire package electronically to AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P to AF/JA, through the
Investigations, Inquiries, and Relief Division of the Military Justice and Discipline
Directorate (AF/JAJI) and Secretary of the Air Force, General Counsel of the Department
of the Air Force (SAF/GC) coordination. AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P then sends the package to
SECAF for review. (T-1)
50 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
5.4.4. Extension of Delays: Director of the Air Force Review Boards Agency (SAF/MRB)
(or other designee) must approve all extensions of the initial delay. (T-1) Commanders may
initiate action to extend the delay prior to the expiration of the initial delay; commanders must
use DAF Form 4363. (T-1) SAF/MRB may grant extensions (in six-month increments) up to 18 months from
the officer’s original promotion effective date or until 90 days after final action has been
taken in any criminal case against such officer in a Federal or State court or court-martial
case. Alternatively, SAF/MRB may forward the case file to SecAF with a recommendation
the proposed extension of delay be converted to a promotion removal action. An officer’s appointment may not be delayed more than 90 days after final action
has been taken in any criminal case against such officer in a Federal or State court, more
than 90 days after final action has been taken in any court-martial case against such officer
(if the officer is otherwise qualified for promotion), or more than 18 months after the date
on which such officer would otherwise have been appointed, whichever is later (unless
further processing for confirmation by the Senate is required). (T-0)
5.5. Resolving a Promotion Delay. Promotion delays remain in effect until terminated by proper
authority. Commanders take action to resolve the delay prior to reaching the initial delay date or
any approved extensions by using DAF Form 4364 and following the steps detailed in paragraph
5.7 and 5.8. Commanders may initiate action to end the delay at any time.
5.5.1. Except as discussed in paragraphs 5.5.2 and 5.5.3, only SecAF may end a promotion
delay. Commanders should discuss with AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P before taking action which
purports to end a promotion delay. Notwithstanding the commander’s recommendation,
SecAF may promote an officer on his or her original effective date; promote an officer with a
date of rank adjustment; extend the officer’s promotion delay; or remove the officer from the
promotion list.
5.5.2. A reviewing commander may terminate a delay only when the delay was initiated to
conduct an investigation or inquiry, and upon completion, there was no finding or conclusion
that substantiated any allegations, as determined by the investigating agency with concurrence
from the local staff judge advocate, and no disciplinary action of any kind (administrative,
nonjudicial, or judicial) is taken against the officer.
5.5.3. A reviewing commander may disapprove and terminate an action to resolve a promotion
delay only if the initiating commander’s recommendation is considered premature.
5.5.4. Adjustment of Date of Rank. Promotion delays are not intended to be punitive or
rehabilitative. Normally, promotion delays will end with either the officer being promoted on
their original date of promotion or removing the officer from the promotion list. However,
officers can only be promoted when they are mentally, physically, morally, and professionally
qualified to perform the duties of the next higher grade. In some cases, upon termination of a
delay, SecAF may determine the officer did not meet standards for promotion during part of
any period of delay during which the action was processed. In that event, SecAF may adjust
the officer’s promotion effective date and date of rank to reflect the date upon which the officer
ultimately did meet standards. If the commander determines the officer was qualified for promotion, they should
recommend termination of the delay with the original date of rank. In that case,
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 51
commanders will document the reason(s) why they believe the officer was mentally,
physically, morally, or professionally qualified to perform the duties of the next higher
grade. If the commander believes the officer was not qualified for promotion during part
of the delay period, they must recommend an adjusted DOR and document the specific
time periods when and reason(s) why the officer was not mentally, physically, morally,
and/or professionally qualified to perform the duties of the next higher grade. The end of
the promotion delay period or expiration of a UIF are insufficient, by themselves, to
recommend an adjusted DOR. Commanders may not recommend an adjusted DOR that
occurs in the future.
5.6. Removing First Lieutenants through Lieutenant Colonels from a Promotion List. A
commander initiates action to remove an officer’s name from a promotion list when a
preponderance of the evidence shows that the officer has not met the requirement for exemplary
conduct set forth in 10 USC § 9233 or is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally
qualified to perform the duties of the higher grade. (T-1) Even if the officer declines the
promotion, initiate removal action since his or her name remains on the list (declination procedures
are in paragraph 4.2.). A removal action for a second lieutenant should follow the NQP process
in Chapter 5, Section B.
5.6.1. A commander initiates action to remove an officer's name from a promotion list by
following the steps detailed in paragraphs 5.7 and 5.8. The SecAF, acting for the President,
approves all removal actions. (T-0) The SecAF may, in lieu of removal, also approve a delay,
terminate the action, or terminate the action with a date of rank adjustment. If the SecAF
disapproves the removal action but determines the officer did not meet standards for promotion
during part of the delay period during which the removal was processed, the SecAF may adjust
the officer's promotion effective date and date of rank as described in paragraph 5.5. Initiation
of removal action automatically delays an officer’s promotion until SecAF makes a decision
on the action.
5.6.2. When an officer is considered and selected IPZ or APZ, but later removed from a report
of a selection board or a promotion list, the removal is deemed a nonselection for promotion. Promote officers selected by the next board, upon Senate confirmation, based on
their particular merit or seniority, if applicable, on the new promotion list. Officers not selected by the next board, or if selected and again removed from a
report of a selection board or the promotion list, are determined to have been nonselected
for promotion. Officers considered and selected BPZ (if authorized) but subsequently removed
do not incur a nonselection for promotion.
5.6.3. If an officer on the ADL is discharged or dropped from the rolls or transferred to a
retired status after having been recommended for promotion to a higher grade under 10 USC
Chapter 36, Promotion, separation, and involuntary retirement of officers on the active-duty
list, but before being promoted, the officer's name shall be administratively removed from the
list of officers recommended for promotion by the office with primary responsibility for
maintaining the applicable promotion list. (T-0) A memorandum for record documenting the
removal with supporting documentation will be maintained with the original board file by the
52 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
office with primary responsibility for maintaining the applicable promotion list. (T-1). For
the purposes of this paragraph an officer is "discharged" if the officer: is involuntarily
discharged for cause pursuant to DAFI 36-3211, Military Separations; resigns in lieu of a
court-martial or involuntary discharge for cause; or resigns after the initiation of a withhold
action, promotion delay or promotion list (or report) removal action pursuant to this instruction.
(Note: This provision does not apply to an officer who is removed from the ADL and placed
on the RASL in the same armed force and in the same competitive category under 10 USC §
14317, Officers in Transition to and from the Active-Status List or Active-Duty List. Nor does
it apply to an officer who is permanently or temporarily retired for physical disability under 10
USC Chapter 61, Retirement or Separation for Physical Disability.)
5.7. How to Initiate a Promotion List Removal, Delay, or Resolution of Delay Action. The
initiating commander informs the officer of the recommendation using DAF Form 4363 (with
applicable supporting documentation) for promotion removal and delays before the effective date
of promotion. When the officer is not immediately available, verbal notification is sufficient.
However, written notification (DAF Form 4363) must follow as soon as possible. (T-1) An action
begun as a delay may be converted by higher authority to a removal. An action begun as a removal
may also be converted by higher authority to a delay. Accordingly, the DAF Form 4363 notifies
the member that regardless of the initiating commander’s recommendation, the action may result
in a delay or a removal. DAF Form 4364 is used to resolve promotion delays. It is processed in
the same manner as the DAF Form 4363 in accordance with paragraph 5.8. (T-1)
5.8. How to Process Promotion List Removal or Delay Actions.
5.8.1. Initiating Commander: Consults with servicing personnel advisor and Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) prior
to notifying the officer. (T-3) Ensures case file contains all supporting evidence and the written notification
accurately lists the evidence as attachments. Reproduced or electronically transmitted
copies are encouraged and must be legible. (T-3) Notifies the officer, who acknowledges receipt by signing the notification. (T-1)
When the officer is not immediately available, verbal notification is sufficient, however,
written notification (DAF Form 4363) must follow as soon as possible. (T-1) Allows the officer five duty days to respond to the notification. Only the initiating
commander may grant an extension to the response time. Written delay requests and
indorsements become part of the case file. (T-1) Immediately notifies AFPC/DPMSPP by sending the DAF Form 4363
electronically to [email protected] to prevent erroneous
pay in Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS). Note: AFPC/DPMSPP will forward
the DAF Form 4363 to AF/A1LO or SF/S1L if the officer is a colonel select. (T-1) Ensures officer marks their response on DAF Form 4363 and includes the officer’s
written response, if any, as part of the case file. (T-1) After the officer has responded to the initial notification, the commander either
terminates the action or forwards to the servicing base legal office for a legal sufficiency
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 53
review. If the action is terminated, the commander notifies the officer and provides an e-
mail update to AFPC/DPMSPP. (T-1)
5.8.2. SJA: Ensures legal sufficiency review. (T-1) The SJA or designated attorney signs
DAF Form 4363 and forwards the case file to the reviewing commander for action. Records
that are legally sufficient should normally be reviewed without comment. (T-1)
5.8.3. Reviewing Commander (Wing/Delta Commander or Equivalent): Allows five duty days for officers to comment on all adverse information added
after the officer first reviews and acknowledges the initial recommendation, unless the
information originated solely from the officer's personnel record. (T-1) Reviews the officer PPA and renders a decision. (T-1) If the decision is to approve
the initial delay or terminate the action, return the case file to initiating commander to
obtain officer acknowledgement. Upon receipt of officer acknowledgement, send the case
file to AFPC/DPMSPP electronically to
[email protected]. (T-1) If the decision is to recommend
removal, delay extension, early termination of delay, or DOR adjustment, send the case
file to AFPC/DPMSPP electronically for action by the SecAF (or designee). (T-1)
5.8.4. Upon receipt of a commander’s recommendation for action by the SecAF,
AFPC/DPMSPP reviews for completeness and forwards the case file to AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P
for processing through AF/JA and SAF/GC. (T-1)
5.8.5. AF/JA and SAF/GC (for delay termination and removal recommendations; AF/JAJI
only for delay extensions): Review for legal sufficiency, provide comments as necessary, and
annotate the DAF Form 4363/4364 (as applicable). (T-1)
5.8.6. SAF/MRB: Makes final decision on delay extension recommendations, completes DAF
Form 4363/4364 (as applicable) and returns case file to AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P. (T-1)
5.8.7. SecAF: Makes final decision on delay termination and removal recommendations.
(T-1) Completes the DAF Form 4363/4364 (as applicable) and returns the case file to
AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P. (T-1)
5.8.8. AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P: Forwards the completed package to AFPC/DPMSPP. Notifies
AF/A1LO or SF/S1L on decisions for colonel-selects. (T-1)
5.8.9. AFPC/DPMSPP: Notifies initiating commander of SecAF’s decision by sending the
commander the completed DAF Form 4363/4364 (as applicable). (T-1)
5.8.10. Initiating Commander: Notifies the officer of SecAF’s final decision by providing a
completed copy of the DAF Form 4363/4364 (as applicable), obtaining the officer’s
acknowledgement on the form, and returning the copy of the acknowledged form to
5.8.11. AFPC/DPMSPP makes final MilPDS updates and maintains a copy of the case file.
54 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Section 5BNot Qualified for Promotion (NQP) Actions.
5.9. Recommending a Second LieutenantNQP. When the preponderance of the evidence
shows an officer has not met the requirement for exemplary conduct set forth in 10 USC § 9233
or is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified to perform the duties of the
higher grade, the commander recommends in writing SecAF (or designee) find them NQP. NQP
actions are meant to address officers found unqualified for promotion. If the basis for the action
is misconduct, commanders should consider recommending a delay of the member’s promotion
and initiating administrative discharge proceedings.
5.9.1. An officer’s commander initiates an NQP recommendation. See sample notification
letter at Attachment 7. Commanders should give officers a reasonable opportunity to overcome the basis
for their non-qualification. Unless retention is inconsistent with good order and discipline,
second lieutenants found NQP will be retained on active duty for a minimum observation
period of six months, starting on the date the promotion would have occurred. (T-1) Commanders consult with servicing personnel advisor and servicing base legal
office prior to initiating an NQP action. (T-3)
5.9.2. Unless the promotion has been effectively delayed according to paragraph 5.4, an NQP
action is initiated by an officer’s immediate commander. The immediate commander informs
the officer of the NQP recommendation, either verbally or in writing, before the promotion
effective date. Written notification must follow verbal notification as soon as possible. (T-1)
The letter of notification will include: One or more specific reasons for the action with supporting documents listed and
attached. (T-1) A statement that the officer’s promotion will not become effective until the
approval authority makes a decision and that the officer may not assume the higher grade
even if their name appears on a promotion order. (T-1) A statement that if the recommended action is approved, the officer is subject to
discharge under DAFI 36-3211 and may be separated with an honorable service
characterization. (T-1) A statement (with rationale) whether the commander is recommending immediate
discharge or retention for a six month observation period starting on the date the promotion
would have occurred. (T-1) A statement that the officer must acknowledge receipt and understanding within
the period specified in paragraph 5.9.3 and that the officer may submit a statement in their
behalf, including supporting documents. (T-1) A statement the officer may be subject to recoupment (e.g., special pay, bonuses,
education benefits) if the officer is separated. (T-1) A statement the officer is entitled to military legal counsel and may obtain civilian
counsel at their expense. (T-1
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 55
5.9.3. Immediate commander allows five duty days for officers to respond to the notification.
Only the immediate commander may grant an extension to the response time, which must be
documented in writing. (T-1) Written delay request and endorsements will become part of the case file. (T-1) Once the officer is notified (verbally or in writing), the commander immediately
notifies AFPC/DPMSPP to prevent erroneous pay in MilPDS. (T-1)
5.9.4. After the officer has responded to the notification, the immediate commander either
terminates the action or forwards it through the SJA to the reviewing commander. If the action
is terminated, the commander notifies the officer and provides an email update to
AFPC/DPMSPP. (T-1) If a statement is not submitted, the commander must include a
statement that the officer is declining to submit it in the written acknowledgment of receipt.
(T-1) Return all correspondence with attachments to the commander who started the action.
Only the commander initiating the action can permit extensions to the suspense date to respond
to the propriety action.
5.9.5. The SJA determines legal sufficiency and forwards a written legal review with the case
file to the reviewing commander for action. The legal review should address if involuntary
separation or court-martial is pending. If involuntary separation or court-martial is pending,
the decision on the NQP action will be held in abeyance pending resolution of the other action.
(T-1) This will avoid automatic discharge of the officer. (T-1) If the other action does not
result in separation, the NQP action will then be processed to completion. (T-1) If the file is
not legally sufficient, the initiating commander is advised as to the necessary corrective
actions. (T-1)
5.9.6. Reviewing Commander. Wing/Delta commander or equivalent reviews these actions
and either terminates the action or forwards a recommendation to SecAF (or designee) through
the MAJCOM/FLDCOM to AFPC/DPMSPP. The reviewing commander relays their decision
to the immediate commander who will notify the officer. (T-1)
5.9.7. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander or designee obtains a written legal review, and
forwards it along with their recommendation to AFPC/DPMSPP. The MAJCOM/CC or
designee relays their decision to the reviewing commander who will ensure the officer
concerned is notified the recommendation is being forwarded. (T-1)
5.9.8. If MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander or lower-level commander determines the officer
did not meet standards for promotion during the NQP observation period, the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander may recommend to the SecAF an adjustment to the officer’s
effective date of promotion and CGDOR (both dates must be the same). (T-1) Notify the
officer, in writing, of the recommended adjustment not later than the expiration of NQP period.
The officer will acknowledge receipt of the letter of notification and may attach a statement on
their behalf, if desired. (T-1) A copy of the letter of notification must be provided to
AFPC/DPMSPP to include in the case file for further processing to the SecAF for decision on
the adjustment. (T-1)
5.9.9. AFPC/DPMSPP will forward the case file to AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P for coordination
through AF/JAJ to SAF/MRB. (T-1)
56 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
5.9.10. SecAF (or designee) makes the final determination as to whether the officer is NQP
and whether the officer will be immediately discharged or retained for a six-month observation
period starting on the date the promotion would have occurred. (T-1) After SecAF (or
designee) decision, the case file will be returned to AFPC/DPMSPP for action. (T-1) If the
officer is found NQP and no probationary period is granted, the officer will be processed for
immediate separation under DAFI 36-3211. Otherwise, return the case to the reviewing
commander. (T-1)
5.9.11. Upon receipt of SecAF decision, the reviewing commander will accomplish the
following actions: (T-1) If after the initial NQP determination the reviewing commander determines the
officer has become qualified, forward a detailed written determination, including the date
the officer became qualified, to SecAF (or designee) for approval. (T-1) The officer must
be informed of the recommendation, its basis, and provided an opportunity to respond.
(T-1) If approved, the officer is promoted effective upon meeting time-in-grade
requirements or the date SecAF (or designee) determined the officer fully qualified for
promotion, whichever is later. (T-1) If disapproved, the reviewing commander will take
further action pursuant to paragraph or paragraph (T-1) The reviewing commander may request SecAF approval to retain the officer
beyond the initial six months for additional observation. The reviewing commander will
accomplish the following if requesting to retain the officer beyond the initial six month
period: Initiate a request to AFPC/DPMSPP within 45 days before the expiration
of the initial six month observation period. (T-1) If the reviewing commander receives initial SecAF determination at or near
the end of the initial six month period, initiate the request as soon as possible but no
later than 14 days after receipt of the case. (T-1) If the request includes additional evidence to the case, the officer must be
informed of this recommendation, the evidence, and provided an opportunity to
respond. (T-1) SecAF (or designee) may retain the officer for up to 18 months from
the date the promotion would have occurred. Following initial SecAF (or designee) action under paragraph 5.9.10, if an
initial or extended observation period ends and the reviewing commander does not intend
to submit a promotion or extension package under paragraph or paragraph, then the officer will be processed for immediate separation in accordance with
DAFI 36-3211. (T-1) Notify AFPC/DPMSPP of the determination who will inform
AFPC/DPMSSR to execute separation. (T-1)
5.9.12. If an officer on the ADL is involuntarily discharged after being found NQP to first
lieutenant or resigns in lieu of an NQP action, the officer's name shall be administratively
removed from the list of officers approved for appointment to first lieutenant by
AFPC/DPMSPP. (T-1) A memorandum for record documenting the removal with supporting
documentation will be maintained with the appointment file. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 57
Section 5COther Promotion Propriety Actions.
5.10. Removing an Officer from a Report of a Selection Board. The following guidelines
apply for removing an officer from a report of a selection board after the board has adjourned, but
prior to the board report being approved by the President (or designee). It is applicable to officers
(captain to lieutenant colonel) recommended for promotion by selection boards.
5.10.1. If SecAF intends to recommend removing an officer from a board report under 10 USC
§ 618 and the recommendation would include information not presented to the board, make
the information available to the officer. (T-0) The authority to remove an officer from a board
report below the grade of O-7 rests with SecDef or DepSecDef. The officer will have a
reasonable opportunity to submit comments on the information to the officials making and
reviewing the recommendation. (T-0) If the officer cannot have access to the information for
reasons of national security, or other lawful reason, the officer will, to the maximum extent
practical, be provided with an appropriate summary of the information. (T-0)
5.10.2. When a commander becomes aware of any derogatory information concerning an
officer who met a selection board, the commander should contact their servicing staff judge
advocate to determine if the evidence is sufficient to support removal of the officer’s name
from the selection board report. The evidence should focus on the officer’s conduct and/or
performance; it should not focus on the fact (or status) of any other disciplinary or
administrative action that might also be going on.
5.10.3. If there is sufficient evidence to support the removal of the officer’s name from the
report of the selection board, the commander must immediately report the information for
expeditious processing. (T-1) Notify the MPF who will immediately notify AFPC/DPMSPP and apprise them
of the situation. (T-1) The key point is to ensure the most expeditious notification. The information received will be provided to SecAF for action. (T-1) If the
evidence is deemed sufficient to support a removal action, SecAF will then forward a letter
of intent to the commander with a proposed letter of notification from the commander to
the officer. (T-1) Any information not presented to the board will be attached to the
notification letter. (T-1) Afford the officer a reasonable opportunity to submit comments
on that information to the officials making and reviewing the recommendation. (T-0) If
the officer cannot be given access to the information for reasons of national security, the
officer shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be provided with an appropriate summary
of the information. (T-0) Once the officer has responded to the letter of intent to remove the officer’s name
from the report of the selection board, the commander will forward the notification letter
and its attachment(s), along with the officer’s response, to AFPC/DPMSPP. (T-1) SecAF
will review all information presented and make a recommendation to SecDef or
DepSecDef (T-1) The officer will be notified through appropriate channels of the final decision.
(T-1) Refer to paragraph 5.6.2 for the consequences of removal.
58 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
5.11. Promotion Deviation from Sequence Number Order. Officers on a promotion list may
have their nominations or confirmations held up for many reasons. If a situation arises where an
officer is not confirmed and promotions from the list begin, the Air Force may temporarily bypass
the unconfirmed officer. Once confirmation occurs, establish the officer’s promotion effective
date and date of rank according to the officer’s original place on the promotion list.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 59
Chapter 6
6.1. General. Selection board secretariat personnel are responsible for conducting SSBs for
separated, or retired officers if eligible according to paragraph 6.3. SSBs are designed to recreate
the competition from an original selection board, to the maximum extent possible, to determine if
an officer would have been selected had they been properly considered. Prior to the SSB
convening date, a staff package will be forwarded to SecAF identifying the specific SSBs to be
convened (e.g., grade, year, and competitive category). (T-1) New SSBs will not be added after
SecAF approval of the convening package. (T-1) Officers may not request to be retained beyond
an approved separation or retirement or mandatory separation date to await the outcome of an SSB.
6.2. SSB Approval Authority.
6.2.1. The Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR) or a Federal court
can direct an officer for consideration by an SSB. (T-0)
6.2.2. AFPC/DPMSPP can approve an eligible officer for consideration by an SSB.
6.3. Conditions That May Warrant an SSB. Grant SSBs for promotion to the grade of captain
through colonel based on:
6.3.1. Legal, Administrative, and Material Errors. Acting on behalf of the SecAF,
AFPC/DPMSPP may direct an SSB for an officer if it is determined: The action of the board previously considering the officer was contrary to law in
a matter material to the decision of the board or involved material error of fact or material
administrative error; or The board did not consider material information. An eligible officer did not meet a board or met the board in an incorrect promotion
zone or competitive category.
6.3.2. Pursuant to Formal Appeal. The AFBCMR can grant SSBs when they determine an
officer's nonselection for promotion resulted because of an error or injustice in the officer's
6.3.3. Responsibility to Exercise Reasonable Diligence. Normally an SSB will not be granted
if, by exercising reasonable diligence, the officer should have discovered the error or omission
and could have taken corrective action before the originally scheduled board convened. (T-1)
6.3.4. When an all-fully-qualified process is used for promotion to captain in lieu of a selection
board, the approval authorities in paragraph 6.2 and the conditions in paragraph 6.3, apply
in determining whether to prepare a supplemental all-fully-qualified process under 10 USC §
624(a)(3)(E). Also apply paragraphs 6.4, 6.23 and 6.26 of this chapter.
6.4. Submitting Appeals for SSBs. Officers submit applications for SSBs using DD Form 149,
Application for Correction of Military Record. SSBs may also be requested via application for
correction/removal of evaluation report via the virtual MPF.
60 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
6.4.1. Submission of a DD Form 149 requesting an SSB will trigger consideration by AFPC
and, if necessary, the AFBCMR, if an SSB is not granted by AFPC. (T-1)
6.4.2. An SSB request based upon an unadjudicated evaluation or record correction must first
be evaluated by the Evaluation Reports Appeal Board (ERAB) in accordance with DAFI 36-
2406 or the AFBCMR in accordance with DAFI 36-2603, Air Force Board For Correction Of
Military Records (AFBCMR). (T-1) Officers may request SSB consideration in conjunction
with those applications. (T-1) If the ERAB grants relief, the officer’s record will be evaluated
by AFPC for SSB consideration. (T-1)
6.5. SSB Procedures.
6.5.1. Consider the records of officers as they would have appeared to the original board had
the officers been properly considered. Compare the officers' records with benchmark records
from the original boards.
6.5.2. When documents used for the original board are not or cannot be made available,
construct the SSB with all documents possible as long as each record is presented identically
and the identity is protected (e.g., if some officer selection briefs are unavailable, then no
record shall have one). (T-1) Members will be informed prior to the board of any deviation
from the original board. (T-1) SSBs will not contain photographs. (T-1)
6.5.3. If a record is also one of the nonselect benchmark records, the record will compete
against the remaining benchmark records. (T-1)
6.6. Presentation of the SSB to the Board Members. When a specific SSB ballot is presented
to the board members, it will include the date of the original selection board, grade, competitive
category, and promotion zone. (T-1)
6.6.1. Board members are reminded of the applicable guidelines of the original selection board
for display of pertinent information on the OSB (e.g., academic education level, developmental
education, etc.) for that SSB.
6.6.2. Board members are not informed which records are benchmarks and which are being
considered. They will be informed if the presentation of the SSB records differ from the
original board in accordance with paragraph 6.5.2. (T-1)
6.6.3. If merit-based reorder was authorized on the original selection board, any individual
selected for promotion via the SSB process will also be considered for merit-based reorder.
(T-1) After the SSB is finalized, each selectee will be compared against the merit-based reorder
benchmark records to identify each selectee’s placement within the order of merit. (T-1) Each
selectee will be assigned a sequence number immediately preceding the highest-scoring record
from the original merit-based order that each selectee outscored. (T-1) If a selectee did not
beat any benchmarks, assign a sequence number either immediately succeeding the lowest-
scoring benchmark from the original merit-based order. If a selectee tied a benchmark(s),
assign a sequence number (compared to the highest-scoring record from the original merit-
based order) at that score category based on seniority as defined in paragraph 3.5. In the
event all selects from the original board were benchmark records, the SSB results will
determine each selectee’s placement within the order of merit using the preceding rules. (T-1)
6.7. Board Composition. SSBs will be composed in accordance with 10 USC § 612. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 61
6.8. Board Member Preparation. The selection board secretariat staff will pre-brief the board
president on the board agenda, SecAF MOIs, board president responsibilities, and the trial run
exercise (practice scoring session). (T-1) Board recorders will conduct the first day administrative
briefing to the board. (T-1)
6.8.1. The board president will read SecAF instructions verbatim to the board on the
convening date and provide a copy to each board member. (T-0) The SecAF MOI will include
as addenda the specific MOIs used by the original board. (T-1) Board members will read the
highlighted portions of the original MOI prior to each board. (T-1)
6.8.2. Oaths will be administered to board members, board recorders, and administrative staff.
6.8.3. A trial run exercise will be conducted to familiarize board members with the OSRs and
situations the board may encounter during live scoring. (T-1)
6.9. Scoring Records. Records are scored on a "best-qualified" basis unless otherwise directed
by SecAF. Board members will ensure officers selected for promotion are fully qualified to
assume the next higher grade. (T-0) IPZ and APZ records will be scored together. (T-1) BPZ
records (when applicable) will be scored separately from IPZ and APZ records. (T-1). Records
will be scored separately by competitive category; officers within the same competitive category
compete only among themselves for promotion. (T-0)
6.9.1. Scores are based on the following: The material in each officer's OSR. Any information SecAF may provide to that board in accordance with DoDI
1320.14. Any information communicated by letter from the officer concerning the
member’s own record.
6.9.2. Scoring will be accomplished by secret ballot (except as provided in paragraphs
and and without benefit of discussion, unless a significant disagreement ("split")
occurs in the scores on a particular record. (T-0) If a board member identifies a record-based matter that causes concern, the
member will identify the matter to the board recorder who will ensure compliance with
proper communication rules. (T-1) If necessary, the recorder may take the matter to the
board president for resolution. Board members may discuss their own personal knowledge and evaluate
professional qualifications of eligible officers provided they discuss only matters
documented in the OSR or permitted by DoDI 1320.14 and this instruction.
6.9.3. Board members may not discuss or disclose the opinion of a person not a member of
the board concerning the officer unless that opinion is in the material presented to the board
under DoDI 1320.14. (T-0)
6.10. Scoring Scales.
6.10.1. Boards will use the scoring scale in Table 2.1 when the selection opportunity is less
than 100%. (T-1)
62 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
6.10.2. A "yes" or "no" scoring system is used when the selection opportunity is 100%.
6.11. Defining "Splits”. A "split" is a significant disagreement between board members about
the score of a record. A "split" is considered a difference in a score of 2 or more points between
any two board members (e.g., 6 and 8, or 8 and 10). When using a "yes or no" scoring system a
"split" occurs when the vote is not unanimous.
6.12. Resolving "Splits”. All voting board members must be present and may discuss the record
involved in a "split." (T-1) Only board members with split scores may change their scores in the
process of resolving a split. When using a "yes or no" scoring system and a "split" cannot be
resolved, the majority vote rules.
6.13. Identifying "Show Cause" Records. During the scoring process, board members are
required to identify the records of officers who, in their opinion, should "show cause" for retention
in an active status. (T-0) They do this by voting "show cause" on the scoring ballot for each record
of this type. Paragraph 6.18 addresses resolution of "show cause" records.
6.14. Promotion Quota for SSBs and Select or Nonselect Status. There is no quota for SSBs.
After board members score the benchmark and member records and resolve any splits, the order
of merit will be tabulated. (T-1) The order of merit will be used to determine the select or nonselect
status of the member. (T-1)
6.14.1. To become a select via the SSB process when a 6-10 scale is used, a member’s record
must score higher than the score of every nonselect benchmark record and equal to or higher
than the score of any one of the select benchmark records. (T-1) If an officer’s score does not
meet both criteria, the officer is not selected. (T-1) Anomalies. On rare occasions, the order of merit is anomalous to a degree that
consistent and equitable scoring among the board may be questioned. An anomaly is
defined by the following situations: A nonselect benchmark finishes highest in the order
of merit (normal SSBs) or a select benchmark record finishes lowest on the order of merit
(modified SSBs). The decision tree at Figure 6.1 (for normal SSBs) and Figure 6.2 (for
modified SSBs) will be used when an anomaly occurs. (T-1) Some inversion is expected in SSB order of merit. Inversion to a lesser degree
than illustrated in Figure 6.1 (standard SSBs) and Figure 6.2 (modified SSBs) does not
constitute an anomaly.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 63
Figure 6.1. SSB Decision Chart (Standard Selection Methodology).
6.14.2. In rare cases when a BPZ member is considered for promotion where the original board
declined to use any of the allotted BPZ quotas, the following procedures will be used: The board will be informed the original board declined to use the BPZ quota and
a special procedure holds in this case. (T-1) The member’s record will compete against the nonselect BPZ benchmark
records. (T-1) If the member does not outscore all of the nonselect benchmarks, the
member is nonselected.
6.14.3. To become a select via the SSB process when the selection opportunity is 100% and
the "yes" or "no" scoring scale is used, a member’s record must score a majority "yes." (T-1)
6.15. Board President Quality Review. If the board president determines there is a rational basis
to conclude any of the records may not have been scored in a manner consistent with SecAF MOIs,
they may direct the case be removed from consideration and deferred to the next SSB. A case will
only be deferred once. (T-1)
6.16. Developmental Education Candidacy Selection. If developmental education was part of
the original selection board, any individual selected for promotion via the SSB process will also
be considered for Developmental Education candidacy selection. (T-1) After the promotion SSB
is finalized, the selectee will be considered against the Developmental Education benchmark
records. (T-1)
6.17. Fully Qualified Determination. Officers considered for promotion via the SSB process
must tie or beat at least one of the select benchmark records to be selected. (T-1) Since all of the
64 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
select benchmarks were determined to be "fully qualified" by the selection board, the member (if
a select) is automatically considered "fully qualified."
6.18. Resolution of "Show Cause”. Return eligibles’ records previously identified to the board
for "show cause" determination. Board members will discuss them and rule by a majority vote to
determine whether the officer’s name will be included in the board report to SecAF, recommending
the officer "show cause" for retention. (T-1) The board president reviews the results. If the board
president determines there is a rational basis to conclude any of these records may not have been
voted upon in a manner consistent with SecAF MOIs, they may direct such records be returned to
the board for re-vote; the second vote will be used. (T-1) Only records identified for "show cause"
will be included in the board report. (T-1)
6.19. Board Report. Board members, board recorders, and administrative staff will sign a board
report for each board being reconstituted certifying applicable law and policy was followed for
Principal Deputy USD (P&R) approval. (T-1)
6.20. Procedural Board Anomalies. Apparent procedural anomalies occurring during a board
require board president involvement. Where resolution of procedural anomalies would require
variation from established procedures, SecAF decision is required. During the board, the board
president may bring any matter to the attention of SecAF, or designated representative, if they
determine a SecAF-level decision is required. These responsibilities of the board president do not
limit in any way the right of a board member or Board Secretariat member to communicate with
SecAF as provided by other authority.
6.21. Deviations. SecAF may authorize deviations to the selection methodology in cases related
to litigation, negotiated settlements, or any other case deemed appropriate. These cases will be
referred to as "designated SSBs" and will use the modified selection methodology outlined at
Figure 6.2, or other such selection methodology as SecAF may direct. (T-1)
6.22. Post-board Actions. The names of all selects are forwarded to AFPC/DPMSPP to
determine promotion sequence number, the retroactive DOR or promotion effective date, and any
possible SSBs to the next higher grade. AFPC/DPMSPP will notify the MPF or the officer (if
appropriate) of the board results once approved by proper authority. (T-1)
6.23. Time Limits.
6.23.1. To obtain consideration by an SSB, an officer should apply for consideration within
three years after they discovered the asserted defect in the original board. SecAF (or designee)
under paragraph 6.2 may excuse late application when it is in the interest of justice to do so.
6.23.2. SecAF will convene or deny an SSB within six months of receipt of complete and
properly executed request. (T-0)
6.23.3. SecAF will take last action on the report of an SSB, within six months of convening
the board. (T-0)
6.23.4. SecAF may extend the time limits in paragraph 6.23.1 and paragraph 6.23.2 in a
particular case or category of cases, for not more than an additional six months each, when
they determine a longer period to make this determination is warranted. SecAF may not
delegate the authority to make this determination.
6.24. Writing Letters to SSBs. The member is permitted to write to the SSB; however, in most
cases, the letter should not contain any information or address any event occurring after the
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 65
convening date of the original board. Any letter written to the original board will be included in
the member’s OSR unless appropriately removed/replaced by the member using DD Form 149.
6.24.1. Send the letter to AFPC/DPMSPP so it arrives no later than 10 calendar days before
the date the board convenes as prescribed by 10 USC § 614. (T-0) Eligible officers must
review additional instructions as outlined in the convening notice. (T-0) Letters arriving after
the 10 day period prior to the board will not be presented to the board for consideration. (T-0)
6.24.2. For members meeting more than one SSB, a separate letter is permitted for each board.
6.24.3. Do not date the letter and do not address the letter to the "SSB." It should be addressed
to the board information from the original board, i.e., CY17D Major (LAF) Central Selection
Board. (T-1)
6.24.4. Refer to paragraph 2.10 for further information on writing letters.
6.25. Commander Actions on Promotions Resulting from SSBs.
6.25.1. Notify officers of SSB results. (T-1)
6.25.2. Determine the propriety of promotion and, if appropriate, initiate action outlined in
Chapter 5. This also applies when the officer’s DOR will be effective upon Senate
Confirmation (for promotion to major and above). This does not apply to officers who have served or are already serving in the
selected grade.
6.26. Promoting Officers by SSB. Promote the officer with a DOR and promotion effective date
they would have received if considered and selected by the original board. (T-0) Retroactive
promotions by SSB may be eligible for further consideration by selection boards, provided the
eligibility criteria is met. When selected on a SSB exercising merit-based reorder authority,
promote the officer with a DOR and promotion effective date in the relative position as determined
in the order of merit by scoring compared to the benchmark records. (T-0)
6.26.1. Principal Deputy USD (P&R) is the SSB report approval authority. Adjust the
officer’s DOR if previously appointed to the higher grade upon approval of the SSB report.
Promote officers upon Senate confirmation (for promotion to major and above).
6.26.2. When promotion results in the actual or constructive reinstatement of an officer who
has separated or retired, any entitlement to back active duty pay and allowances accruing to
the officer will be subject to an appropriate offset for civilian earnings, and other offsets
authorized by law. (T-0)
6.27. Disclosing SSB Proceedings. Releasing board proceedings is the same as central selection
boards (see paragraph 2.43.).
66 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Figure 6.2. SSB Decision Chart (Modified Selection Methodology).
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 67
Part 2
Chapter 7
7.1. SecAF Responsibilities. Determines when to hold a continuation board based on Air Force
requirements, establishes continuation quotas, approves termination of continued officers (prior to
expiration of term), and approves continuation propriety actions and board reports. (T-0)
7.2. Developmental Category Leads and Developmental Category Functional
Managers. Submit requests to AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P if continuation is desired based on "critical
skill needs" prior to SecAF approval to hold a continuation board. (T-1)
7.3. AF/A1PP.
7.3.1. Coordinates with AF/A1XD to identify any critical skill needs to ascertain if
continuation is necessary (and for how long) prior to processing the continuation board
convening package. (T-1)
7.3.2. Recommend to SecAF requirements and length of continuation for each competitive
category based on USAF needs and recommendations from competitive category corps chiefs
and functional managers. (T-1)
7.4. The Air Force General Officer Management Office (AF/A1LG) Responsibilities. If
applicable, indorses requests for deferral of mandatory retirement of officers in the grades of
brigadier general and above. (T-1)
7.5. The Air Force Colonel Management Office (AF/A1LO) Responsibilities. AF/A1LO
indorses requests for deferral of mandatory retirement of officers in the grade of colonel.
AF/A1LO updates the acceptance or declination statement in the MilPDS, inputs new DOS,
processes retirements and files the original document in the Master Personnel Records Group.
7.6. AFPC/PB Responsibilities.
7.6.1. Conducts Selective Continuation Boards. (T-1)
7.6.2. Processes board report to SecAF for approval. (T-1)
7.7. AFPC/DPMSPP Responsibilities. Performs the following actions for lieutenant colonel
and below:
7.7.1. Identifies officers eligible for selective continuation. (T-1)
7.7.2. Releases selective continuation board results to MPFs and establishes public release
date. Note: When selective continuation is held in conjunction with the member's promotion
selection board, the release of continuation results will be concurrent with release of promotion
results. (T-3)
7.7.3. Monitors status of officers who accept, decline, or have not responded to continuation
offer. (T-1)
68 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
7.7.4. Updates acceptance or declination in MilPDS and files the original document in the
Master Personnel Records Group. (T-1)
7.7.5. Sends a copy of declination statements to AFPC/DPMSSR for involuntary separation
processing. (T-1)
7.7.6. When officer accepts continuation, updates officer's DOS in MilPDS. (T-1)
7.7.7. Processes removal from the continuation list according to paragraph 7.22.
7.8. MPF Responsibilities.
7.8.1. Prepares the continuation acceptance or declination statement to accompany the letter
that notifies the officer of continuation. (T-3) Note: Selective Continuation Program
definitions are located at Attachment 1 for review.
7.8.2. Ensures commanders notify selected officers of continuation upon public release. (T-3)
7.8.3. Ensures officers return signed continuation letter to MPF within 60-calendar days from
public release date. (T-1)
7.8.4. For officers who decline continuation, initiates separation or retirement processing.
7.8.5. Returns all acceptance/declination statements (original only) to AFPC/DPMSPP, signed
or unsigned. Annotates circumstances of unsigned statements, i.e., "member failed to return
letter." Note: Involuntary separation actions will be initiated by AFPC/DPMSSR on officers
who fail to sign the statement within 60 days from public release. (T-1)
7.8.6. (Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) locations only). Updates the
officer’s date eligible to return from overseas after update of DOS by AFPC/DPMSPP.
7.9. Commanders Responsibilities. Notify officers, in writing, of selection for continuation and
advise them to return acceptance statement or declination to the MPF within 60 calendar days of
release date. (T-1)
7.10. Who is Eligible for Continuation. Based on the needs of the Air Force, SecAF determines
eligibility criteria for continuation.
7.10.1. Generally, subject to SecAF approval, fully qualified captains and majors subject to
separation because of twice nonselection of promotion to the next higher grade, are eligible,
unless: The officer can retire, or is in the retirement sanctuary, as a commissioned officer
by the mandatory DOS for the associated promotion board. (T-1) Exception: Majors
possessing a critical skill may be offered continuation beyond retirement eligibility to the
last day of the month in which the officer completes 24 years of active commissioned
service. The officer is not selected or declines continuation offer, in which case they will
revert to their previous sanctuary or retirement status. (T-1)
7.10.2. SecAF otherwise authorizes continuation on active duty of officers under either 10
USC § 637, Selection of regular officers for continuation on active duty, or 10 USC § 637a,
Continuation on active duty: officers in certain military specialties and career tracks. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 69
7.10.3. Commanders, based on mission essential needs, request the continuation of lieutenant
colonels or colonels past mandatory DOS (see paragraph 7.13.). Requests must include the
officer’s concurrence. (T-1)
7.11. Selecting an Officer for Continuation. All officers recommended for continuation by a
selective continuation board will be forwarded to SecAF for final approval. (T-1)
7.11.1. Normally, the Central Selection Board that nonselected the officer for promotion a
second time also considers the officer for continuation. Depending on Air Force requirements,
stand-alone continuation boards may be held to continue officers past their mandatory
retirement date. (T-1)
7.11.2. Commanders may recommend lieutenant colonels and colonels be continued past their
mandatory retirement date in accordance with Title 10 USC, section 637(b). If approved by
the SecAF, AFPC/PB will schedule and convene a board at the earliest opportunity prior to the
officer’s mandatory retirement date. (T-1)
7.12. Determining Continuation Period.
7.12.1. The SecAF determines the actual length of the continuation period. The continuation
period may differ dependent upon the individual’s grade and specialty. Captains will not be
continued longer than the last day of the month in which they complete 20 years total active
commissioned service. (T-0)
7.12.2. Continue majors until the last day of the month in which they are eligible to retire as
an officer (normally upon completion of 20 years of Total Active Military Service and 10 years
of total active federal commissioned service). Majors who possess critical skills may not be
continued any longer than the last day of the month in which they complete 24 years of active
commissioned service. (T-0)
7.12.3. The continuation period begins on the 1st day of the 7th month beginning after the
month in which the promotion board results are approved. For officers being further continued,
the continuation period begins on the first day following the completion of their initial
continuation period. For majors with critical skills who are in the retirement sanctuary or
retirement eligible and who are continued beyond 20 years active commissioned service, the
continuation period normally begins on the first day following the 20-year DOS. (T-0)
7.12.4. Officers twice-deferred for promotion who decline selective continuation to 20 years
total active commissioned service are not authorized to receive involuntary separation pay.
7.13. Requesting Continuation For Officers In The Grade of Lieutenant Colonel or
Colonel. SecAF may defer the mandatory retirement of officers with specific skills and
qualifications based upon a determination of the need for officers with such skills or qualifications,
pursuant to 10 USC § 637(b) or 10 USC § 637a. Officers must be recommended for continuation
by a selection board convened by SecAF under 10 USC § 611(b). (T-0) SecAF is the final approval
authority for all continuation recommendations. To be eligible, an officer must possess a skill or
qualification identified by SecAF, or possess a unique skill or knowledge required for a special
project whose loss would have a severe impact on the USAF. (T-1) Note: Use of 10 USC §637a
requires SecAF to designate specialties (as further limited by DoDI 1320.08) prior to the convening
date of the board and a copy of the convening notice must be provided to USD (P&R). (T-0)
70 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Officers recommended for continuation under 10 USC § 637(b) may be deferred for a period not
to exceed five years. (T-0) An officer recommended for continuation under 10 USC § 637a, if not
earlier retired, will be retired on the first day of the month after the month in which the officer
completes 40 years of active service. (T-0 Deferral and continuation under either authority will
not extend beyond the maximum age limits in 10 USC § 1251, Age 62: regular commissioned
officers in grades below general and flag officer grades: exceptions. (T-0)
7.14. Continuation for Special Projects. Commanders forward the request (with affected
officer’s concurrence statement) through the chain of command to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander. Note: Any commander in the chain of command can disapprove the request.
AF/A1LO or SF/S1L concurs/nonconcurs on requests for continuation of colonels beyond their
mandatory retirement date due to years of service. (T-1)
7.14.1. If the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander recommends approval, the request is indorsed
and sent to AFPC/DPMSPP (for lieutenant colonels) or AF/A1LO (for colonels).
AFPC/DPMSPP (for lieutenant colonels) will forward requests to AFPC/DP2 (appropriate
assignment functional) to validate the justification cited in the request and obtain their
indorsement. (T-1) AF/A1LO will validate internally. (T-1) AFPC/DPMSPP or AF/A1LO
will process requests to meet the next scheduled selective continuation board convened under
10 USC § 611(b) and 10 USC § 637. (T-1)
7.14.2. The selective continuation board recommends approval or disapproval;
recommendation is forwarded to the SecAF for final decision. (T-0)
7.14.3. If approved, the officer continued for a special project remains on active duty for the
shortest period needed to complete the specific project, but for no longer than five years beyond
mandatory retirement. (T-0) Do not extend any officer beyond the age limitations in
accordance with 10 USC §§ 1251 and 1252, Age 64: permanent professors at academies.
7.15. ADSC Agreement. There is no ADSC associated with continuation. (T-0)
7.16. Status of Continued Officers. Continued officers will remain eligible for subsequent
promotion boards provided they remain otherwise eligible. (T-1) They also remain eligible for
reassignment, temporary duty, deployments, schools, and training if the officers complete the
associated ADSC before their mandatory retirement date or DOS. Do not assign to education or
training courses of more than 30 consecutive days unless they have the retainability to fulfill the
ADSC associated with assignment and education or training according to AFMAN36-2100,
Military Utilization and Classification. Continued officers not promoted or further continued shall
be discharged or retired on the first day of the first month following the month in which the officer
completes their period of continued service. (T-0)
7.17. Continuation to Retirement Eligibility. For retirement purposes, continuation is to 20
years total active federal military service with 10 years total active federal commissioned service.
7.18. Termination of Continued Status. Terminate continuation when the officer is discharged;
released from active duty, and retired; the officer is selected for promotion to a higher grade; or
when terminated by the SecAF due to change in "critical skill needs" of the Air Force. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 71
7.19. Terms For Involuntary Separation of Selectively Continued Officers. Consider officers
for further continuation when continuation ends before an officer enters the retirement sanctuary
or becomes eligible to retire. If an officer is not selected for further continuation, they will have
at least six months’ notice before involuntary separation or discharge. (T-1) Involuntarily separate
officers who decline further continuation on the expiration of their current continuation period. If
the officers request an earlier DOS and receive approval under DAFI 36-3211, then the separation
is voluntary, and the officer does not receive separation pay. (T-0) Officers identified for, or
serving in a continued status, are subject to separation under other applicable laws and policies.
7.20. Early Termination of Continuation. The period of continuation on active duty may be
reduced by the SecAF due to subsequent changes in the needs of the Air Force under 10 USC §
638a, Modification to rules for continuation on active duty; enhanced authority for selective early
retirement and early discharges, (if authorized by SecDef and not expired). (T-0)
7.21. Continuation Propriety Actions. Commanders initiate propriety actions when a
preponderance of the evidence shows an officer is not mentally, physically, morally, or
professionally qualified for continued service on active duty.
7.22. Initiating Removal From a Continuation List. Commanders can recommend removal
from a continuation list as long as action is initiated before the officer accepts continuation, but no
later than the 60 day suspense established in the board convening notice. The SecAF is approval
authority for removal. Note: See Table 7.1 for complete details. (T-1)
7.22.1. Commander initiates the recommendation by notifying the officer, in writing, of the
removal recommendation (Attachment 8). (T-1) If necessary, verbal notification is
permissible but must be followed with written notification as soon as possible. (T-1) In either
case, notice must be served before the officer accepts continuation. (T-1)
7.22.2. Commander ensures the officer has the opportunity to respond to the recommendation
and include statements, if any, with the recommendation case file to SecAF. Advises the
officer not to accept continuation until the SecAF makes a final decision. (T-1)
7.22.3. Commander forwards case file to the MPF who will acquire the legal review and
forward through channels to MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander. (T-1) MPF must notify
AFPC/DPMSPP immediately upon officer’s notification. (T-1)
7.22.4. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander recommends approval (if appropriate) and
forwards to AFPC/DPMSPP. If the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander disapproves the
recommendation, it is returned to the servicing MPF who advises the initiating commander of
the decision. (T-1)
7.22.5. AFPC/DPMSPP will process case file to SecAF for final determination. (T-1)
7.22.6. The SecAF approves or disapproves the action.
7.22.7. AFPC/DPMSPP notifies the commander and AFPC/DPMSSR of SecAF decision to
remove the officer from the continuation list. AFPC/DPMSSR will initiate separation. (T-1)
The officer will be separated not later than the last day of the 6th month after approval of
central selection board results. (T-1)
72 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Table 7.1. Processing a Recommendation to Remove an Officer From a Continuation List.
Sequence of Instructions
Remove Officer From
Continuation List
Contact MPF and Judge Advocate
staff members for counsel and
Notify the officer, in writing, of
action being initiated (see Note 1).
The letter of notification will include:
one or more specific reasons for the
action with supporting documents
attached; the officer must
acknowledge receipt and
understanding within a reasonable
period of time (usually five
workdays); the officer may submit a
statement on his or her behalf,
including supporting documents.
(see Attachment 8)
Notify the officer, in writing of not
qualified for continuation
recommendation. Initiate action
sufficiently in advance to process
through MAJCOM/FLDCOM channels
and reach AFPC/DPMSPP before the
central selection or continuation
board convenes.
Continuation selection board will use
the correspondence in evaluating the
officer’s selection folder. Notify the
officer in writing (see Note 1), if the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander or
delegated authority (see Note 4)
supports the recommended action,
the continuation selection board will
use the correspondence in evaluating
the officer’s selection folder.
Email AFPC/DPMSPP: type of action
initiated; officer's name, grade and
Social Security number (SSN); name,
grade, and unit of the commander
initiating action; one or more reasons
for the action; date action started;
and date officer notified (if notified
verbally, also include date officer
notified in writing). Include date AFI
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 73
36-3206, action initiated, or rationale
for why action was not initiated.
Send information copy of message to
intermediate commanders.
Acknowledge receipt of the letter of
notification and attach a statement
on his or her behalf, if desired. If a
statement isn't submitted, include a
statement the officer is declining to
submit it in the written
acknowledgment of receipt. Return
all correspondence with attachments
to the commander who started the
action. Only the commander
initiating the action can permit
extensions to the suspense date to
respond to the propriety action (see
Note 2).
Send all correspondence to the
MPF/Career Development Element.
Review processing and complete the
below steps.
Obtain a written legal review by
Judge Advocate and include it in the
case file.
Send correspondence through
command channels to the officer's
(see Note 4)
Comply with Note 3, if applicable
Review correspondence and send to
officer's MAJCOM/FLDCOM of
assignment, through channels, with
recommendations (see Note 4).
Commander, deputy commander, or
staff director must sign the
forwarding indorsement. Note:
Legal review is optional.
Review correspondence and get
review by Judge Advocate to ensure
the case file is complete and the
evidence is legally sufficient. Note:
Include a copy of the written Judge
Advocate review in the case file.
Disapprove the action and return all
correspondence through channels to
the commander who started the
action, if the recommended action is
74 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
determined inappropriate; inform
AFPC/DPMSPP, in writing, of decision
and date action ended; request the
initiating commander to notify the
officer, in writing, the
recommendation was disapproved.
Approve the action and send original
case to AFPC/DPMSPP if the
recommended action is appropriate.
Notify the officer, in writing, the Not
Qualified for Continuation case has
been approved and the officer may
make a written statement to SecAF in
response to the action taken. Should
the officer desire to make a written
statement, he or she should forward
the statement through the
for forwarding through channels to
SecAF for consideration.
Send correspondence to
AFPC/DPMSPP if the recommended
action is appropriate, (see Note 5).
Consider notifying the initiating
commander so he or she can advise
the officer concerned that
recommendation is being forwarded
(see Note 5).
Review correspondence for
compliance with this instruction and
update MilPDS, as appropriate.
1. If there is not enough time to prepare a written notification, the commander may inform the
officer verbally that action has been or will be started. Provide written confirmation as soon as
possible (usually within one duty day). Once the officer is notified (verbally or in writing), the
commander immediately notifies AFPC/DPMSPP. (T-1)
2. The officer must acknowledge receipt and submit any statements on his or her behalf within a
reasonable period of time (usually within five duty days) after receiving written notification. (T-1)
Officers send fully justified requests to extend the date required to respond to the propriety action to
the initiating commander, in writing, prior to the date listed on the notification memorandum.
Initiating commanders may approve or disapprove the extensions request, in writing. As desired,
initiating commander may consult with the Staff Judge Advocate and/or Area Defense Counsel prior
to approving or disapproving a request. Commanders provide MPF Career Development Element a
copy of the extension to monitor the status of the action. The response delay requests or approval
becomes part of the case file as it is forwarded through channels to AFPC. (T-1)
3. For reassignments, the losing MPF Career Development Element notifies the gaining MPF, with
information to the gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM, that continuation propriety action has been started.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 75
The officer's parent MAJCOM/FLDCOM at the time of initiation of the propriety action is the
command channel for processing the action. (T-1)
4. Unless otherwise directed by SecAF, a commander (including wing or equivalent commanders)
may terminate an action at any time prior to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander case review. (T-1)
5. Logically construct (in chronological order) a case file before sending it to AFPC/DPMSPP. It must
include all necessary documents and they must be legible. (T-1). Include a detailed case synopsis
suitable for review by the approval authority (SecAF) referencing pertinent and tabbed documents,
statements, or other significant matters as part of the case file. Prepare all not qualified for selective
continuation or removal cases to arrive at AFPC/DPMSPP in two legible copies (original plus one).
76 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 8
8.1. Authority for Special Selection Review Boards (SSRBs). SSRBs are conducted under the
authority of 10 USC 628a, DoDI 1320.04, DoDI 1320.14 and this instruction. SSRBs are
convened as a matter of law, policy, or SecAF discretion. The purpose of the SSRB is to review
an officer’s selection record; and any credible information of an adverse nature, including any
substantiated adverse finding or conclusion from an officially documented investigation or inquiry
that was not furnished to an officer promotion or special selection board as otherwise required by
law, DoD policy, and this instruction, to determine if the recommendation of the original board
should be sustained. (T-0)
8.1.1. SecAF is the convening authority for SSRBs. (T-0) Prior to the SSRB convening date,
a staff package will be forwarded to SecAF identifying the specific SSRBs to be convened.
New SSRBs will not be added after SecAF approval of the convening package. (T-1)
8.1.2. Credible information of an adverse nature that becomes a matter of record after an
officer promotion or special selection board adjourns is not required to be furnished to a
statutory SSRB. (T-0). At SecAF’s discretion, SecAF may direct the convening of a non-
statutory SSRB.
8.2. Holding SSRBs. Selection board secretariat personnel are responsible for conducting
SSRBs. All board members, recorders, and administrative support staff work directly for SecAF
under the supervision of the board president while the board is in session.
8.2.1. No person may direct a particular individual outcome; censure, reprimand, or admonish
the board or any member of the board for recommendations or for exercising any function with
the discretion of the board; or attempt to coerce or influence, by an unauthorized means, any
action of a board or any member of a board in formulating the board’s recommendation. (T-0)
8.2.2. The Selection board secretariat will ensure this instruction is adhered to for all SSRBs.
Board members and alternate board members will familiarize themselves with this instruction,
as well as with other applicable instructions and directives, and comply with them. Alternate
board members will remain on stand-by for the duration of the board.
8.2.3. A Memorandum of Instructions (MOI), which provides policy and guidance to the
board, will be approved by the SecAF for each SSRB. Do not modify, withdraw, or supplement
the instructions after the board submits its report to the SecAF. (T-0) Attached to the SSRB
MOI will be a copy of the MOI applicable to the original board that selected the officer,
annotated by highlighting those portions that are relevant to the SSRB. If the officer was
recommended for promotion by a special selection board, the original highlighted MOI
attached to the special selection board will be attached to the SSRB MOI. The board president
will read the SSRB MOI, but not the attachment(s), verbatim to the board. (T-0) When more
than one SSRB is held, the board president reads the applicable SSRB MOI only once.
Immediately prior to beginning deliberations for each board, board members will review the
highlighted portions of the original MOI applicable to that board, disregarding the portions of
the original MOI that are not highlighted.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 77
8.2.4. After reviewing the officer’s selection record and the adverse information, the SSRB
makes a recommendation to the SecAF whether the recommendation from the officer’s
promotion or special selection board should be sustained and if the officer should continue to
be considered fully qualified and among the best qualified for promotion, consistent with the
exemplary conduct requirements of 10 USC 9233.
8.3. Organizing Boards. SSRBs will consist of a board president, board members, recorders,
and administrative support staff. Board membership will be in accordance with 10 USC 612
(T-0); and will follow the board membership policy and practice of this instruction. (T-1)
8.3.1. The board president is a non-voting member of the board who oversees the conduct of
the board and ensures that the board is conducted IAW this instruction and SecAF guidance.
While the board president may participate in any discussions permitted with other board
members, the board president may not constrain the other board members from voting their
recommendations. The board present will administer the oath in Attachment 3 to board
recorders and administrative staff before the board begins reviewing records and will perform
other duties in connection with the board proceedings as may be required.
8.3.2. The board members will perform their duties based on the best interest of the
Department of the Air Force as directed in SecAF’s guidance. They will request relief from
SecAF, or the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)), if they
cannot, in good conscience, perform their duties without prejudice or partiality. They will
request relief from SecAF or USD(P&R) of their obligation not to disclose board proceedings
if they believe the integrity of the board’s proceedings has been affected by improper influence
of senior military or civilian authority, misconduct by the board president or a member, or any
other reason. Upon the granting of the request, the board member will report the basis for their
belief to the SecAF or USD(P&R).
8.3.3. The board recorders ensure procedures outlined in this instruction are met. They will
manage the flow of records to the board members, answer administrative questions, review
information for presentation to the board, and advise the board president and members on board
processes and other administrative matters. There will be at least one board recorder present
during all board proceedings. A member will not serve as a recorder on boards for which they
are being considered. If a recorder requires relief for any of the reasons described in paragraph
8.3.2, they will request relief from the SecAF or USD(P&R) IAW that paragraph.
8.3.4. The administrative support staff will answer administrative questions and follow
standard written procedures governing the administrative support for boards.
8.3.5. Board Member Preparation. The selection board secretariat will pre-brief the board
president on the board agenda, SecAF’s SSRB MOI, and board president responsibilities, and
the trial run exercise (practice scoring session if necessary). (T-1) Board recorders will
conduct the first day administrative briefing to the board. A copy of the SSRB MOI will be
provided to each board member, recorder, and administrative assistant.
8.3.6. The board recorders ensure all communications with the board are in writing, to include
guidance from the SecAF. The board recorders will furnish all written communications to all
board members and record it as part of the board’s record. An audio or video recording is an
acceptable means for providing guidance to the board, so long as a written transcript is a part
of the board record. No one other than the SecAF may appear in person to address the board
78 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
on any matter. (T-0) Should the SecAF address the board in person, the selection board
secretariat will provide a verbatim transcript of the SecAF’s remarks to every board member
and include it in the record of the board. (T-0) This does not restrict the board recorders from
furnishing administrative information to the board. Board members, recorders, and
administrative staff may orally communicate routine administrative information to the extent
necessary to facilitate the board’s work.
8.3.7. The selection board secretariat will administer the oath in Attachment 3 to board
members before scoring records. (T-0)
8.4. Information Meeting the Board. Only the following information is authorized to meet the
8.4.1. Officer Selection Record (OSR). The record and information concerning the officer
furnished to the promotion selection or special selection board that recommended the officer
for promotion.
8.4.2. Adverse Information. Any credible information of an adverse nature on the officer,
including any substantiated adverse finding or conclusion from an officially documented
investigation or inquiry described in 10 USC § 615, Information furnished to selection boards,
DAFI 36-2907, Adverse Administrative Actions, and this instruction that was not furnished to
the promotion selection or special selection board as otherwise required. Adverse information
on O-7 selects and below will meet the board in the form dictated by DAFI 36-2907 and this
instruction. Unless otherwise directed by SecAF, adverse information on an O-7 or O-8 select
will meet the board in the form of a Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File (SOUIF)
approved in accordance with AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, and this
8.4.3. Letter to the Board. Officers will be informed that they will meet a SSRB, and the
selection board secretariat, as appropriate, will ensure that the adverse information being
provided to the board is made available to the officer(s). If the adverse information is not made
available to the officer(s) due to the classification status of the information, the officer, to the
maximum extent practicable, will be provided an appropriate summary of the information. The
officers will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to submit written comments on the adverse
information via a letter to the board. Exception: Adverse information on an O-7 or O-8
(select) and the opportunity to submit comments on that information will be done solely
through the SOUIF process. Officers send letters to AFPC/DPMSPP, so it arrives no later than 10 calendar
days before the date the board convenes. Specific instructions about how to submit a letter,
as they apply to the SSRB, will also be provided in the board convening notice. Letters
arriving after the 10-day period prior to the board will not be presented to the board for
consideration. To preserve anonymity, officers should not date their letters nor address their
letters to the “Special Selection Review Board” or “SSRB”. Letters should be addressed
using the board information from the original board, e.g., CY23 Major (LAF) Central
Selection Board. (T-1) Letters should not contain any information or address any event
occurring after the convening date of the original board. Refer to paragraph 2.10 for further information on writing letters.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 79
8.5. SSRBs Procedures. In considering a record and adverse information on an officer, the SSRB
will compare the officer’s record and information with an appropriate sampling of benchmark
records of those officers of the same competitive category, who were recommended for promotion
and an appropriate sampling of benchmark records of those officers who were considered by and
not recommended for promotion by the original board. If a record is also one of the select
benchmark records, the record will compete against the remaining benchmark records. (T-1)
8.5.1. Records and adverse information will be presented to the SSRB in a manner that does
not indicate or disclose the officer for whom the SSRB was convened.
8.5.2. Each board member will carefully consider the records of each officer whose name is
furnished to the board.
8.5.3. Scoring. Scoring will be accomplished by secret ballot without benefit of discussion
unless a significant disagreement (“split”) occurs in the scores on a particular record. When a
specific SSRB ballot is presented to the board members, it will include the date of the original
selection or special selection board, grade, competitive category, and promotion zone. (T-1)
Board members are reminded of the applicable guidelines of the original selection or special
selection board for display of pertinent information in the OSB (e.g., academic education level,
developmental education, etc.) for that SSRB.
8.5.4. Scoring Scale. SSRBs will use the scoring scale used by the original selection or special
selection board; and to the greatest extent practicable, apply standards used by the promotion
or special selection board that recommended the officer for promotion. Scoring will be
accomplished by secret ballot unless a “split” occurs in the scores on a particular record.
8.5.5. Defining “Splits.” A “split” is a significant disagreement between board members
regarding the score of a record. A “split” is considered a difference in a score of two or more
points between any panel members (e.g., 6 and 8, or 8 and 10). Resolving “Splits.” All voting members must be present to discuss the record
involved in a “split.” Only members with split scores may change their scores in the process
of resolving a split. Board members may discuss their own personal knowledge and evaluate
professional qualifications of eligible officers, provided they discus only matters
documented in the OSR or permitted by law, DoDI 1320.14, this instruction, or SecAF
guidance or instructions. (T-0) Board members may not discuss or disclose the opinion of a person not a member
of the board concerning the officer unless that opinion is in the material presented to the
board under in accordance with DoDI 1320.14 and this instruction. (T-0)
8.5.6. Identifying “Show Cause” Records. During the scoring process board members will
identify the name of officers who, in their opinion, should “Show Cause” for retention. They
do this by voting “Show Cause” on the scoring ballot for each record of this type.
8.5.7. Promotion Quota and Sustainment/Non-Sustainment. There is no quota for SSRBs.
The order of merit is used to determine the sustainment or non-sustainment status of the
member. After board members score the benchmark records and member records and resolve
any splits, the order of merit will be tabulated. To sustain a promotion recommendation via
the SSRB process, a member’s record must score higher than the score of every non-select
80 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
benchmark record and equal to or higher than the score of any one of the select benchmark
records. If a member’s score does not meet both criteria, the member is considered to have
failed selection for promotion.
8.5.8. On rare occasions, the order of merit is anomalous to a degree that consistent and
equitable scoring among the SSRB may be questioned. An anomaly occurs when a non-select
benchmark finishes highest in the order of merit. The decision tree at Figure 8.1 will be used
when an anomaly occurs. (T-1) Note: Some inversion is expected in SSRB order of merit.
Inversion to a lesser degree than illustrated above does not constitute an anomaly.
Figure 8.1. SSRB Decision Chart (Standard Selection Methodology).
8.5.9. Procedural Board Anomalies. Other procedural anomalies occurring during a board
that may require variation from established procedures require board president resolution.
During the board, the board president may bring any matter to the attention of the SecAF, or
designated representative, if they determine that SecAF level decision is required. These
responsibilities of the board president do not limit in any way the right of a board member or
a selection board secretariat member to communicate with the SecAF or USD(P&R) as
provided by paragraphs 8.3.2 and 8.3.3.
8.6. Board Report. The board shall make a written recommendation to SecAF as to whether, in
light of the adverse information, the promotion of each officer considered should be sustained.
8.6.1. Resolution of “Show Cause.” Return to the board the records that received at least one
“show cause” vote during scoring. Board members will discuss the record and rule by a
majority vote to determine whether the officer’s name will be included in the board report to
SecAF, recommending the officer “show cause” for retention. (T-0) The board president
reviews the results. If the board president determines there is a rational basis to conclude any
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 81
of these records may not have been voted upon in a manner consistent with SecAF’s guidance,
the board president may direct such record be returned to the board for re-vote; the second vote
will be used.
8.6.2. The board members, recorders and administrative support staff will sign the board
report, certifying applicable law, policy, and guidance were followed as directed in SecAF’s
MOI. (T-0)
8.7. Post Board Actions. Recorders out brief the board members, discuss cautions, and collect
all notes.
8.7.1. The provisions of 10 USC § 618, Action on reports of selection boards, apply to the
report of a statutory SSRB in the same manner as they apply to the report of the original board.
8.7.2. The Principal Deputy USD(P&R) is the statutory SSRB report approval authority for
O-6 and below boards. The Secretary of Defense is the statutory SSRB report approval
authority for general officer boards. SecAF is the approval authority for non-statutory SSRBs.
8.8. Appointment of Officers. If the board report recommends sustainment of the
recommendation for promotion, the board report is approved, and the Senate confirms the
nomination, the officer shall, as soon as practicable, be appointed to that grade in accordance with
10 USC § 624 and this instruction. (T-0) The officer, upon appointment, will have the same date
of rank, the same effective date for pay and allowances, and the same position on the active-duty
list as the person would have had pursuant to the original recommendation for promotion of the
promotion board. (T-0)
8.9. Disclosing SSRB Proceedings. Before the report is signed by each board member and board
recorder, the recommendations and proceedings may be disclosed only to the board members,
board recorders, and those administrative support staff designated in writing by the SecAF. (T-0)
Board recommendations may be disclosed to the extent necessary to process the board report and
subsequent related actions. Results of the board will be released in accordance with DoDI 1320.04.
The disclosure of proceedings is governed by Department of Air Force policy, DoDI 1320.14 and
10 USC § 613a, Nondisclosure of board proceedings. Any other disclosures of the board
recommendations and/or proceedings may not occur without the express authority of the SecAF.
82 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Part 3
Chapter 9
9.1. SecAF Responsibilities. Administers the RegAF and USSF promotion program ensuring
compliance with DoDI 1320.14 and all applicable laws. (T-0)
9.1.1. Convenes all brigadier and major general promotion selection boards to include SSB
and SSRBs. (T-0)
9.1.2. Appoints qualified personnel (board president, board members, recorders, and
administrative staff) who can perform their duties without prejudice or partiality and will not
appoint individual board members for the purpose of affecting the selection of any individual
by the board. (T-0) Board composition must be in accordance with 10 USC § 612,
Composition of selection boards and DoDI 1320.14. (T-0)
9.1.3. Approves a course of instruction for board recorders to ensure they are properly trained
on their duties and responsibilities. (T-0)
9.1.4. Approves release from duty as board members, recorders, and administrative staff.
9.1.5. Furnishes selection board information and guidelines relating to the needs of the USAF
for officers having particular skills, including the need for either a minimum or maximum
number of officers with particular skills within a given competitive category. (T-0) SecAF
approves the number of officers needed in each skill. (T-0) No increase in the number may be
made after the selection board convenes without the written approval of the Under Secretary
of Defense for Personnel and Readiness USD (P&R). (T-0)
9.1.6. Develops an annual promotion plan and determines eligibility requirements by grade
and competitive category in compliance with 10 USC §§ 622 and 623 and DoDI 1320.14.
9.1.7. Conducts yearly random interviews of board presidents, board members, board
recorders, and administrative staff assigned to support board deliberations. (T-0) This will
ensure boards are conducted in accordance with applicable law, DoD issuances, CJCS
instructions and this instruction. (T-0)
9.1.8. Reviews annually the content of administrative briefings to the selection boards and
ensures they are consistent with, and do not alter, Secretarial guidance. (T-0)
9.1.9. Ensures no official, civilian or military: Directs a particular individual be selected (or not be selected) by a selection board;
or (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 83 Censures, reprimands, or admonishes the board (or any member of the board) with
regard to the recommendations of the board or the exercise of any function within the
discretion of the board; or (T-0) Attempts to coerce or, by any unauthorized means, influence any action of a board
(or any member of a board) in the formulation of the board's recommendations. (T-0)
9.2. General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force (SAF/GC). Approves or disapproves
entries into the Senior Officer Unfavorable Information File (SOUIF). Also, has the delegated
responsibility from the SecAF to approve SOUIFs for board consideration. (T-0)
9.3. SAF/IG. Conducts IG checks on promotion eligible officers. Prepares the executive
summary and in coordination with AF/JA recommends entry of the summary into the SOUIF.
Officers within the Senior Officials Inquiries Directorate (SAF/IGS) will prepare these summaries
on behalf of SecAF in accordance with DoDI 1320.14. (T-0)
9.4. CJCS. Designates a Joint Qualified Officer for appointment by SecAF to be a board member
for selection boards considering Joint Qualified Officers or officers who have served on or who
are serving on the Joint Staff. (T-0)
9.5. HQ USAF.
9.5.1. The CSAF recommends annual promotion requirements and board members to the
SecAF. (T-1)
9.5.2. The AF/A1 administers all RegAF general officer boards for SecAF. (T-1)
9.5.3. AF/JA advises and coordinates on executive summaries recommended for entry into a
9.6. The Air Force Colonel Management Office (AF/A1LO) or Space Force Senior Leader
Management Office (SF/S1L). Responsible for RegAF or USSF brigadier general selection
boards to include announcing the board convening date to MAJCOM/FLDCOMs, Field Operating
Agencies, Direct Reporting Units, and MPFs approximately 150 calendar days before a brigadier
general selection board convenes. Prepares the announcement and includes the eligibility criteria,
name and DOR of the most junior and most senior officer eligible as of the notification date, and
identifies the requirement for a PRF on all promotion eligible colonels as needed as an official
annual fitness for promotion assessment, regardless of competitive category.
9.7. The Air Force General Officer Management Office (AF/A1LG). Responsible for
obtaining active duty board members for the brigadier and major general officer selection boards,
SSBs and SSRBs.
9.8. Administering the Promotion Program.
9.8.1. AF/A1LO Responsibilities. AF/A1LO (for the Brigadier General Selection Board) will coordinate with the
AFPC selection board secretariat and A1LG to accomplish duties outlined in paragraphs,, and (T-1) AF/A1LO verifies colonel eligibility status for the general officer boards and
flows OPBs as directed by the board convening notice. (T-1)
84 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 Sends requests for initial IG checks for adverse and reportable information on
promotion eligible colonels to SAF/IGQ, 150 calendar days prior to the board date when
possible. (T-1) Requests initial data pulls for eligibles from all competitive categories until
quotas for the board are decided.
9.8.2. AF/A1LG Responsibilities. AF/A1LG (for the Major General Selection Board) will coordinate with the AFPC
selection board secretariat to accomplish duties outlined in paragraphs,, and (T-1) Develops SecAF MOI for brigadier (in coordination with AF/A1LO) and major
general officer selection boards, SSBs, and SSRBs. (T-1) Sends requests for initial IG checks for adverse and reportable information on
promotion eligible brigadier generals to SAF/IGS, 150 calendar days prior to the board
date when possible. (T-1) Requests initial data pulls for eligibles from all competitive
categories until quotas for the board are decided. Identifies all assigned eligible brigadier generals and verifies eligibility status.
(T-0) Issues written notice to include eligibility criteria, the board convening date,
and the names and DOR of the most junior and senior officers meeting the board
directly to all eligible brigadier generals at least 30 days before a major general
selection board convenes. (T-0) Ensures eligible officers receive the OPB and the OPB instruction sheet. If
an officer believes the data is incorrect, AF/A1LG or office of primary responsibility
listed on the OPB instruction sheet takes necessary corrective action. (T-1) AF/A1LG publishes all RegAF general officer promotion orders. (T-1)
9.8.3. The selection board secretariat will pre-brief the board president on the board agenda,
SecAF MOI, and board president responsibilities. (T-1) Board recorders will conduct the first
day administrative briefing to the board. (T-1) The board president may provide opening
administrative remarks. The board president will read the main portion of the SecAF’s MOI,
verbatim. (T-0) The addenda and any attachments will be read individually by each board
member, when applicable. (T-1) These instructions will not contain information on particular
officers. (T-0) Do not modify, withdraw, or supplement the instructions after the board
submits its report to SecAF. (T-0) No substantive information, not previously approved by
SecAF for consideration by the board, will be provided to the board during these administrative
briefings or remarks. (T-0)
9.8.4. Promotion eligible officers will be afforded the opportunity to send letters for all RegAF
general officer boards to AF/A1LO or AF/A1LG, as appropriate; to arrive no later than 10
calendar days before the date the board convenes. (T-0) Address letters to the board president,
calendar year (insert appropriate year and grade) Board (e.g., board president, CY20 Brig Gen
Board). See paragraph 2.10 for other administrative guidance. AF/A1LO or AF/A1LG will
advise the officer when a letter does not comply with guidance. (T-1) The officer may then
submit changes or a new letter. The letter(s) or changes arriving later than 10 calendar days
before the date the board convenes will be returned or destroyed. (T-0) All communications
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 85
will be sent to their respective general officer management or colonel management offices.
(T-1) The letter should be brief. Communications sent to the board will be filed in the OSR
and will be considered by the selection board. (T-0) Immediately after completion of the
selection board, the letter will be removed from the OSR and placed in the Master Personnel
Record Group for historical, legal, and appeal purposes only. (T-1) Access is limited to only
those who have a need to know. (T-0)
9.9. MPF Career Development Element (for Brigadier General boards only).
9.9.1. Identifies all assigned eligible officers and verifies eligibility status. (T-1)
9.9.2. Issues written notice to each eligible officer on the eligibility criteria, to include the
board convening date, and the names and DOR of the most junior officer and most senior
officer eligible. (T-1)
9.9.3. Ensures eligible officers receive the OPB and the OPB instruction sheet. (T-1)
Requests missing OPBs through Air Force Promotion System, as outlined in the board convening
notice found in myFSS. (T-1) If an officer believes the data is incorrect, the officer contacts the
MPF or office of primary responsibility listed on the OPB instruction sheet to take necessary
corrective action. (T-1)
9.10. Eligible Officer. See guidance in paragraphs 1.11 and 10.2.
9.11. Department of the Air Force Members. No one is permitted to engage in unauthorized
communications with board members as outlined in DoDI 1320.14 and this instruction prior to and
during a selection board. (T-0) This includes attempts to improperly influence a selection either
negatively or positively, as well as the acts prohibited by paragraph 2.2. (T-0)
86 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Chapter 10
10.1. Program Objectives. The fundamental purpose of the officer promotion program is to
select officers through a fair and competitive selection process to advance the best and fully
qualified officers to positions of increased responsibility and authority, and provide the necessary
career incentive to attract and maintain a quality officer force. A promotion is not a reward for
past service. Promotion is based on performance and demonstrated potential to serve in the next
higher grade. Procedures and policies for all boards are established to provide for the careful
consideration, without prejudice or partiality, of all officers eligible for promotion and to ensure
the independence and integrity of boards by precluding unauthorized communications to boards
or board members prior to or during the board.
10.1.1. RegAF boards are convened under the provisions of 10 USC §§ 611, 628, 628a, DoDI
1320.14, DoDI 6000.13, DAFPD 36-25, and DAFPD 36-26, and this instruction. Procedures
and policies for all RegAF boards are established to provide for the careful consideration,
without prejudice or partiality, of all officers eligible for promotion and to ensure the
independence and integrity of boards by preventing unauthorized communications to boards
or board members prior to or during the board.
10.1.2. Additionally, the objective is to maintain a relatively similar promotion opportunity
from year to year in accordance with DoDI 1320.13. (T-0)
10.2. Promotion Eligibility. 10 USC § 619, Eligibility for consideration for promotion: time in
grade and other requirements, requires all officers have at least one year time in grade to be
considered for promotion to the grade of brigadier or major general. To be considered for
promotion to brigadier general, Air Force policy requires that an officer must have at least two
years’ time in grade as of the board convening date. (T-1) Officers who have an approved DOS
within 90 days of the date the board convenes are ineligible for promotion consideration by that
board. (T-1)
10.3. Information Provided to Boards. Boards convened under this instruction will be provided
the information and or documents listed below. (T-1) No other information and or documents may
be provided to a board without the express written approval of the SecAF.
10.3.1. The number and names of officers in each competitive category to be considered.
10.3.2. The maximum number of officers in each competitive category under consideration
that the board may recommend for promotion. (T-0)
10.3.3. The OSR, to include Officer Evaluation Reports, and as outlined in DAFI 36-2608 for
each officer being considered, in addition to: Current PRF for promotion to brigadier general and all DAF Forms 78, Air Force
General Officer Promotion Recommendations for promotion to major general. (T-1) Officer Selection Brief. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 87 Letters to the board from eligible officers in accordance with 10 USC § 614 and
DoDI 1320.14. (T-0) Administrative guidance can be found in paragraph 2.10. Adverse information as defined in paragraph (T-0) SOUIF (Major General Board only) when approved for entry by SAF/GC for
board purposes in accordance with paragraph 10.5. (T-0) Decoration citations. (T-1)
10.3.4. Factual information requested by the board to amplify or clarify the official records
provided to a board. Such information will be passed to the board only through the board
recorder and administrative support personnel. (T-1) A board may not be provided information
that could not otherwise be made part of the officer’s official records without first notifying
the officer and providing an opportunity to comment. (T-0)
10.3.5. SecAF MOI containing, at a minimum, the information required by DoDI 1320.14, as
follows: The written instructions to promotion selection boards as outlined in DoDI
1320.14. (T-0) Guidelines to ensure the board considers all eligible officers without prejudice
or partiality. (T-0) Information or guidelines on the needs of the USAF for officers with particular
skills (if necessary), including the need for a minimum or maximum number of officers
with particular skills in a competitive category and grade is in accordance with DoDI
1320.14. (T-0) No increase in the numbers may be made after the selection board convenes
without the written approval from USD (P&R). (T-0) Information or guidelines on the
maximum number of officers the board may recommend and officers with particular skills
must be furnished to the board as part of the written instructions provided to the board.
(T-0) Guidelines to ensure the marital status, civilian employment, religion, or
volunteer service of an officer, or any information regarding an officer’s spouse, will not
be considered by the members of the board. (T-0) Guidelines to ensure the board gives appropriate consideration to the
performance of eligible officers who are serving or have served on the Joint Staff or are
Joint Qualified Officers, as well as appropriate consideration for those officers serving in
the acquisition workforce. (T-0) Guidelines to prohibit board members, board recorders, and administrative staff
(or persons acting on their behalf) from receiving, starting, or participating in
communications or discussions involving information that is precluded from presentation
to a board by DoDI 1320.14, or this instruction. (T-0) Board recorders and administrative
staff may review information intended for a board to ensure the information is authorized
for presentation to the board. Board members, board recorders, and administrative support
personnel will report to SecAF if they believe someone is exerting (or attempting to exert)
inappropriate influence over the board (or its proceedings). (T-0)
88 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 Guidelines on actions if a board member or board recorder believes someone is
exerting, or attempting to exert, inappropriate influence over the board or its proceedings.
(T-0) Instructions stating no person may direct a board to select or nonselect a
particular officer. (T-0) Incorporate the exemplary conduct provisions of 10 USC § 9233, Requirement
of exemplary conduct. (T-0) Information or guidelines on merit-based reordering of the promotion list (if
authorized) to include prescribing procedures, percentages, and required board report
content. (T-0) Guidelines to prohibit board members from considering an officer’s previous
decision to participate in the career intermission program or opt out of a promotion board,
if applicable. (T-0) Guidelines prescribed by OSD.
10.3.6. Guidance or written instructions provided to the board by SecAF will not include
information on particular officers, and may not be modified, withdrawn, or supplemented after
the board submits its report to SecAF, except in the case of a report returned to the board
president pursuant to 10 USC § 618(a)(2). (T-0)
10.3.7. Appropriate laws, regulations, and directives listed in Attachment 1 will be available
for board members to review during the board, as applicable to each board. (T-0)
10.4. Communications with Selection Boards.
10.4.1. SecAF will issue written instructions directed specifically to general officer boards in
the form of a Secretarial MOI, as described in paragraph 10.3.5, providing guidance
governing selection considerations for the board. (T-0) The main portion of SecAF’s MOI
will include verbiage contained in DoDI 1320.14, regarding instructions on communication
and information. (T-0) The board president may provide opening administrative remarks. The
board president will read the main portion of the SecAF MOI verbatim. (T-0) The addenda
and any attachments will be read individually by each board member, when applicable. (T-1)
These instructions will not contain information on particular officers. (T-0) Do not modify,
withdraw, or supplement the instructions after the board submits its report to SecAF. (T-0)
No substantive information, not previously approved by SecAF for consideration by the board,
will be provided to the board during these administrative briefings or remarks. (T-0)
10.4.2. No one other than SecAF may appear in person to address the board on any matter.
(T-0) Should SecAF address the board in person, the selection board secretariat will provide a
verbatim transcript of their remarks to every board member and include it in the record of the
board. (T-0) This does not restrict the board recorders from furnishing administrative
information to the board. Board members, recorders, and administrative staff may orally
communicate routine administrative information to the extent necessary to facilitate the
board’s work. (T-0) All communications with members of a selection board must be in
writing, furnished to all board members, and made part of the board record. (T-0) An audio
or video recording is an acceptable means for providing guidance to the board, so long as a
written transcript is a part of the board record. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 89
10.4.3. The following information may be communicated to a selection board: The information provided to boards, in support of their duties, described in
paragraph 10.3 of this instruction. Information not part of the OSR, but which SecAF determines to be substantiated
and relevant, and which SecAF considers might reasonably and materially affect the
deliberations of the board. If this information is to be presented, the eligible officer must
be notified the information will be presented to the board. (T-0) The eligible officer must
also be provided a copy of the information provided to the board and afforded a reasonable
opportunity to submit written comments on information to the board. (T-0) If the officer
cannot have access to the information for reasons of national security, or other lawful
reason, the officer will, to the maximum extent practical, be provided with an appropriate
summary of the information. (T-0) Factual summaries of information, such as Adverse
Information Summaries, presented to boards under these provisions will be prepared by
SAF/GC, on behalf of the SecAF, for that specific purpose. (T-0) Information provided to a board will not be provided to subsequent boards unless
the information is made part of the OSR, or SecAF makes a new determination that the
information should again be placed before a board and the officer is again allowed to
comment. (T-0)
10.4.4. Once notified of designation as a member of a board and until that board adjourns,
board members must be particularly careful to ensure they are not prejudiced or influenced
about the fitness for promotion of a specific officer by a superior military or civilian authority.
(T-0) This does not preclude a board member from performing rating or evaluating
responsibilities as required by DAFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems. If
board members cannot, in good conscience, perform board duties without prejudice or
partiality, they are required to request relief by SecAF from their obligation as soon as possible;
such a request will be honored. (T-0) Board members who believe the integrity of the board's
proceedings have been adversely affected by improper influence of superior military or civilian
authority, misconduct of the board president or of a member, or any other reason, have a duty
to request relief from SecAF or the USD (P&R) from the obligation not to disclose board
proceedings and upon receiving it, to report the basis for their belief to that authority. (T-0)
No official, civilian or military, may direct a particular individual be selected (or not be
selected) by a board; censure, reprimand, or admonish the board or any member of the board
with respect to the recommendations of the board (or the exercise of any function of the board);
or attempt to coerce, or by unauthorized means influence any action of the board or any
member of the board in the formulation of the board's recommendations. (T-0)
10.4.5. Promotion eligible officers may send letters for all general officer boards to AF/A1LO
or AF/A1LG, as appropriate, but must arrive no later than 10 calendar days before the date the
board convenes. (T-0) Address letters to the board president, calendar year (insert appropriate
year and grade) Board (e.g., board president, CY20 Brig Gen Board). See paragraph 2.10 for
other administrative guidance. AF/A1LO or AF/A1LG will advise the officer when a letter
does not comply with guidance. (T-1) The officer may then submit changes or a new letter.
The letter(s) or changes arriving later than 10 calendar days before the date the board convenes
will be returned or destroyed. (T-0) The letter should be brief. Communications sent to the
board will be filed in the OSR and will be considered by the selection board. (T-0)
90 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Immediately after completion of the selection board, the letter will be removed from the OSR
and placed in the Master Personnel Record Group for historical, legal, and appeal purposes
only. (T-1) Access is limited to only those who have a need to know. (T-0)
10.4.6. All other communications, other than as expressly provided for (as they relate to
particular officers) in this instruction, are prohibited. (T-0) Access to boardrooms and
administrative material associated with the process will be limited to board members, board
recorders, and administrative support personnel. (T-1)
10.4.7. Board members, in their deliberations, may discuss their own personal knowledge and
evaluation of the professional qualifications of eligible officers to the extent such matters are
not precluded by law, DoDI 1320.14, or this instruction. Board members will not discuss or
disclose the opinion of anyone not a member of the board concerning an officer being
consideredunless the opinion is contained in material authorized to be placed before the
board, in accordance with the provisions of this instruction. (T-0)
10.5. Senior Officer Unfavorable Information Files. For the purposes of this instruction,
unfavorable information on a brigadier general, not otherwise contained in an OSR, consists of
documentation filed in a SOUIF, prepared by Secretary of the Air Force, Office of the Inspector
General, Senior Official Inquiries (SAF/IGS), and approved by SAF/GC, under the provisions of
AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution.
10.5.1. The SOUIF may include the following: An executive summary of substantiated or partially substantiated allegations of
misconduct, and/or documents describing behaviors, which reflect adversely on an officer's
conduct, integrity, or judgement. Documentation of command or supervisory action including Uniform Code of
Military Justice action, administrative reprimand, admonishment, or counseling. The officer’s comment or response to the executive summary(ies) and/or
10.5.2. If an officer is recommended for promotion by the board, SecAF, based on the
significance of the unfavorable information, or information received after a board has
convened, may: Initiate action to remove the officer’s name from the promotion list; Initiate action to remove the officer's name from the report of the board consistent
with the requirement of 10 USC § 618, DoDI 1320.14, and this instruction; or, (T-0) Support the nomination; however, a summary of the unfavorable information or
information received after the board (Adverse Information Summary or Reportable
Information Summary) and the report of investigation with all exhibits will be required to
accompany the nomination to the Senate. (T-0) The summary will include actions taken
by the USAF regarding the unfavorable information or information received after the
board, as well as the specific reasons why the USAF is supporting the nomination. (T-0)
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) will forward this information to the President
and Senate Armed Services Committee in accordance with the nomination and
confirmation process. Refer to DoDI 1320.04, for specific information and documentation
required by OSD. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 91 If adverse information was not available for review by the promotion selection
board selecting the officer for promotion to a general officer grade, a SSRB must review
the adverse information and make a recommendation to SecAF regarding whether the
promotion recommendation should be sustained. (T-0) See Chapter 8 of this instruction.
10.6. Board Recorders and Board Administration.
10.6.1. Board recorders and administrative support personnel will be appointed by the SecAF
for all boards. (T-0) Such appointments will be in writing. (T-1) At least one board recorder
will be present during all board deliberations. (T-0) Any board recorder or administrator who
believes that they cannot, in good conscience, perform board duties without prejudice or
partiality has a duty to request relief from such duty from the SecAF. (T-0) These requests
will be honored. (T-0) Additional board recorder responsibilities are specified in DoDI
1320.14, and this instruction.
10.6.2. AF/A1 provides trained board recorders for all general officer boards in accordance
with DoDI 1320.14. (T-0)
10.7. Report of Board Proceedings. A report of proceedings will be prepared by the board
recorder(s) and signed by each board member. (T-0) The board report will contain a list of those
officers the board recommends for promotion, and will contain, at a minimum, the required
certification statements contained in DoDI 1320.14, Section 3, Figure 1, and continued in the MOI.
10.7.1. No increase in the maximum number of officers the board may recommend may be
made after the selection board convenes without the written approval from USD (P&R).
10.7.2. Before the board report is signed by each board member and board recorder, the
recommendations and proceedings may be disclosed only to the board members, board
recorders and administrative support personnel designated in writing by SecAF. (T-0) After
the board report is signed, and before public release, board recommendations may be disclosed
to the extent necessary to process the board report and subsequent related actions. (T-0)
10.8. Action on Reports of Selection Boards. Final board report is reviewed and acted upon, as
required, by the SecAF. Upon approval, board results are forwarded to the SecDef in accordance
with the requirements of DoDI 1320.04 and DoDI 1320.14. (T-0)
10.8.1. Following approval of the promotion selection board report by the SecDef, AFPC/PB,
AF/A1LO and AF/A1LG, as applicable, will destroy all score rosters and internal working
papers associated with the board not a part of the official board record. (T-0)
10.8.2. AF/A1LG will follow procedures and policies outlined in DoDI 1320.04, CJCSI
1331.01E, Manpower and Personnel Actions Involving General and Flag Officers, and CJCSI
1330.05B, Joint Officer Management Program Procedures, to prepare post-board
documentation and necessary actions for promotion selection boards, SSBs and SSRBs. (T-0)
If the Secretary returns a report to a selection board, Secretarial instructions will not include
information regarding particular officers. (T-0)
10.9. Disclosure of Board Proceedings and Recommendations. Only recommendations of the
board may be released. Board proceedings, including specific information on how the board
scored each record, will not be disclosed to any individual not a member of the board. Information
on the number of officers considered and selected, board organizations, the general procedures
followed by the board, the number of board members, and their names, grades, and service
92 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
components may be disclosed after Senate confirmation of everyone nominated and approved from
the original board report. (T-0)
10.10. Announcing Board Results. Promotion nominees may be released to the public after
Presidential nomination. AF/A1LG will notify each nominee’s MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander
(or equivalent) upon Presidential nomination to Congress and again upon confirmation by the
Senate. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 93
Chapter 11
11.1. Internal Board Structure.
11.1.1. Upon appointment, the board president, board members, recorders and administrative
support staff will read and become familiar with all of this instruction and DoDI 1320.14
(provided by AFPC/PB). (T-1) Before convening the board, AFPC/PB will also provide a
copy of the SecAF MOI to each board member, board recorder, and administrative assistant
and make available applicable laws. (T-1) The board recorder will administer the oaths
specified in 10 USC § 613, Oath of members of selection boards, and this instruction. (T-0) The SecAF will appoint a member of the selection board as the board president
and prescribe their duties. (T-0) The board president has no authority to constrain the board
from recommending those fully qualified officers the majority of the board finds best
qualified to meet the needs of the USAF as specified by SecAF. Further, the board
president will not: Direct a particular officer be selected or not selected by the board. (T-0) Attempt to coerce, or by any other unauthorized means, influence any
action of a board (or any member of a selection board) in the formulation of the board's
recommendations. (T-0) Censure, reprimand, or admonish the board (or any member of the board)
regarding the recommendations of the board (or the exercise of any function within the
discretion of the board). (T-0) The board presidents of the major general and brigadier general selection
boards will be serving in the grade of general. (T-1) The board president is a non-
voting and non-scoring member of the selection board. (T-1) The board president oversees the conduct of the board, including management of
split scores, the gray zone, and rescores. (T-1) The board president will read the main
portion of the SecAF MOI verbatim to board members, board recorders, and the
administrative staff, and moderates all discussion, keeping the board focused on SecAF
guidance and adhering to all legal and regulatory requirements. (T-0) The addenda and
attachments to the MOI will be read individually by each board member. (T-1)
11.1.2. AF/A1 will furnish the board the names and records of the officers eligible for
consideration and provide trained board recorders to the board. (T-0)
11.1.3. LAF officers may score records of any competitive category. LAF - Judge Advocates
will only score LAF - Judge Advocate records and Chaplains will only score Chaplain records.
11.1.4. Health Professions officers remain in their individual competitive categories until
becoming eligible for promotion to major general. (T-1) At that time, Health Professions
officers compete for promotion together to major general. Health Professions officers may
only score records within the Health Professions competitive categories.
94 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
11.1.5. While the board is in session, the board works directly for the SecAF under the
supervision of the board president. (T-1)
11.1.6. Selection boards will be comprised of a minimum of five ADL officers in addition to
the board president. (T-0) Each officer must be serving in a grade higher than the officers
under consideration. (T-0) Otherwise, board composition is in accordance with 10 USC § 612
and DoDI 1320.14, except as SecAF determines appropriate regarding the absence of LAF-
Judge Advocate or Chaplain representation (e.g., because of availability considerations). (T-1)
11.1.7. Selection boards will ordinarily include at least one officer from each competitive
category being considered by the board. (T-1) A selection board need not include an officer
from a competitive category when there is no eligible officer of that competitive category on
the ADL in a grade higher than the grade of the officers to be considered.
11.1.8. No officer may be a member of two successive boards for the consideration of officers
of the same competitive category and grade. (T-0)
11.1.9. Selection boards considering officers who have served (or who are serving) on the
joint staff or who are Joint Qualified Officers will include at least one officer who is a Joint
Qualified Officer. (T-0) The CJCS will designate an officer (or officers) in writing. (T-0)
11.2. Secretarial Guidance Concerning Promotions. In accordance with 10 USC § 615, SecAF
will provide the board with guidance and information on the requirement to promote a minimum
or maximum number of officers having particular skills. (T-0) Based on the needs of the Air
Force, SecAF may designate skills as semi-specialists in the MOI to particular promotion selection
11.3. Scoring Procedures.
11.3.1. Major General Selection Boards: Initial Review. An initial review without scoring is used to familiarize board
members with the records and the overall quality of the eligible officers. (T-1) If an eligible
officer has a SOUIF, it will be included in the OSR prior to the initial review. (T-1) The
board president and each scoring member will review each record. (T-1) For non-line
boards where 10 or fewer records will be considered, initial review is not required. (T-1)
In this instance, all eligibles will be included on one ballot. (T-1) When the Deputy Judge
Advocate General (DJAG) board is convened in conjunction with, and immediately
following The Judge Advocate General board, and is comprised of the same board
members, initial review is not required for the DJAG board. (T-1) In this instance, SOUIFs
placed in selection folders for The Judge Advocate General board will remain in the
selection folder for the DJAG board. (T-0) If SecAF directs required skillset selection
requirements, commonly referred to as “floors, then the exceptionally well qualified
process described in paragraph will be used for the initial review instead of this
paragraph. Scoring for the Record. After initial review, each scoring member will score
each record on a best qualified basis using the 6 to 10 point scoring scale described in
Table 11.1 below. (T-1) Scoring Scale. Use the following scoring scale when making the final promotion
determination in the major general selection board.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 95
Table 11.1. Major General Scoring Scale.
Definitely a major general now
9 - 9.5
Probably a major general now
8 - 8.5
Maybe a major general now
7 - 7.5
Probably not a major general now
6 - 6.5
Definitely not a major general now
11.3.2. Brigadier General Selection Boards: Initial Review. All board members will review every record in each competitive category.
(T-1) During this review, board members will vote on each officer's record using a
yes/no voting to determine whether the officer is exceptionally well qualified for
promotion. (T-1) If at least half of the board members vote "yes," further consider the
officer's record for promotion using the scoring scale in Table 11.2 (T-1) When the
board has finished the initial review, the board recorder(s) will compile a list of those
officers determined to be exceptionally well-qualified for promotion and conduct an
objective quality review per paragraph (T-1) The board members will
certify, by signing the Exceptionally Well Qualified Board Report, they have reviewed
the records and determined the officers appearing on it are fully qualified and
exceptionally well-qualified for promotion to brigadier general. (T-1) The board president may return records for rescoring during the
exceptionally well-qualified process if the board president determines the board may
not have followed guidance outlined in the SecAF MOI. (T-1) LAF officers must be designated as a Joint Qualified Officer prior to the
convening date of the board or be eligible for a scientific and technical waiver to be
found exceptionally well-qualified and fully qualified for promotion to the grade of
brigadier general. (T-1) After initial review, the board recorder(s) will conduct an objective quality
review to identify and return to the board members for rescoring, all selection records
voted exceptionally well qualified with adverse information. The board president will
be briefed on the results. Board members will be advised of the reason the record is
being returned for rescore but will also be advised that there is no intention to drive any
particular result. A simple validation of their original score may be an appropriate
result. For all records returned for rescoring, the second score will be the score used
without any “split” discussion.” Scoring Scale. Use the following scoring scale when making the final promotion
determination in the brigadier general selection board:
Table 11.2. Brigadier General Scoring Scale.
Definitely a brigadier general now
9 - 9.5
Probably a brigadier general now
96 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
8 - 8.5
Maybe a brigadier general now
7 - 7.5
Probably not a brigadier general now
6 - 6.5
Definitely not a brigadier general now
11.3.3. Major General and Brigadier General Selection Boards. Secret Ballot. Board members will score records by secret ballot. (T-1) Board
member discussions during deliberations are limited to what is allowed in accordance with
DoDI 1320.14. (T-0) "Split" Scores. A "split" is a significant disagreement between board members about the
score of a record. A "split" is considered a difference in a score of 2 or more points
between any two board members (e.g., 6 and 8, or 8 and 10). When using a "yes" or
"no" scoring system for promotion decision, a "split" occurs when the vote is not
unanimous. The board will resolve all records with “split” scores. At the completion
of scoring, the administrative staff will produce a preliminary order of merit listing and
review the scores to determine if any significant differences exist between the scores
on a record. (T-1) All board members may discuss the record, but only those involved in the
"split" may change their scores to resolve the "split." Board member discussion is
constrained as explained in DoDI 1320.14. (T-0) New Documents. If new information (e.g., decoration citation, evaluations,
updated OSB) concerning individual records is acquired during board scoring, the
affected records will be brought back to the board for rescoring. (T-1) Splits from this
process will be resolved. (T-1) Establishing the Final "Cut Line." Following resolution of "split" scores, the Board Recorder(s) will deliver
to the board an order of merit list based on the total of the individual scores given by
each scoring board member. (T-1) The board recorder(s) will indicate on the list those
officers at and above the score where the Secretary's numerical promotion guidance
would occur. (T-1) To ensure SecAF guidance has been appropriately considered, the board
president will conduct a board president quality review and determine if rescore of any
record is necessary to consider SecAF guidance and established statutory and policy
promotion objective requirements for Acquisition, Joint, and OSD. (T-1) The board
president will also have the board members review the MOI again. After discussion,
the board may determine by majority vote if rescore of any record is necessary to give
full consideration to the Secretarial guidance. Following all necessary rescoring, the
board recorder(s) establish(es) a preliminary "cut line" based on SecAF's numerical
guidance and proceeds to "gray zone" resolution, as necessary. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 97 If the preliminary "cut line" falls between two or more officers with the
same score (called the "gray zone"), the board will rescore the records of all officers in
the "gray zone" until the "cut line" falls between officers having different scores. (T-1) The recorder establishes a final "cut line" after the board resolves the "gray
zone." (T-1) The board recommends officers above the "cut line" to SecAF for promotion.
(T-1) The board authenticates this list of officers for the record, which becomes part of the
final board report. (T-0) Skillset Requirements Procedures. Requirements displacement. Skillset
selection requirements, commonly referred to as “floors,” directed in the SecAF’s MOI
will be satisfied after resolving all gray scoring using the following procedures: Identify, in order of merit standing, records in, and above the zone which
hold the skillset specified for a selection requirement and are above the cut line. If the
number of records meets or exceeds a skillset’s selection requirement, the selection
requirement is satisfied. If the selection requirement is not satisfied, proceed to
paragraph Displace records on the tentative selection list which do not satisfy a skillset
selection requirement on a one-for-one basis in reverse standing order until
requirements are satisfied, or no records remain in that skillset. Records meeting the
requirements on the tentative non-selection list would be selected and displace the other
records. As necessary, break ties to achieve the skillset selection requirement. If any scoring board member believes the record of any eligible officer is of a
quality which should require the officer to "show cause" for further retention on active
duty, in accordance with DAFI 36-3211, they will indicate so on their voting or scoring
ballot. (T-1) After scoring is complete, records receiving at least one "show cause" vote
are returned to the board for discussion. (T-1) If a majority of the scoring board members
believe an officer should "show cause," identify the officer(s) to SecAF in the board report.
(T-0) Fully Qualified Select Lists. For brigadier general boards and major general
boards with skillset selection requirements, the Exceptionally Well-Qualified Board Report
will certify that those officers identified by the board are exceptionally well qualified for
promotion are also fully qualified for promotion. (T-0) For major general boards without
skillset selection requirements, the procedures in paragraph 2.33 will be used to fully
qualify the list. (T-0) Letter Writer Nonselect Determination. To comply with 10 USC § 617, the
records of all officers who were considered and not recommended for promotion and wrote
a letter to the board will be returned to the board. (T-1) The board will vote by secret ballot
to determine the names of any officers who directly caused their nonselection through
written communication to the board. (T-1) This will include the records not deemed
exceptionally well-qualified during the initial screening for the brigadier general selection
board. (T-1) In all cases, the board shall otherwise include in its final report the names of
any officer who directly cause their own nonselection through written communication to
the board. (T-0)
98 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
11.4. SSBs.
11.4.1. When directed by the AFBCMR or federal court, SSBs will convene under the
authority of 10 USC § 628 for the purposes of considering those officers whose record: Should have met a central selection board but did not, due to administrative
oversight, or (T-0) Met a central selection board, were not selected, and the board: Acted contrary to law. (T-0) Involved material error of fact. (T-0) Involved material administrative error, or (T-0) Did not have before it for consideration pertinent material information.
11.4.2. Do not provide quotas for SSBs. Since benchmark records are not identified from the
central brigadier general board exceptionally well-qualified or initial review phase, an SSB to
brigadier general will assume the member is exceptionally well-qualified for promotion. (T-1)
11.4.3. Normally, SSBs will convene in conjunction with central general officer selection
boards. (T-1) Appoint SSB members in accordance with the law and this instruction. (T-0)
11.4.4. SSB members make selections by comparing the member's record with the benchmark
records from the lowest score category of selectees and the highest score category of
nonselectees from the original board. (T-1)
11.4.5. Administrative support personnel construct the member’s record as it would have
appeared at the time the central board met. (T-0) Specifically: Documents or references to events occurring after the original board are removed
from the record. (T-0) The condition, if any, in the member's record that caused the SSB to convene is
corrected. (T-0)
11.4.6. The member may write a letter to the board, and if so, the letter (undated) is included
in the record. (T-0) See paragraph 2.10 for guidance on writing letters to the board.
11.4.7. To preserve board member objectivity, the member, benchmark select, and benchmark
nonselect records are not identified to the board before scoring. (T-1)
11.4.8. The board scores all benchmark records and the consideree's record using the
appropriate 6-10 point scoring scale above, resolving all "splits," if any. (T-1)
11.4.9. After the scoring and "split" resolution is complete, the recorder(s) will identify to the
board president the member, benchmark selects, and benchmark nonselects and the scores each
received from the SSB. (T-1)
11.4.10. For the member to be selected, they must: Score higher than every benchmark nonselect. (T-1) Score the same (equal to) or greater than at least one benchmark select. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 99
11.4.11. The board president will advise the board of the scoring results. (T-1) A separate
board report is written for each SSB. (T-0)
11.5. Post-Board Administration.
11.5.1. Board recommendations are privileged information. At the conclusion of the board,
board recorders provide board members a post-board administrative outbrief to thank the board
members for their participation and to remind them of the prohibited communications
regarding the board (reference paragraph 11.5.4 and 11.5.7). (T-1)
11.5.2. Before general officer promotion selection boards adjourn, the board president, board
members, board recorders and administrative staff will sign and submit a written board report
to SecAF. (T-0)
11.5.3. The board report will contain a list of those officers the board recommends for
promotion; those selected to "show cause" for retention (if applicable); those identified as
directly causing nonselection through written communication to the board (if applicable); and,
at a minimum, the required certification statements contained in DoDI 1320.14. (T-0)
11.5.4. Prior to the signing of the board report by the board members, the recommendations
of the board will not be disclosed to anyone other than the board president, board members,
board recorders, and those administrative personnel necessary to prepare the board report.
(T-0) The results may not be disclosed following signing of the board report, except in
accordance with procedures in law, DoDI 1320.14, and this instruction. (T-0)
11.5.5. After the board adjourns, the recorder and administrative staff will collect all score
rosters and internal working papers. (T-0) Board members will not maintain any documents
or remove any documents from the boardroom. (T-0)
11.5.6. Following approval of the promotion selection board report by the SecDef, AFPC/PB
and AF/A1LO or AF/A1LG, as applicable, will destroy all score rosters and internal working
papers associated with the board not a part of the official board record. (T-0)
11.5.7. AFPC/PB releases only the recommendations of the board. (T-0) They do not disclose
board proceedings, including specific information on how the board scored each record, to any
individual not a member of the board. Information on the number of officers considered and
selected, board organization, the general procedures followed by the board, the number of
board members, and their names, grades, and service components may be disclosed after
everyone selected for promotion by the board has been confirmed by the Senate or removed
from the promotion list.
11.5.8. After the promotion selections are complete and board reports signed, the selection
board secretariat will prepare, for review by SecAF and the CSAF, a statistical report of
selection rates for officers voted exceptionally well-qualified (brigadier general) and rates for
final scoring by race, ethnicity, gender, special skill requirements, and promotion objectives.
11.5.9. Procedural anomalies occurring during a board that may require variation from
established procedures require resolution by the board president. During the board, the board
president may bring any matter to the attention of SecAF, or designated representative, if they
determine SecAF-level decision is required. The board president will advise the SecAF of any
significant procedural anomalies during their outbrief of the board. (T-1) These
100 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
responsibilities of the board president do not limit in any way the right of a board member,
recorder, or board staff to communicate with the SecAF as provided by other authority.
11.5.10. Lists will be made of all officers (1) whose records, after resolution of "splits", scored
at or above the score at which the numerical promotion quota cut line tentatively falls, and (2)
whose records are in the "gray zone" after completion of all rescores. (T-1) These lists will
not reflect specific scores or ranking within each category. (T-1) These lists will be filed with
the formal record of the board, but not be made a part of that record. (T-1) They will be marked
"Controlled Unclassified Information." (T-1) These records need not be released under
Freedom of Information Act or the Privacy Act but may become subject to discovery in
litigation. (T-0)
11.5.11. Benchmark Records. Before destroying score rosters, the board recorders or
administrative staff identify the five records (if applicable) scoring immediately above and five
scored immediately below the final cut-line (including alternates when available) and archive
them exactly as they appeared to the board. (T-1) If none of these benchmarks contain adverse
information, the selection board secretariat will also identify a benchmark record from the next
lowest scored select and the next highest scored nonselect, if any, with adverse information.
For boards with skillset requirements, the selection board secretariat will also benchmark the
bottom select from each semi-specialty (below the cut-line); and five records plus three
alternate records form the score category immediately below the lowest semi-specialty select.
These records will become an official part of the board record and will be used for SSB and
SSRB proceedings. (T-1)
11.6. Report to the SecAF. Following adjournment of the board, the board president provides
feedback to the SecAF on how the board complied with the SecAF instructions (e.g., joint
experience, acquisition experience, etc.), and policy related recommendations, as necessary.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 101
Chapter 12
12.1. General Information. Superior commanders at all levels must ensure only the best
qualified officers are promoted to general officer. (T-1) If a commander believes the
preponderance of the evidence shows an officer has not met the requirement for exemplary conduct
set forth in 10 USC § 9233 or is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified to
perform the duties of the higher grade, it is in the best interest of the USAF that immediate action
be taken. Commanders should consult AF/A1LG prior to initiation to ensure they are aware of
any other open issues that could be taken into consideration. All cases will process through
command channels, to AF/A1LG prior to action by SecAF. (T-1)
12.2. Vacatinga Promotion. In accordance with 10 USC § 625, Authority to vacate promotions
to grades of brigadier general and rear admiral (lower half), officers promoted to the grade of
brigadier general serve an 18-month probationary period during which time the President of the
United States may vacate their promotion at any time. (T-0)
12.2.1. An immediate (or higher level) commander must initiate vacations of promotion.
(T-1) Notification may be orally or in writing but must be made before the 18-month
promotion anniversary date. (T-1) Oral notifications must be followed by written notification
as soon thereafter as practicable. (T-1) Action by the President must be completed before the
18-month promotion anniversary date. (T-0)
12.2.2. The officer must be provided the evidence supporting the reason or reasons for the
recommendation and be given a reasonable time to respond in writing (normally 15 working
days). (T-1) If upheld, the officer will immediately assume the grade of colonel, with the same
DOR the officer held prior to selection for brigadier general. (T-0)
12.3. Delaying Promotions. In accordance with 10 USC § 624, promotions can be delayed on
any officer who has been confirmed by the Senate when the officer has not met the requirement
for exemplary conduct set forth in 10 USC § 9233 or when there is cause to believe the officer is
not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified to perform the duties of the higher
grade. Promotions can also be delayed if: (1) sworn charges against an officer have been received
by an officer exercising general courts-martial jurisdiction over the officer and such charges have
not been disposed of; (2) an investigation is being conducted to determine whether disciplinary
action of any kind should be brought against an officer; (3) a board of officers has been convened
under 10 USC Chapter 60 to review the record of an officer; (4) a criminal proceeding in a Federal
or State court is pending against an officer; (5) substantiated adverse information about the officer
that is material to the decision to appoint the officer is under review by the SecDef or SecAF; or
(6) SecAF determines, with respect to an officer, that a SSRB should be convened.
12.3.1. An immediate (or higher level) commander must initiate recommendations for delay.
(T-1) The commander recommending delay will notify the officer, in writing, of the reasons
for the delay and will give the officer a reasonable amount of time to provide written
comments. (T-0) The notification should be given before the effective date of promotion. If
the individual recommending delay cannot give initial notice in writing, they may give it orally,
but must follow by written notice as soon thereafter as practicable. (T-1)
102 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
12.3.2. For officers who are confirmed and have an established promotion effective date,
SecAF is the approval authority for initial delays up to six months. Requests for extensions
more than six months must be processed to arrive in sufficient time for SecAF to act on the
extension before the expiration date of the existing delay. (T-1) An officer’s appointment
should not be delayed more than 90 days after final action has been taken in any criminal case
against such officer in a Federal or State court, more than 90 days after final action has been
taken in any court-martial case against such officer (if the officer is otherwise qualified for
promotion), or more than 18 months after the date on which such officer would otherwise have
been appointed, whichever is later (unless further processing for confirmation by the Senate is
required). When the basis for a delay ceases to exist, prompt action should be initiated to
terminate it. SecAF is the approval authority for termination of delays. (T-0)
12.3.3. Where it is determined the officer was not qualified for promotion for any part of the
delay, the SecAF may adjust the officer's DOR, pay and allowances, and position on the ADL.
12.3.4. In accordance with 10 USC § 624(d)(1), if no disciplinary action is taken against the
officer, if the charges against the officer are withdrawn or dismissed, if the officer is not
separated as the result of having been required to show cause for retention, if the officer is
acquitted of the charges, or if, after a review of substantiated adverse information about the
officer regarding the requirement for exemplary conduct per 10 USC § 9233, the officer is
determined to be among the officers best qualified for promotion, then unless action to delay
the appointment has also been taken under 10 USC § 624(d)(2), the officer shall be retained
on the promotion list. (T-0) Upon promotion to the next higher grade, the officer shall have
the same DOR, the same effective date for pay and allowances of the grade to which promoted,
and the same position on the ADL as the officer would have had if no delay had intervened,
unless SecAF determines that the officer was unqualified for promotion for any part of the
delay. (T-0) If the SecAF makes such a determination, SecAF may adjust such DOR, effective
date of pay and allowance, and position on the ADL as SecAF considers appropriate under the
12.3.5. For delays under 10 USC § 624(d)(2), if SecAF later determines the officer is qualified
for promotion to the higher grade and, after a review of adverse information regarding the
requirement for exemplary conduct in 10 USC § 9233, the officer is determined to be among
the officers best qualified for promotion to the higher grade, the officer shall be retained on the
promotion list. (T-0) Upon promotion to the next higher grade, the officer shall have the same
DOR, the same effective date for pay and allowances of the grade to which promoted, and the
same position on the ADL as the officer would have had if no delay had intervened, unless
SecAF determines the officer was unqualified for promotion for any part of the delay. (T-0)
If the SecAF makes such a determination, SecAF may adjust such DOR, effective date of pay
and allowance, and position on the ADL as SecAF considers appropriate under the
12.3.6. If AF/A1LG is notified an officer whose nomination is pending with OSD, the White
House, or the Senate has pending alleged adverse information, reportable information, or an
investigation not previously reported, the AF/A1LG Director or Associate Director (on behalf
of SecAF) will informally notify OSD as soon as possible, but within five duty days of
notification. (T-0) AF/A1LG will immediately prepare a memorandum for SecAF (or
delegated authority) to formally notify USD (P&R) to withhold or split the officer from the
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 103
promotion list within five duty days regarding the delay action taken on the recommended
officer. (T-0)
12.4. Removal From a Promotion List. In accordance with 10 USC § 629(a), (b), (c), or (d),
officers will be removed from a promotion list when conditions are met or when the preponderance
of the evidence shows they are not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified to
perform the duties of the higher grade. (T-0)
12.4.1. An immediate or higher level commander, or higher authority, will initiate a
recommendation for removal. (T-1) The individual recommending removal will notify the
officer, in writing, and give the officer an opportunity to review the evidence and to provide
written comments. (T-1) If the individual recommending removal cannot give initial notice in
writing, they may give it orally, but must follow by written notice as soon as practicable. (T-1)
The individual recommending removal must notify the officer before the effective date of
promotion, unless a delay is in effect--then the notification must be made before the expiration
of the delay. (T-1)
12.4.2. Once a removal action is initiated, a promotion is effectively delayed until the
President takes action or action is taken to terminate the removal. The SecAF is the approval
authority for termination of removal actions.
12.4.3. Administrative Removal. If an officer on the ADL is discharged or dropped from the
rolls or transferred to a retired status after having been recommended for promotion to a higher
grade in accordance with 10 USC, Chapter 36, but before being promoted, the officer’s name
shall be administratively removed from the list of officers recommended for promotion by the
office with primary responsibility for maintaining the applicable promotion list. (T-0) A
memorandum for record documenting the removal with supporting documentation will be
maintained with the original board file and the officer notified appropriately. (T-1)
12.4.4. At the end of an officer’s promotion eligibility period, an officer whose appointment
requires the advice and consent of the Senate will be administratively removed from a
promotion list by the office with primary responsibility for maintaining the applicable
promotion list pursuant to 10 USC § 629(c) if the Senate has not given its advice and consent.
(T-0) This provision is in effect for board reports approved after January 1, 2007. (T-0)
12.5. Removal From a Report of a Selection.
12.5.1. The name of an officer may be removed from the report of a selection only by the
12.5.2. In all cases where SecAF makes a recommendation to remove an officer’s name from
a report of a board, the information used to make the recommendation will be referred to the
officer concerned for comment. (T-0) The officer will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to
submit comments before the recommendation is forwarded to the SecDef. (T-0)
12.6. Processing Procedures. (Also see Chapter 5). Upon advising the officer of a PPA, send
AF/A1LG a copy of the written notification, to include officer’s name, SSN, type of action,
name/grade/unit of commander initiating action, and date officer notified. (T-1) Officer
acknowledges receipt of notification (with comments if desired) and returns it to the initiating
commander. (T-1) The commander obtains Staff Judge Advocate legal review and forwards to
officer’s parent MAJCOM/FLDCOM (through intermediate commander as appropriate). (T-1)
104 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
The MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander reviews correspondence and obtains MAJCOM/FLDCOM
Staff Judge Advocate review for legal sufficiency.
12.6.1. If the requested action is determined to be inappropriate, the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander can disapprove and return all correspondence to the initiating commander, request
the initiating commander notify the officer in writing, and advise AF/A1LG in writing of the
decision and date the action ended.
12.6.2. If the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander approves the action, they send the original
case to AF/A1LG and requests the initiating commander notify the officer in writing that the
action has been forwarded to the SecAF.
12.6.3. AF/A1LG processes and tracks package through SecAF, OSD, and to the President as
appropriate. AF/A1LG notifies the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander of final decision with a
request that the officer be notified in writing (may be delegated to the initiating commander).
The commander provides AF/A1LG a copy of the notification and the officer’s
acknowledgement. (T-1)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 105
Chapter 13
13.1. Frocking (Early Pin-On) for General Officers.
13.1.1. 10 USC §§ 777 and 777a, Wearing of insignia of higher grade before appointment to
a grade above major general or rear admiral (frocking): authority; restrictions establish
specific restrictions on officers wearing the insignia of a general or flag officer before
promotion to that grade (termed "frocking").
13.1.2. In accordance with DoDI 1334.02, Frocking of Commissioned Officers, the SecDef
has delegated the authority to authorize, approve and execute Congressional notification to
frock general and flag officers to the USD (P&R).
13.1.3. Statutory Requirements. Authority. An officer who has been selected for promotion to the next higher
grade may be authorized to wear the insignia of the next higher grade only in accordance
with 10 USC §§777, 777a and policy in DoDI 1334.02. (T-0) Restrictions. An officer will not wear the insignia unless: The Senate has confirmed the appointment of the officer to the next higher
grade. (T-0) The USD (P&R) has approved the officer to wear the insignia of that grade.
(T-0) The USD (P&R) has submitted to Congress a written notification of the
intent to authorize the officer to wear the insignia for that grade. (T-0) (Brigadier General or Major General) The officer is serving in, or has
received orders to serve in, a position for which that grade is authorized. (T-0) (Lieutenant General or General) The officer has received orders to serve
in a position outside the Military Department of that officer for which that grade is
authorized. (T-0) An officer may be authorized to wear the insignia for the higher
grade for a period of up to 14 days before assuming the duties of a position outside the
officer’s Military Department where the higher grade is authorized. Limitations on the number of officers frocked. The total number of USAF
brigadier general selects through general on the ADL authorized to be frocked to the grade
of brigadier general through general shall not exceed the allocations prescribed in DoDI
1334.02 at any one time. (T-0) The following criteria are established as prerequisites for frocking general
officers: Must meet the requirements in 10 USC § 777 or § 777a. (T-0) (Brigadier General or Major General) . Must be serving in, or have
received orders to serve in, a position for which that grade is authorized. (T-0)
106 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 (Lieutenant General or General) . Must have orders to serve in a
position outside the Military Department of that officer for which that grade is
authorized. (T-0) Frocking must be essential to the officer’s maximum effectiveness in the
assigned billet. (T-0) Appropriate situations are: Assignment to duties in the international environment; Assignment to joint duties; Assignment to command; Other unusual circumstances, as determined by SecAF.
13.1.4. An officer authorized to wear the insignia of the next higher grade will not be paid at
the higher rate of pay or assume any legal authority associated with that grade. (T-0)
Additionally, the time an officer wears the insignia of the next higher grade will not count as
seniority in that grade or time in service in that grade. (T-0)
13.1.5. Where specific numeric limitations on frocking are not provided, frocking shall be
limited and follow the same standards as provided in statute and in DoD policy. (T-0)
13.2. Declining a Promotion. A general officer select may decline a promotion, in writing, no
later than 2359 hours on the day prior to the effective date of promotion. Notification will be made
directly to AF/A1LG. (T-1) Exception: Officers selected for a retroactive promotion by an SSB,
AFBCMR action, or because of an administrative error may decline promotion no later than 2359
hours on the day following notification of selection.
13.2.1. Officers declining a promotion must sign two copies of a Declination of Promotion
Statement. (T-1) Contact AF/A1LG to obtain declination statement and further guidance.
13.2.2. Officers who submit a declination statement and later decide to accept a promotion
may request withdrawal of the declination statement, provided they have remained
continuously on the ADL.
13.2.3. An officer desiring to withdraw a previous declination statement will submit a letter
to AF/A1LG prior to the promotion effective date. (T-1) If approved by SecAF and CSAF,
the promotion will occur on the promotion effective date. (T-1) An officer may also request
withdrawal of the declination if the promotion effective date has passed via letter to the
AF/A1LG. If SecAF and CSAF approve the request, the officer will be promoted when
headspace exists in the required general officer rank. (T-1) In either case, SecAF and CSAF
may decline the request and initiate a PPA to remove the officer from the list.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 107
13.3. Promotion Deviations From Sequence Number Order. Officers on a promotion list may
have their nominations or confirmations held up for many reasons. If a situation arises where an
officer is not confirmed and promotions from the list begin, the Air Force may temporarily bypass
the unconfirmed officer. Once confirmation occurs, establish the officer’s promotion effective
date and date of rank according to the officer’s original place on the promotion list.
Assistant Secretary
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
108 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 1
Executive Order 12396, Defense Officer Personnel Management
5 USC § 552, Public Information; Agency Rules, Opinions, Orders, Records, and Proceedings
5 USC § 552a, Records Maintained on Individuals (Privacy Act)
10 USC Chapter 36, Promotion, Separation, and Involuntary Retirement of Officers on the
Active-Duty List
10 USC Chapter 38, Joint Officer Management
10 USC Chapter 43, Rank and Command
10 USC Chapter 60, Separation of Regular Officers for Substandard Performance of Duty or for
Certain Other Reasons
10 USC Chapter 61, Retirement or Separation for Physical Disability
10 USC Chapter 77, Posthumous Commissions and Warrants
10 USC § 605, Promotion to Certain Grades for Officer with Critical Skills: Colonel,
Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain; Captain, Commander, Lieutenant Commander, Lieutenant
10 USC § 611, Convening of Selection Boards
10 USC § 612, Composition of Selection Boards
10 USC § 613, Oath of members of Selection Boards
10 USC § 613a, Nondisclosure of board proceedings
10 USC § 614, Notice of convening of Selection Boards
10 USC § 615, Information furnished to Selection Boards
10 USC § 616, Recommendations for Promotion by Selection Boards
10 USC § 617, Reports of Selection Boards
10 USC § 618, Action on Reports of Selection Boards
10 USC § 619, Eligibility for Consideration for Promotion: Time-in-Grade and Other
10 USC § 619(e), Authority to allow officers to opt out of selection board consideration
10 USC § 621, Competitive Categories for Promotion
10 USC § 622, Numbers to be Recommended for Promotion
10 USC § 623, Establishment of Promotion Zones
10 USC § 624, Promotions: How Made
10 USC § 625, Authority to Vacate Promotions to Grades of Brigadier General and Rear
Admiral (Lower Half)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 109
10 USC § 628, Special Selection Boards
10 USC § 628a, Special Selection Review Boards
10 USC § 629, Removal from a List of Officers Recommended for Promotion
10 USC § 637, Selection of Regular Officers for Continuation on Active Duty
10 USC § 637a, Continuation on Active Duty: Officers in Certain Military Specialties and
Career Tracks
10 USC § 638a, Modification to Rules for Continuation on Active Duty; Enhanced Authority for
Selective Early Retirement and Early Discharges
10 USC § 641, Applicability of Chapter
10 USC § 662, Promotion Policy Objectives for Joint Officers
10 USC § 777, Wearing of Insignia of Higher Grade Before Promotion (Frocking): Authority;
10 USC § 777a, Wearing of Insignia of Higher Grade Before Appointment to a Grade Above
Major General or Rear Admiral (Frocking): Authority; Restrictions
10 USC § 806, Art. 6. Judge Advocates and Legal Officers
10 USC § 1251, Age 62: Regular Commissioned Officers in Grades Below General and Flag
Officer Grades: Exceptions
10 USC § 1252, Age 64: Permanent Professors at Academies
10 USC § 1370, Regular Commissioned Officers
10 USC § 1521, Posthumous Commissions
10 USC § 1558, Review of Actions of Selection Boards: Correction of Military Records by
Special Boards; Judicial Review
10 USC § 1563, Consideration of Proposals From Members of Congress for Honorary
Promotions: Procedures for Review and Promotion
10 USC § 1563a, Honorary Promotions on the Initiative of the Department of Defense
10 USC § 9233, Requirement of Exemplary Conduct
10 USC § 14317, Officers in Transition To and From the Active-Status List or Active-Duty List
CJCSI 1330.05B, Joint Officer Management Program Procedures, 6 July 2020
CJCSI 1331.01E, Manpower and Personnel Actions Involving General and Flag Officers, 21
March 2022
DoDI 1300.19, DoD Joint Officer Management (JOM) Program, 3 April 2018
DoDI 1310.01, Rank and Seniority of Commissioned Officers, 23 August 2013
DoDI 1320.04, Military Officer Actions Requiring Presidential, Secretary of Defense or Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Approval or Senate Confirmation, 3 January
110 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
DoDI 1320.08, Continuation of Commissioned Officers on Active Duty and on the Reserve
Active-Status List, 7 July 2017
DoDI 1320.13, Commissioned Officer Promotion Reports, 9 April 2021
DoDI 1320.14, DoD Commissioned Officer Promotion Program Procedures, 16 December 2020
DoDI 1334.02, Frocking of Commissioned Officers, 10 May 2022
DoDI 5400.11, DoD Privacy and Civil Liberties Programs, 29 January 2019
DoDI 6000.13, Accession and Retention Policies, Programs, and Incentives for Military Health
Professions Officers (HPOs), 30 December 2015
Department of the Air Force Special Order GA-07-001, 17 September 2007
AFPD 36-21, Utilization and Classification of Military Personnel, 22 August 2019
AFPD 51-5, Administrative Law, Gifts, and Command Relationships, 31 August 2018
DAFPD 36-25, Military Promotions and Demotions, 15 December 2022
DAFPD 36-26, Total Force Development and Management, 15 April 2022
DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, 15 April 2022
AFI 10-403, Deployment Planning and Execution, 17 April 2020
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 March 2020
DAFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems, 14 November 2019
AFI 36-2504, Officer Promotion, Continuation, and Selective Early Removal in the Reserve of
the Air Force, 9 January 2003
DAFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR), 4 October 2022
DAFI 36-2608, Military Personnel Records Systems, 16 April 2021
DAFI 36-2907, Adverse Administrative Actions, 14 October 2022
AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, 29 January 2021
DAFI 36-3211, Military Separations, 24 June 2022
AFI 51-509, Appointment to and Assumption of Command, 14 January 2019
AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, 28 December 2018
DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions, 27 September 2019
AFMAN 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification, 7 April 2021
DAFMAN 36-2604, Service Dates and Dates of Rank, 7 October 2022
Prescribed Forms
DAF Form 4363, Record of Promotion Propriety Action
DAF Form 4364, Record of Promotion Delay Resolution
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 111
Adopted Forms
DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Record
DAF Form 78, Department of the Air Force General Officer Promotion Recommendation
AF Form 133, Oath of Office (Military Personnel)
AF Form 475, Education/Training Report
AF Form 707, Officer Performance Report (Lt Thru Col)
AF Form 709, Promotion Recommendation
AF Form 715, Officer Performance Brief
DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 1359, Report of Result of Trial
AF Form 3070c, Record of Non-Judicial Punishment Proceedings (Officer)
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADLActive Duty List
ADSCActive Duty Service Commitment
AFAir Force
AFBCMRAir Force Board for the Correction of Military Records
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFITAir Force Institute of Technology
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFSCAir Force Specialty Code
APZAbove-the-Promotion Zone
ARCAir Reserve Component
ARPCAir Reserve Personnel Center
BPZBelow-the-Promotion Zone
CGDORCurrent Grade Date of Rank
CJCSChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSIChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CSAFChief of Staff of the Air Force
112 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
CYCalendar Year
DAFDepartment of the Air Force
DAFIDepartment of the Air Force Instruction
DAFPMDepartment of the Air Force Policy Memorandum
DEDevelopmental Education
DepSecDefDeputy Secretary of Defense
DJAG—Deputy Judge Advocate General’s Corps
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoD SAFEDepartment of Defense Secure Access File Exchange
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DOPMADefense Officer Personnel Management Act
DORDate of Rank
DOSDate of Separation
eOSRElectronic Officer Selection Record
ERABEvaluation Reports Appeal Board
EWQExceptionally Well Qualified
FLDCOMField Command
HQ USAFHeadquarters United States Air Force
IGInspector General
IPZIn-the-Promotion Zone
LAFLine of the Air Force
LOCLetter of Counseling
LSFLine of the Space Force
MAJCOMMajor Command
MilPDSMilitary Personnel Data System
MOIMemorandum of Instructions
MPFMilitary Personnel Flight
NQPNot Qualified for Promotion
OOMOrder of Merit
OPBOfficer Pre-selection Brief
OSBOfficer Selection Brief
OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 113
OSIOffice of Special Investigations
OSROfficer Selection Record
PDSPersonnel Data System
PSDMPersonnel Services Delivery Memorandum
USD (P&R)Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
PPAPromotion Propriety Action
PRFPromotion Recommendation Form
RASLReserve Active Status List
RegAFRegular Air Force
SecAFSecretary of the Air Force
SecDefSecretary of Defense
SFSecurity Forces
SBSpecial Board
SJAStaff Judge Advocate
SSBSpecial Selection Board
SSRBSpecial Selection Review Board
SSNSocial Security Number
SOUIFSenior Officer Unfavorable Information File
SURFSingle Uniform Retrieval Format
TRTraining Report
USAFUnited States Air Force
USSFUnited States Space Force
USCUnited States Code
USDUnder Secretary of Defense
Office Symbols
AF/A1Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services
AF/A1LGAir Force General Officer Management
AF/A1LOAir Force Colonel Management Office
AF/A1PAir Force Directorate of Military Force Management Policy
AF/A1PPChief, Military Force Policy Division
AF/A1PPPAir Force Promotions, Evaluations, and Recognition Policy Branch
AF/A1XDHuman Resources Data, Analytics, and Decision Support Division
114 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
AFPC/DP1ORMAFPC, Military Records Section
AFPC/DPMSSRAFPC, Military Retirements and Separations Section
AFPC/DPMSPPAFPC, Air Force Officer Promotions Management
AFPC/PBSelection Board Secretariat
SAF/IGQInspector General Complaints Resolution Directorate
AF/JAJIInvestigations, Inquiries, and Relief Division of the Military Justice and Discipline
SAF/GCSecretary of the Air Force, General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force
SAF/IGQSecretary of the Air Force, Office of the Inspector General, Complaints Resolution
SAF/IGSSecretary of the Air Force, Office of the Inspector General, Senior Official Inquiries
SAF/MRAssistant Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and Reserve Affairs
SF/S1Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Personnel
SF/S1LHQ Space Force, Senior Leader Management
SF/S1PSpace Force Management Policy
Abovethe-Promotion Zone (APZ)Officers who are eligible for promotion consideration to
the next higher grade and who have previously been nonselected for promotion, and who are senior
to the senior IPZ officer for their competitive category for that board. Note: There are no
promotion zones to general officer grades.
Active Duty List (ADL)All AF officers serving on Extended Active Duty other than those
excluded by 10 USC § 641, Applicability of chapter. Carry officers on the ADL by competitive
category and, within their competitive category, in the order of seniority of the grade in which they
are serving. Carry officers in the same grade.
Adverse InformationA substantiated adverse finding or conclusion from an officially
documented investigation or inquiry or any credible information of an adverse nature. To be
credible, the information must be resolved and supported by a preponderance of the evidence. To
be adverse, the information must be derogatory, unfavorable, or of a nature that reflects
unacceptable conduct, or a lack of integrity or judgment on the part of the individual. See
paragraph 2.11.2 for adverse information required to be seen by a board.
Air Force Promotion SystemComputerized information system used to manage the officer
promotion and force management boards.
Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC)A combination of numbers and letters used to identify an
Air Force Specialty.
Below-the-Promotion Zone (BPZ)Officers eligible for promotion consideration but junior to
officers eligible IPZ and APZ for their competitive category. BPZ promotions provide an
opportunity for accelerated promotion of officers who are exceptionally well qualified as specified
by 10 USC 616(b). Officers normally have at least two opportunities for consideration for
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 115
promotion to the next higher grade as BPZ officers. However, individual circumstances may result
in fewer than two BPZ considerations. There is no BPZ consideration for promotion to the grades
of first lieutenant, captain, or major. Deduct the BPZ selections from the I/APZ board quota.
Benchmark RecordsDepending on the size of the competitive category, usually 10 OSRs
representing the quality of 5 selected/5 nonselected officers surrounding the point at which the
best-qualified quota was exhausted for a competitive category by a particular Central Selection
BestQualified (Method of Selection)Refers to the requirement that boards may only
recommend for promotion those officers considered to be best qualified for promotion within each
competitive category. The best-qualified method of selection is to align the officers in a relative
order of merit listing according to board scores. The board may not recommend an officer for
promotion as best qualified unless it also considers the officer to be fully qualified for promotion.
Note: See definition of "fully qualified."
Career Development BriefsCareer development briefs are generated by functional community
leaders, coordinated with each MAJCOM/FLDCOM, and approved by the SecAF on an annual
basis. These briefs serve as reference material to educate mentors, hiring authorities, and
promotion board members about various career fields. Briefs include typical career progression
milestones, developmental guidance, and other unique considerations for officers within each core
AFSC and/or functional community.
Central Selection BoardA board of officers convened under the authority of SecAF to consider
Active Duty List officers for promotion to the grades of major through major General. For general
officers, this is commonly referred to as Selection Board.
CommanderA commissioned officer who, by virtue of rank and assignment, exercises
command authority over a military organization or prescribed territorial area, which under
pertinent official directives is recognized as a "command." This designation is used in all
Department of the Air Force organizations authorized to be led by a commander, except the US
Air Force Academy, which is commanded by a superintendent, and school or academic
organizations, which may be commanded by commandants.
Competitive Category (also referred to as Developmental Category)A grouping of officers
who compete among themselves for promotion. The SecAF establishes categories, as required, to
manage the career development and promotion of certain groups of officers. In relation to the
requirements of these officer categories, their specialized education, training, or experience, and
often relatively narrow career field utilization, make separate career management desirable.
(References 10 USC § 621, Competitive categories for promotion, and DoDI 1320.14)
ContinuationThe retention of officers on the ADL or RASL, subject to involuntary separation
or retirement, as dictated by the needs of the Air Force.
Continuation BoardsConvening of continuation boards is based solely on the needs of the Air
Force for retaining officers in specific Air Force Specialties for a specific period of time. When
necessary, SecAF will establish a quota of officers eligible for continuation. To be eligible for
consideration by a continuation board, an officer must be twice deferred for promotion to the next
higher grade (captain and major) or have reached the maximum time in service for his or her grade.
116 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Core ID—An officer’s core ID is based on the AFSC they were classified in at the time of their
accession, approved training or approved competitive/development category transfer, identified
by the first three digits of the AFSC. It will be used to ensure the officer competes in the
appropriate competitive category for promotion to the next higher grade. Once a Core Identified
is established, it cannot be changed unless the officer formally applies and is approved to retrain,
is designated for involuntary cross flow, or is approved to transfer to another competitive category
in accordance with DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions.
Current Grade DORThe date used as the primary means of indicating relative seniority among
officers of the same grade and competitive category to establish eligibility for consideration for
promotion to the next higher grade. (DAFI 36-2604, Service Dates and Dates of Rank explains
initial Current Grade DOR computation).
Developmental CategorySee Competitive Category.
Department of Defense Secure Access File ExchangeDoD SAFE is a web-based tool that
provides authenticated DoD CAC users and guests (unauthenticated users) the capability to
securely send and receive large files, including files that are too large to be transmitted via email.
Effective Date of PromotionAlso known as the current grade effective date of promotion
and/or promotion effective date, this is the date on which pay and entitlements are effective. For
RegAF only normally this date can be no earlier than the officer's Extended Active Duty date in
that grade, SecDef appointment to the grade of captain, or Senate confirmation to the grades of
major through colonel. For the Air Reserve Component (ARC), this date can be no earlier than
the officer's time in grade required in that grade, SecDef appointment through the grade of
lieutenant colonel, and Senate confirmation to the grade of colonel. For purposes of a PPA, the
promotion effective date is the date the promotion is made; i.e., the date of actual promotion pin-
on as authorized by AFPC/DPMSPP, NGB/A1P, or Air Reserve Personnel Center Selection Board
Secretariat (ARPC/PB) as appropriate.
Field CommanderAs used in this instruction, the term means: the commander or deputy
commander, FLDCOM or Field Operating Agency; the commander, deputy commander or
superintendent, Direct Reporting Unit; a USSF Staff deputy chief of staff or director and
comparable officer in the Office of SecAF for 0N command; the commander, 11th Wing for code
2W or 3V; the commander, USAF Europe for code 3G; and the commander, 1100 National Capital
Region Support Group. Note: An officer's FLDCOM identification contained in the PDS
determines who is the field commander.
FrockingEarly pin-on authorized according to paragraphs 4.3 and 13.1.
Fully QualifiedOfficers who meet the minimum qualifications for promotion to the next higher
Further ContinuationAn officer's second or subsequent consideration for continuation.
Gray ZoneIncludes all records scored below initial cut lines and above second cut line in an
initial order of merit. See paragraph 2.24 for rules establishing the gray zone.
Immediate Family MembersSpouse, parents, parents in-law, stepparents, children,
stepchildren, adopted children, grandchildren, siblings, and spouses of siblings.
Inthe-Promotion Zone (IPZ)Officers who are senior to the officer specified by the SecAF
as being the junior officer eligible for promotion consideration IPZ for their competitive category,
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 117
and who have neither failed selection to the next higher grade nor been removed from a promotion
list to that grade after selection IPZ. (USSF Only) Officers on the active duty list (ADL) of the
Space Force who are senior to the officer specified by the SecAF as being the junior officer eligible
for promotion consideration IPZ for their competitive category and who have neither failed
selection to the next higher grade on the ADL of the Space Force or Air Force nor have been
removed from a Space Force or Air Force promotion list to that grade after selection IPZ. Note:
An officer on the ADL of the Space Force never considered for promotion to the next higher grade
on the ADL of the Space Force or Air Force, but whose CGDOR falls within the criteria of APZ
eligibility. Consider these officers as first time eligibles, IPZ, and affect the board quota.
Junior and Senior ListingA list identifying the most junior and the most senior officer by date
of rank (DOR) within a grade and competitive category who are eligible for promotion
consideration IPZ.
Major CommanderAs used in this instruction, the term means: the commander or deputy
commander, MAJCOM or Field Operating Agency; the commander, deputy commander or
superintendent, Direct Reporting Unit; an Air Staff deputy chief of staff or director and comparable
officer in the Office of SecAF for 0N command; the commander, 11th Wing for code 2W or 3V;
the commander, USAF Europe for code 3G; and the commander, 1100 National Capital Region
Support Group. Note: An officer's MAJCOM identification contained in the PDS determines
who is the major commander.
Management LevelDoD organizations (i.e., major commands) where the senior official reports
directly to the SecDef, SecAF, Chairman JCS, CSAF, or State Adjutant General/Governor. Only
the Chief of Staff of the Air Force may approve exceptions; however, the HQ USAF/A1 may
exercise similar authority in cases involving the management levels of general officers. No
individual can serve as the head of two separate management levels, unless the individual is serving
in dual-hat capability. As used in this instruction, management level also refers to the personnel
activity supporting the senior official.
Merit-based Reorder—A board’s recommendation for placement of officers of particular merit
higher on a promotion list than seniority alone would dictate.
NonselectAn officer (other than an officer considered from BPZ or Position vacancy) whom a
board considered but did not recommend for promotion. Refer to such officers as nonselectees.
Officer Preselection BriefA computer printout produced at base level containing selected data
from the MilPDS. AFPC/DPMSPP generates an output product to create the OPB before the board
convenes. The MPF produces and sends the OPB (and OPB Instructions) to all eligible officers
for their review and prompt updating as needed. Note: Receipt of OPBs by eligible officers is not
a legal prerequisite to convening a selection board nor to the proper conduct of a selection board.
Therefore, non-receipt of an OPB is not a basis for changing the results of a selection board or
granting a SSB.
Officer Selection BriefAn extract of data from the MilPDS. AFPC/DPMSPP or ARPC/PB
(AF/A1LO/ AF/A1LG, HQ ARPC/PB, AF/REG and NGB-General Officer for general officer
boards) creates the officer selection brief before the board convenes for board members to review.
Officer Selection RecordThe OSR is identified as the Officer, Master Personnel Record Group
in accordance with DAFI 36-2608. It consists of the documents provided to selection boards.
118 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Placed on HoldThe nomination of a single officer on an appointment or nomination scroll when
the nomination is still processing within Headquarters Air Force, OSD, the White House, or at the
Preponderance of the EvidenceWhen it is more likely than not that events have occurred as
alleged, there is a preponderance of the evidence.
Promotion Eligibility Period—An officer’s promotion eligibility period begins on the date the
board report is approved and becomes a promotion list, and terminates at the end of the 1st day of
the 18th month following the month during which the board report is approved and becomes a
promotion list pursuant to 10 USC § 629(c).
Promotion ListA listing of all officers approved for promotion (by proper authority) within a
competitive category. A promotion list is considered to be established as of the date of approval
of the report of the selection board.
Promotion OpportunityPercentage of officers in a cohort group who may be selected for
promotion BPZ or IPZ /APZ. Note: This definition applies for promotion to major through
Promotion ZonesOfficers eligible for promotion fall into one of the three promotion zones
based on their CGDOR, they include BPZ, APZ, and IPZ.
Promotion Propriety ActionsAdministrative actions taken by a commander (or higher
authority) to either delay an officer's promotion, find an officer (or recommend an officer be found)
Not Qualified for Promotion, find an officer not qualified for continuation, recommend removal
of an officer's name from a promotion list, or recommend removal of an officer's name from a
continuation list.
Quota of a Selection BoardThe maximum number of officers selected in a competitive
category or zone for promotion by a selection board as directed by SecAF.
Reportable InformationInformation, other than adverse information, requested to be reported
by the Senate Armed Service Committee or by any member of the Senate; or Information related
to alleged misconduct or impropriety, which is subject to an on-going investigative, administrative,
or judicial process. Normally a nomination will be delayed pending resolution of the investigation
or administrative process; however, in extraordinary cases and where the resolution is not expected
within a reasonable time, the nomination may be processed with an appropriate summary of the
case. The summary will include an opinion from a qualified senior leader on the probable outcome
of the investigative, administrative, or judicial process; or
Credible information related to an individual’s involvement or affiliation with a significant event
that is widely known to the general public or members of Congress that brings discredit upon or
calls into question the integrity of members of the DoD, Components of the DoD, or the DoD.
Ordinarily, such information that has been known for more than three years prior to the
nomination process, or information previously considered by the Senate Armed Services
Committee as part of a previous nomination of an individual, will not be reported.
Reserve of the Air ForceThe common federal status possessed by members of the ARC. This
term is not used to identify an Air Force component or organization.
SeparationA general term including discharge, release from active duty, release from custody
and control of the Armed Forces, or transfer to an ARC.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 119
Sequence NumberA number assigned to an officer on each promotion list from major through
major General to establish precedence or relative rank among officers of the same grade in the
same competitive category on Extended Active Duty. Monthly increments, determined by HQ
USAF and announced by AFPC/DPMSPP, use the sequence numbers to determine who is
promoted on the 1st day of the following month, unless specified otherwise. Sequence numbers
will only be provided to the member and those with a need to know. Sequence numbers are not
public information. Exception: Promote only Medical Corps/Dental Corps officers (through the
grade of major) on their six-year Current Grade DOR/DOR anniversary. Promote Medical
Corps/Dental Corps captain selects on their two-year Current Grade DOR/DOR anniversary dates,
unless otherwise specified in their promotion orders.
Show CauseMembers of a selection board identify officers meeting the board who should
demonstrate reason show cause for their retention on the ADL. Any officer’s record identified by
a selection board to show cause for retention in an active status, will be identified by the selection
board to SecAF in the selection board report.
Senior Officicer Unfavorable Information File (SOUIF)A written summary of unfavorable
information about an officer, documentation of command action, plus any comments from the
subject officer regarding the written summary and documentation. A SOUIF is created for use
during the general officer promotion process and exists solely for that purpose.
Special BoardsBoards convened by SecAF to consider eligible officers for a board process not
falling under the provisions specified for SSBs.
Special Selection BoardsBoards convened by SecAF to consider eligible officers for promotion
to grades of captain through major general who did not meet a board or were improperly considered
by one or more promotion selection boards (see Chapter 6).
Special Selection Review BoardsBoards convened by SecAF to review credible information
of an adverse nature, including any substantiated adverse finding or conclusion from an officially
documented investigation or inquiry, that was not furnished to the promotion board that
recommended the officer for promotion.
Single Uniform Retrieval Format (SURF)a one to two-page summary of information
contained within MilPDS.
“Split” NominationNomination scroll (containing one name) for nominations which have
already reached the Senate. The officer is split from a nomination scroll containing two or more
names to allow the remaining officer(s) to proceed to confirmation. The split nomination scroll
containing the name of the one officer stays active and a memo to release or a withdraw scroll (as
appropriate) is required.
Temporary Promotion BoardsBoards convened by SecAF to consider eligible officers for
temporary promotion to the grades of captain, major, lieutenant colonel or colonel.
WithholdThe act of taking off or leaving off an officer's name from a nomination or
appointment scroll pending review of their promotability, while allowing other individuals on the
scroll to proceed forward for SecDef appointment, Presidential nomination, or Senate
confirmation. This officer’s name is still on the board report and promotion list until removed by
Presidential authority or operation of law, or the officer is promoted.
120 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 2
A2.1. Eligibility for Promotion to First Lieutenant. Second lieutenants on the ADL are eligible
for promotion upon completing two years’ time in grade. Calculate the two years from their
current DOR as a second lieutenant. If the officer is not qualified for promotion or a delay is
warranted, see Chapter 5 as appropriate.
A2.2. Eligibility for Promotion to Captain (RegAF only). Promote first lieutenants on the ADL
selected for promotion to captain, upon completing two years’ time in grade. Calculate the two
years from their current grade DOR as a first lieutenant, or upon the SecDef appointment,
whichever is later. Current DOR as a first lieutenant includes any constructive service credit
received upon appointment into the Regular component. Officers are promoted on the first day of
the first month in which promotions begin from the list containing the officer’s name. SecAF may
authorize DOR and effective date adjustment if the appointment of an officer to a higher grade is
delayed by unusual circumstances and, if such action is taken, will notify the USD (P&R) as
required pursuant to DoDI 1310.01, Rank and Seniority of Commissioned Officers, paragraph 8.
A2.2.1. When the promotion opportunity is 100%, captain selections are made in quarterly
cycles by the officer’s respective management level on a "fully qualified" basis. When the
promotion opportunity is less than 100%, a central selection board will be used. (T-0) IPZ
officers are considered during the appropriate quarter, one year prior to completing two years’
time in grade. For example, a first lieutenant with a current DOR of 22 Feb 18, without a
nonselection, is considered for promotion to captain during the A-cycle (see below) in 2019,
for promotion to captain 22 Feb 20. Above-the-promotion zone (APZ) officers are considered
two quarters following the approval of the fully qualified list announcing their IPZ
nonselection. If an officer is APZ based on a removal action (removed from a captain selection
list according to Chapter 5), then consider the officer in the next possible quarter, not to
include the quarter the officer was removed in. See paragraphs below for promotion timing.
The quarterly cycles are as follows:
A2.2.1.1. A-cycle begins 1 Jan and closes out 31 Mar, for promotion to captain Jan-Mar
the following year.
A2.2.1.2. B-cycle begins 1 Apr and closes out 30 Jun, for promotion to captain Apr-Jun
the following year.
A2.2.1.3. C-cycle begins 1 Jul and closes out 30 Sep, for promotion to captain Jul-Sep the
following year.
A2.2.1.4. D-cycle begins 1 Oct and closes out 31 Dec, for promotion to captain Oct-Dec
the following year.
A2.2.2. The Heads of Management Levels will send promotion recommendation decisions
and the Adverse/High-Vis/Investigation Information Summary document to AFPC/DPMSPP
no later than five days after the quarterly cycle close out date. (T-1) AFPC/DPMSPP certifies
all eligible officers have a promotion recommendation, identifies any unique issues and
processing delays or waivers, and forwards certification to AF/A1PPP or SF/S1P to begin
staffing the quarterly results. (T-1) The quarterly results are forwarded to SecDef for approval.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 121
Approval is announced via email approximately 60 to 90 days from the quarterly close out
date. There is no formal public release date established for captain selections as there is with
promotion releases to major and above; the selects and nonselects are announced four times a
year. The captain selection process is detailed in an annual memorandum. Nonselects will be
notified in writing per memorandum guidance. (T-1)
A2.3. Eligibility for Promotion to Major through Colonel (RegAF only). Officers on the ADL
are eligible if they meet the criteria established by the SecAF in accordance with 10 USC, Chapter
A2.3.1. If selected, officers will appear on a single promotion list for the respective
competitive category in the order recommended by the board when the board exercises the
authority to place officers of particular merit higher on the promotion list (10 USC § 616(g)),
or by seniority in accordance with DoDI 1310.01. (T-0) After Senate confirmation, officers
will be promoted by sequence number (commonly referred to as "line number"). (T-1)
A2.3.2. 10 USC § 619 requires officers in the grade of captain, major, and lieutenant colonel
to complete at least three years’ time in grade (as of the board convening date), from their
current grade DOR to be eligible for consideration by the board. SecAF may waive the three
years’ time in grade requirement to permit at least two opportunities for BPZ, if BPZ is
A2.4. Eligibility for Promotion of Medical Corps and Dental Corps Majors through
Colonels (RegAF). Promote first-time selected IPZ eligible on the sixth anniversary of the current
grade DOR or on Senate confirmation of the promotion, whichever is later to the grade of Major
only. Promote those first-time selected IPZ eligible to the grade of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel
as specified on the promotion order.
A2.5. Promotion Ineligibility. Officers will not be eligible for consideration by a selection board
if they:
A2.5.1. Are not on the ADL or service dates have not been verified as of the board convening
date. Once service dates are verified, the officer may be entitled to SSB consideration. (T-0)
A2.5.2. Do not meet the eligibility criteria established by SecAF. (T-0)
A2.5.3. (RegAF only) Have not been on extended active duty at least six consecutive months
immediately before the central selection board's convening date or have not been on extended
active duty at least 12 consecutive months immediately before the central selection board’s
convening date when returning to active duty under a voluntary recall program. (T-0) (USSF
Only) Have not been on extended active duty at least 120 consecutive days immediately before
the central selection board’s convening date. Exception: Officers being considered for
promotion when promotion opportunity is 100%.
A2.5.4. Are on a promotion list. (T-0)
A2.5.5. Are first lieutenants who were nonselected for promotion to captain two or more
times. (T-0)
A2.5.6. Have a DOS or retirement within 90 days following the date a board convenes
provided the application for separation or retirement was approved prior to the board
convening date. (T-0) Officers whose applications for separation or retirement are approved
122 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
on or after the board convening date, regardless of the separation or retirement date, will remain
eligible for the board. (T-0)
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 123
Attachment 3
Board Members Oath for Selection Boards Considering Officers for Promotion to Major through
Major General:
"I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will, without prejudice or partiality, having in view both the
special fitness of officers and the efficiency and effectiveness of the United States Air Force,
perform the duties imposed upon me and that I will not reveal information about the board
conduct and results except as may be provided by the Secretary."
Recorders and Administrative Support Staff Oath for Selection Boards Considering Officers for
Promotion to Major Through Major General:
"I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will keep a true record of the proceedings of the board and
that I will not reveal information about the board conduct and results except as may be provided
by the Secretary."
124 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 4
I, (First, Middle, Last Name), having been appointed a (grade in which appointed), United States
Air Force, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance
to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of
evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am
about to enter, (so help me God).
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 125
Attachment 5
Narrators may read the following narrative at the pinning on ceremony:
Attention to orders.
The President of the United States, acting upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Air
Force, has placed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, integrity and abilities of (current
grade and name). In view of these special qualities and his (or her) demonstrated potential to
serve in the higher grade (current grade and name) is promoted to the grade of (new grade),
United States Air Force, effective (date). By order of the Secretary of the Air Force.
126 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 6
I have been notified I have been recommended for promotion to the grade of _______________,
but I may decline this promotion up until 2359 hours of the day before the effective date of
promotion. Declinations signed after 2359 hours of the day preceding the effective date of
promotion are not accepted. I understand if I decline this promotion, I cannot assume the higher
grade and promotion orders are not published unless I send a written request through channels to
AFPC/DPMSPP, 550 C Street West, JBSA-Randolph TX 78150 or AF/A1LG, 1040 AF
Pentagon, Washington D.C. 20330-1040, to cancel my declination and be promoted.
Additionally, I understand if I decline this promotion and later decide to accept this promotion, I
may request withdrawal of this declination statement provided I have remained continuously
on the Active Duty List in the same competitive category. Finally, I also understand MilPDS
will be updated to reflect I have declined a promotion.
I decline this promotion. (Date)
(Typed Grade, Name, SSN)
AUTHORITY: 10 USC § 9013, § 9032, and Executive Order 9397.
PURPOSE: To accurately identify the member declining promotion. ROUTINE USES: None.
ROUTINE USES: The "Blanket Routine Uses" published in the Air Force system of records
apply to this system.
DISCLOSURE IS VOLUNTARY: May specifically be disclosed outside the DoD as a routine
use pursuant to 5 USC
INFORMATION (CUI) which must be protected under the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC
§ 552, Public Information; Agency Rules, Opinions, Orders, Records, and Proceedings) and/or
the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC § 552a, Records Maintained on Individuals (Privacy Act)).
Unauthorized disclosure or misuse of this PERSONAL INFORMATION may result in
disciplinary action, criminal and/or civil penalties.
PROCESSING INSTRUCTIONS: An officer who completes a declination of promotion
statement sends the MPF a signed copy. The MPF sends the original to AFPC/DPMSPP.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 127
Attachment 7
(Appropriate Letterhead)
MEMORANDUM FOR (Officer's Grade, Name, SSN, and complete address )
FROM: Commander (Use complete address)
SUBJECT: Not Qualified for Promotion to First Lieutenant
As outlined in DAFI 36-2501, paragraph 5.8., I recommend you be found not qualified for
promotion to the grade of first lieutenant. If the approval authority approves, you can be
separated under the provisions of DAFI 36-3211. If you are separated, you may be subject to
recoupment (e.g., special pay, bonuses, and education benefits).
I am also recommending, that if you are found not qualified for promotion, you will (be) (not be)
immediately separated from the Air Force as I (do) (do not) believe your retention for 6 months
would be consistent with good order and discipline (see Note 1 and 2).
The specific reason(s) for this recommendation is (are): (List specific reasons, not generalities,
and attach supporting documentation. List as attachments to basic memorandum.)
I also advise you that your promotion is delayed pending final determination of my
recommendation, and you will not assume the grade of first lieutenant even if your name appears
on a promotion order. You may submit a statement in your behalf and include any supporting
documentation that you deem appropriate. You are entitled to military legal counsel and may
obtain civilian counsel at your own expense.
Acknowledge receipt and understanding of this notification and return the notification, with your
statement and supporting documentation, if any, to me no later than 5 workdays from the date of
this letter. If you require more time to respond to this action, submit a written request to me,
outlining specific reasons for the additional time and precisely what day you expect to respond. I
have the authority to grant all or part of this request.
(Typed Name, Grade of Immediate
or Higher Level Commander)
(Supporting Documentation Identified)
1st Ind (Office Symbol) (Date)
1. I understand and acknowledge receipt of this notification.
2. I (am) (am not) submitting a statement in my behalf. I understand that I am not to assume the
higher grade even if my name appears on a promotion order.
(Signature of Officer Concerned)
128 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Note 1: Include in the written notification a statement that the individual was verbally notified,
if applicable, and include date. This is important when written notification is made after
promotion effective date.
Note 2: The immediate commander informs the officer that he or she is recommending
immediate separation and provides the basis for the recommendation if the commander believes
retention for the 6-month probationary period after approval of the not qualified action would be
inconsistent with good order and discipline. The commander should document and state the
rationale supporting the belief. SecAF or his/her designee makes the final decision.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 129
Attachment 8
(Appropriate Letterhead)
MEMORANDUM FOR (Officer's Grade, Name, SSN, and complete address)
FROM: Commander (Use complete address)
SUBJECT: Removal From Selective Continuation List
As outlined in DAFI 36-2501, paragraph 7.22, I recommend your name be removed from the
selective continuation list.
The specific reason(s) for this recommendation is (are): (List specific reasons, not generalities,
and attach supporting documentation. List as attachments to basic letter.)
You are hereby directed not to take any actions to accept continuation until the approval
authority makes a decision on my recommendation. You may submit a statement in your behalf
and include any supporting documentation you deem appropriate.
Acknowledge receipt and understanding of this notification and return the notification, with your
statement and supporting documentation, if any, to me no later than 5 workdays from the date of
this memorandum. If you require more time to respond to this action, submit a written request to
me, outlining specific reasons for the additional time and precisely what day you expect to
respond. I have the authority to grant all or part of this request.
(Typed Name, Grade of Immediate
or Higher Level Commander)
(Supporting Documentation Identified)
1st Ind (Office Symbol) (Date)
1. I understand and acknowledge receipt of this notification.
2. I (am) (am not) submitting a statement in my behalf. I understand I will not take any actions
to accept continuation until a final decision on this recommendation is made.
(Signature of Officer Concerned)
Note:Include in the written notification a statement that the individual was verbally notified, if
applicable, and include date.
130 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
Attachment 9
A9.1. Overview. Special boards consider whether to recommend member, prospective member,
or former AF member for appointment, promotion, merit-based reordering, retention, separation,
retirement, or transfer to inactive status in a reserve component, for which the member should have
been considered but was not considered or was improperly considered by a previously convened
board, consistent with 10 U.S.C § 1558. (T-0) A special board may be granted to a member based
on an administrative error, a legal or material error, or a formal appeal.
A9.2. Authority for Special Boards. 10 USC § 1558 authorizes SecAF to convene Special
Boards to consider whether to recommend a member, prospective member, or former member of
the Air Force for appointment, enlistment, reenlistment, assignment, promotion, retention,
separation, retirement, or transfer to inactive status in a reserve component, for which that person
was not considered, or was improperly considered, by a previously convened selection board that
should have considered the person. Exception: A Special Board in accordance with this
instruction will not be convened to consider an officer or former officer for promotion if
consideration by a SSB is authorized in accordance with DAFI 36-2501, Chapter 6. (T-1)
A9.3. Holding Special Boards. AFPC/PB conducts special boards as directed by SecAF.
A9.3.1. To the maximum extent practicable, a special board replicates the original board, to
include composition of the board, procedures, and information furnished to the board.
A9.3.2. Special boards are used for selective continuation boards, and for any other board
designated by SecAF.
A9.4. Requesting Special Board Consideration.
A9.4.1. Members, prospective members, and former members of the AF request special board
consideration by submitting a DD Form 149. If the member is incapable of acting on their
own behalf, is missing, or is deceased, application may be made by an heir, legal representative,
or close relative. See DAFI 36-2603.
A9.4.2. When SecAF directs, AFPC/DPMSPP will provide other methods of application to
facilitate the processing of specific categories of applications. (T-1)
A9.4.3. A special board request based upon an unadjudicated evaluation correction must first
be evaluated by the Evaluation Reports Appeal Board in accordance with DAFI 36-2406 or
the AFBCMR in accordance with DAFI 36-2603. Members may request special board
consideration in conjunction with those applications. If the Evaluation Reports Appeal Board
grants relief, the member’s record will be evaluated by AFPC for special board consideration.
A9.5. Granting and Denying Special Board Consideration. AFBCMR can direct a special
board for any error or injustice it feels warrants a relief action by a board.
A9.5.1. AFPC/DPMSPP may grant consideration of a person by a special board when:
A9.5.1.1. The person was not considered by a board when they should have been
considered for any purpose in paragraph A9.1.
DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024 131
A9.5.1.2. The action of the board that considered the person was contrary to law in a matter
material to the decision of the board or involved material error of fact or material
administrative error.
A9.5.1.3. The board did not consider material information that should have been available
in compliance with pertinent AF directives, instructions and policies.
A9.5.2. If an application for special board consideration is not granted under paragraph
A9.5.1, it will be forwarded to the AFBCMR for consideration.
A9.5.3. SecAF may grant or deny consideration of a person by a special board in any case.
A9.6. Procedures for Special Boards.
A9.6.1. SecAF convenes and instructs special boards, and appoints special board members.
A9.6.2. Special board membership, organization, and procedures will parallel those of the
original board to the extent practicable. (T-1)
A9.6.3. Special boards will consider the records of persons under consideration as those
records would have appeared to the original board if the persons had been properly considered.
Normally, special boards will compare the records of persons under consideration with a
sampling of records of persons selected, and not selected, by the original board. If such a
sampling of records is not available, or if SecAF determines that, under the circumstances of a
particular case or category of cases, such a comparison would not result in fair and equitable
consideration of the persons under consideration, SecAF may prescribe a different process.
A9.6.4. Special boards will employ the scoring and selection methods used by SSBs. (T-1)
SecAF may direct changes in these methods when necessary to ensure fair and equitable
consideration under the circumstances of a particular case or category of cases (See paragraph
6.9 for scoring records).
A9.6.5. Merit-based Reorder Determination. When a special board is convened to reevaluate
a consideree’s placement on the promotion list, each consideree will be compared against the
merit-based reorder benchmark records to accurately identify each consideree’s placement
within the order of merit. (T-1) The consideree’s original placement on the promotion list will
be retained if the special board’s results are not favorable to the consideree. (T-1)
A9.6.5.1. Subject to the limitation in paragraph A9.6.4, each consideree will be assigned
a sequence number immediately preceding the highest-scoring record from the original
merit-based order that the consideree outscored; if a consideree did not beat any
benchmarks, the consideree will retain the original sequence number. (T-1)
A9.6.5.2. If a consideree tied a benchmark(s), assign a sequence number (compared to the
highest-scoring record from the original merit-based order) at that score category based on
seniority as defined in paragraph 3.5. (T-1)
A9.6.6. Special boards will provide a board report to SecAF recommending the persons under
consideration be, or not be, selected for the purpose for which they were considered by the
original board. (T-0)
132 DAFI36-2501 12 JANUARY 2024
A9.7. Action on Reports of Special Boards.
A9.7.1. In accordance with 10 USC §1558, upon review of special board reports, SecAF
approves, disapproves in writing (in whole or in part), or returns it to the special board for
further proceedings, with a written explanation, if SecAF determines that the board acted
contrary to law or regulation, or to guidelines furnished to the board by SecAF. (T-0)
A9.7.1.1. If the special board report recommending relief for a person (or persons) under
consideration is approved, the SecAF will direct the military record of the person (or
persons) be corrected to the extent necessary to give full effect to the recommendation of
the special board. (T-1) When correction of the person’s military record results in actual
or constructive reinstatement on active duty, any entitlement to back pay and allowances
accruing to the person will be subject to an appropriate offset for civilian earnings and other
offsets authorized by law. (T-0)
A9.7.1.2. When the SecAF approves a special board report recommending denial of relief
or disapproves the special board report recommending relief, the SecAF action is effective
and final as of the date of approval of the original board report.
A9.8. Time Limits.
A9.8.1. A person must apply for special board consideration within three years after
discovering, or if, by exercising reasonable diligence, the person should have discovered the
asserted defect in the original board. (T-1) SecAF, or designee under paragraph 6.2, may
excuse late application when it is in the interest of justice to do so.
A9.8.2. 10 USC § 1558 requires SecAF to convene a special board or deny special board
consideration within six months of receipt of a complete and properly executed application for
special board consideration. (T-0)
A9.8.2.1. In addition, 10 USC §1558 requires SecAF to take final action on a board report
within six months of convening the board. (T-0)
A9.8.2.2. SecAF may extend the time limits in paragraphs A9.8.2 and A9.8.2.1, in a
particular case or category of cases, for not more than an additional six months each, when
SecAF determines a longer period for consideration is warranted. (SecAF may not delegate