Management of toxicities from
ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up
J. Haanen, F. Carbonnel, C. Robert, K. Kerr, S. Peters, J. Larkin and K. Jordan,
on behalf of the ESMO Guidelines Committee
*For details of author affiliations, correspondence and versions, please see the full version at
Weber JS et al. J Clin Oncol 2012;30:26912697.
Reprinted with permission. ©2012 American
Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
Time to onset and resolution of occurrence
of immuno-related adverse events following
Ipilimumab treatment
Incidence and
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Larkin J et al. Presented at ECC 2015;Abs330.
Reprinted with permission.
Time to onset of grade 3-4 treatment-related
select adverse events
Incidence and
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Summary of recommendations
General aspects
of immune-
related adverse
events (irAEs)
Generally occur within 3 months after initiation of ICPi treatment
Tissue biopsy may be useful for higher grade (3-4) toxicities, when there is diagnostic
doubt and management would be altered by the outcome
Patient selection
and baseline
Before starting treatment: patients’ susceptibility to irAEs should be assessed and
patients informed of the potential AEs, reporting directly to the treating physician or team
Work-up should include: history, general physical condition, autoimmune diseases,
baseline laboratory tests and radiological scans
If current or previous autoimmune disease: risk of worsening of their autoimmune
disease while on ICPi treatment
If previous ipilimumab-related irAEs: risk of developing irAEs following anti-PD-1
treatment, and vice versa
Once irAEs have developed, prompt work-up and action are required
Pneumocystis prophylaxis should be considered for patients receiving long-term
(> 6 weeks) treatment with immunosuppressive drugs
The clinical outcome of patients on ICPi treatment is not affected by the use of
immunosuppressive agents for the management of immune-related toxicities
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Incidence and
Summary of recommendations
Any other aetiology of skin problem, such as infection, an effect of another drug or a skin
condition linked to another systemic disease, should be ruled out
The severity of the reaction should be evaluated by a careful and thorough physical
examination of the skin, including the mucosal areas, and patient’s general health status
A biological assessment, including blood cell count and liver and kidney tests, may be required
to rule out dermatological emergencies
In severe cases, ICPi treatment should be permanently discontinued, the patient
hospitalised and symptomatic treatment initiated immediately
Severity of maculopapular rash should be classified according to the CTCAE version 4.0
skin toxicity
Diagnosis and pathology/molecular biology
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Recognised skin AEs include:
Most common: Erythema, maculopapular and
pustulopapular rash
Rare: TEN, Steven-Johnson syndrome
Vasculitis may also be present with purpuric rash
ICPi-related toxicity:
Management of skin rash/toxicity
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skin toxicity
ICPi monitoring and management:
Thyroid function
Immune related toxicities
- endocrinopathies
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Immune related toxicities
- endocrinopathies
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Withhold ICPi if patient is unwell with symptomatic hyperthyroidism
Subclinical hyperthyroidism (low TSH, normal FT4) often precedes
overt hypothyroidism
ICPi monitoring and management: Thyroid function (cont’d)
*Pituitary axis bloods: 9 am cortisol (or random if
unwell and treatment cannot be delayed), ACTH,
TSH/FT4, LH, FSH, oestradiol if premenopausal,
testosterone in men, IGF1, prolactin. Mineralocorticoid
replacement is rarely necessary in hypopituitarism
ICPi related toxicity: Management of hypophysitis
Immune related toxicities
- endocrinopathies
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**Initial replacement advice for cortisol and thyroid hormones:
If 9 am cortisol < 250 nmol/L or random cortisol < 150 nmol/L and vague symptoms:
Replace with hydrocortisone 20/10/10 mg
If TFTs normal, 12 weekly monitoring initially (always replace cortisol for 1 week prior to thyroxine initiation)
If falling TSH +/- low FT4:
Consider need for thyroxine replacement (guide is 0.51.5 mg/kg) based on symptoms and/or check 9 am weekly cortisol
See thyroid section for further information regarding interpretation of an abnormal TSH/T4
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of
hypophysitis (cont’d)
Immune related toxicities
- endocrinopathies
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Summary of recommendations
Blood glucose levels should be regularly monitored in patients treated with ICPi in
order to detect the emergence of de novo DM
Patients with Type 2 DM may develop ketoacidosis, which should be treated
according to standard local guidelines
The role of high-dose steroids in preventing total loss of pancreatic beta cells is
unclear and is not recommended
C-peptide and antibodies against GAD and islet cells can distinguish between Type 1
and Type 2 DM
Restarting ICPi treatment can be considered once the patient has been regulated
with insulin substitution
Immune related toxicities
- endocrinopathies
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
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Steroid wean:
Grade 2: Once grade 1, wean over 2 weeks; re-
escalate if worsening; treatment may be resumed once
prednisolone ≤ 10 mg
Grade 3/4: Once improved to grade 2, can change to
oral prednisolone and wean over 4 weeks; for grade 3,
re-challenge only at consultant discretion
Worsening despite steroids:
If on oral change to IV (methyl)prednisolone
If on IV add MMF 5001000 mg bid
If worse on MMF, consider addition of tacrolimus
A case report has described the use of anti-thymocyte
globulin in steroid + MMF-refractory fulminant hepatitis
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of hepatitis
Immune related
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ICPi-related toxicity: Management
of diarrhoea and colitis
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Loperamide 4 mg first dose then 2 mg
30 minutes before each meal and after each
loose stool until 12 hours without diarrhoea
(max 16 mg/day)
Steroid wean duration:
Moderate: wean over 24 weeks
Severe: wean over 48 weeks
Steroids > 4 weeks: Consider PJP prophylaxis,
regular random blood glucose, VitD level, start
calcium/VitD supplement
Immune related
Summary of recommendations
Most common symptoms
Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, hematochezia, weight loss, fever and
vomiting, mouth ulcers, anal lesions and extra-intestinal
(Upper GI symptoms and endoscopic lesions have been reported)
Main biological abnormalities Anaemia, increased serum CRP and low serum albumin levels
Ruling out infection and cancer
as causes
Bacterial enteropathogens and Clostridium difficile toxin content of
stools and investigation of GI metastases
Further investigations Flexible endoscopy can confirm the diagnosis of enterocolitis
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GI toxicity of ICPIs (most commonly
observed with anti-CTLA-4 alone or
anti-CTLA-4 + anti-PD-1/PD-L1)
Immune related
Summary of recommendations
Non-severe diarrhoea
Treatment with antidiarrhoeals, fluid and electrolyte supplementation, if
required, and ICPis can be continued
Persistent grade 2 / severe grade
3–4 / grade 1-2 with alarm
ICPi discontinuation and initiation of systemic corticosteroids
(1 to 2 mg/kg IV daily)
Response to IV corticosteroids
Responding (within 35 days): switch to the oral form, treatment
tapered over 812 weeks
Not responding: switch to infliximab 5 mg/kg (unless contraindicated)
Colonic perforation
(with or without intra-abdominal abscess)
Emergency subtotal colectomy with ileostomy and endoscopy
Follow-up and long-term implications
Corticosteroids or infliximab treatment does not affect response and OS of patients treated with ipilimumab
Reintroduction of ICPi in patients previously experiencing enterocolitis is associated with a high risk of
relapse - discuss on an individual basis
GI toxicity of ICPis management,
follow-up and long-term implications
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Immune related
Summary of recommendations
Common symptoms
Diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting and abdominal pain, with a median time to
symptom onset of 3 months
Endoscopic findings
Normal mucosa through mild erythema to severe inflammation and
histological findings include lamina propria expansion, villus blunting,
intra-epithelial neutrophils and increased crypt/gland apoptosis
Different patterns
of GI irAEs
Acute colitis
Microscopic colitis
Upper GI involvement
Combined anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1 antibodies
With this combined treatment, pancreatitis and small bowel enteritis, which may be visible on CT
scan, require ICPi treatment discontinuation and initiation of immunosuppression
GI toxicity of ICPIs (most commonly
observed with anti-CTLA-4 alone or
anti-CTLA-4 + anti-PD-1/PD-L1)
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Immune related
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of
Immune related
pneumonitis toxicities
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Pulmonary hypertension/respiratory; disease/connective
tissue disease; Influenza/Mycobacterium; tuberculosis
exposure; Smoking history; Travel history; Allergy history
including exposure to home/occupational aeroallergens
Differential Diagnosis:
Pneumonia (including atypical, pneumocystis, tuberculosis);
Lymphangitis; Usual interstitial pneumonias; Pulmonary
oedema; Pulmonary emboli; Sarcoidosis
Summary of recommendations
Radiological features
Ground glass opacities
A cryptogenic organising pneumonia-like appearance
Interstitial pneumonia pattern
Characteristics of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Lung biopsy
Generally not required for patient management, unless there is
doubt as to the aetiology of pulmonary infiltrates, when a VATS
biopsy is the method of choice
Bronchoscopy with BAL
Supports the identification of infections and is recommended in
any symptomatic pneumonia
Any new respiratory symptom require
prompt investigation to formally exclude
lung toxicity and all patients presenting
with pulmonary symptoms should be
assessed by CT
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Immune related
pneumonitis toxicities
Summary of recommendations
pneumonitis is
documented or
Immunosuppressive treatment should be started immediately
When no
possibility to rule
out infection using
Oral or IV broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered in parallel to the
immunosuppressive treatment for grade ≥ 3 pneumonitis
Grade 1–2
Oral prednisone 1 mg/kg daily or equivalent with clinical assessment every 23
days initially is recommended, with additional radiological assessments for grade 2
pneumonitis, and possible ICPi treatment interruption. Following recovery, steroids
should be tapered over 46 weeks and ICPi treatment reintroduction delayed until
the daily steroid dose is ≤ 10 mg of oral prednisone
Grade 34
severe cases
Hospitalisation, treatment with high dose IV (methyl)prednisolone 24 mg/kg/day or
equivalent and permanent discontinuation of ICPi treatment is recommended
If there is no improvement after 2 days, additional immunosuppressive
strategies, such as infliximab, MMF or cyclophosphamide, are recommended
Steroids should be tapered slowly over at least 6 weeks to prevent recurrence
Management of pneumonitis
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Immune related
pneumonitis toxicities
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of suspected
peripheral neurological toxicity: mild, moderate
or severe
Rare immune-
related toxicities
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Advice on steroid wean:
Conversion from IV to oral steroids at clinician discretion
once improvement noted
Suggested oral prednisolone taper for 48 weeks
Consider PJP prophylaxis/Vitamin D if > 4-week duration
Multidisciplinary team involvement:
Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy
as appropriate, ophthalmology review for ocular/cranial
nerve issues
Orthotic devices, e.g. for foot drop, should be considered
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of suspected
peripheral neurological toxicity: Guillain-Barré
and Myasthenia Gravis syndromes
Rare immune-related
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Other syndromes reported:
Motor and sensory peripheral neuropathy, multifocal radicular
neuropathy/plexopathy, autonomic neuropathy, phrenic nerve
palsy, cranial nerve palsies (e.g. facial nerve, optic nerve,
hypoglossal nerve)
Steroids suggested as initial management where indicated
with neurology specialist input and close attention to potential
for respiratory or visual compromise
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of suspected
central neurological toxicity
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Other syndromes reported:
Posterior Reversible Leucoencephalopathy Syndrome
(PRES), Vogt-Harada-Koyanagi syndrome, demyelination,
vasculitic encephalopathy, generalised seizures
Rare immune-related
Summary of recommendations
Time frame
A range of neurological events have been described with a time of onset from 6 to 13
Progression of the underlying cancer, seizure activity, infection and metabolic
derangement should be ruled out as causes and nerve conduction studies and lumbar
puncture may assist in diagnosis
Early consultation with a neurologist is advised
For all but mild (grade 1) neurological symptoms, ICPi therapy should be withheld
until the cause is determined
Prednisolone 0.51 mg/kg should be considered for moderate symptoms
High-dose oral prednisolone 12 mg/kg or IV equivalent is recommended for
significant neurological toxicity
Plasmapheresis or IVIg may be required for the treatment of myasthenia and GBS
Neurological toxicity
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Rare immune-
related toxicities
Summary of recommendations
Cardiac side effects have been reported to occur after treatment with ipilimumab,
pembrolizumab and nivolumab and the incidence is higher with the combination of
ipilimumab and nivolumab compared with nivolumab alone
Early consultation with a cardiologist is recommended
High-dose corticosteroids should be instituted rapidly if ICPi-induced cardiac side
effects are suspected
Escalation to other immunosuppressive drugs, such as infliximab, MMF and ATG,
is recommended if symptoms do not respond promptly to steroids
Cardiac toxicity
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Rare immune-
related toxicities
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of arthralgia
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Arthralgia: Pain in the joints without associated swelling; may be
found in conjunction with myalgia (muscle pain), a common AE
DDx to consider:
Arthritis (see Figure 14 in the CPG for further tests and
Polymyalgia rheumatica (see arthritis as may present with small
joint synovitis)
Myositis (characterised by tenderness to palpation of muscle)
Due to the paucity of literature on management of this AE, this
algorithm serves as a general guide only; seek rheumatology advice
if severe symptoms not responding to steroids
Immune related
Summary of recommendations
Mild or moderate
Analgesia with paracetamol and/or NSAIDs is
recommended; moderate symptoms may respond to prednisolone
Severe symptoms
Consultation with a rheumatologist and the use of high dose corticosteroids
and TNFα-blocking agents is recommended
Rheumatoligical toxicity
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Rare immune-
related toxicities
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of nephritis: grade 1-2
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Renal injury occurs in around 14% of patients treated with ICPis, usually in a
pattern of acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis with a lymphocytic infiltrate
Attention needs to be paid to the patient’s baseline creatinine, not just abnormal
results per biochemistry ULN
Confounding diagnoses include dehydration, recent IV contrast, urinary tract
infection, medications, hypotension or hypertension
Early consideration for renal biopsy is helpful which may negate the need for
steroids and determine if renal deterioration related to ICPis or other pathology
Oliguria should prompt inpatient admission for careful fluid balance and plan for
access to renal replacement therapy
Steroid wean: Begin to wean once creatinine grade 1; grade 2 severity episode:
wean steroids over 24 weeks; grade 34 episode: wean over ≥ 4 weeks
If on steroids for > 4 weeksPJP prophylaxis, calcium/vitamin D supplementation,
gastric protection and check afternoon glucose for hyperglycaemia
*GN screen: ANA, complement C3, C4, ANCA, anti-GBM, hepatitis B and C, HIV,
immunoglobulins and protein electrophoresis
Rare immune-related toxicities
ICPi-related toxicity: Management of nephritis: grade 3-4
© 2018 ESMO. All rights reserved.
Renal injury occurs in around 14% of patients treated with ICPis, usually in a
pattern of acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis with a lymphocytic infiltrate
Attention needs to be paid to the patient’s baseline creatinine, not just abnormal
results per biochemistry ULN
Confounding diagnoses include dehydration, recent IV contrast, urinary tract
infection, medications, hypotension or hypertension
Early consideration for renal biopsy is helpful which may negate the need for
steroids and determine if renal deterioration related to ICPis or other pathology
Oliguria should prompt inpatient admission for careful fluid balance and plan for
access to renal replacement therapy
Steroid wean: Begin to wean once creatinine grade 1; grade 2 severity episode:
wean steroids over 24 weeks; grade 34 episode: wean over ≥ 4 weeks
If on steroids for > 4 weeksPJP prophylaxis, calcium/vitamin D supplementation,
gastric protection and check afternoon glucose for hyperglycaemia
Rare immune-related toxicities
Summary of recommendations
Serum sodium, potassium, creatinine and urea prior to every ICPi treatment infusion is recommended
Initial management involves stopping nephrotoxic drugs, ruling out infection and urinary tract obstruction
and correcting hypovolaemia
For significant renal dysfunction, ICPi treatment should be withheld and consideration given to the use of
systemic (methyl)prednisolone 0.52 mg or equivalent
In the event of severe renal dysfunction, a nephrologist should be consulted
Renal biopsy may be used to clarify a difficult differential diagnosis
Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis with lymphocytic infiltration is a frequent biopsy finding
Renal toxicity
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Rare immune-
related toxicities
Summary of recommendations
Ocular toxicities
Topical corticosteroids are recommended for episcleritis and anterior uveitis and systemic corticosteroids
for severe ocular inflammation and orbital inflammation
Intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment is recommended for choroidal neovascularisation
Haematological toxicities
The optimal treatment for immune-related haematological AEs is unknown and initiation of high-dose
corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive drugs should be performed in close collaboration with a
Allograft rejection
Use of ICPis may induce graft rejection. The risk of allograft rejection is probably lowest
for anti-CTLA-4
Ocular toxicities
Haematological toxicities
Allograft rejection
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Rare immune-
related toxicities
This slide set provides you with the most important content of the full ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) on the management of toxicities
from immunotherapy. Key content includes diagnostic criteria, staging of disease, treatment plans and follow-up.
The ESMO CPGs are intended to provide you with a set of recommendations for the best standards of care, using evidence-based medicine.
Implementation of ESMO CPGs facilitates knowledge uptake and helps you to deliver an appropriate quality of focused care to your patients.
This slide set contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources ( Although every effort has been made to
ensure that treatment and other information are presented accurately in this publication, the ultimate responsibility rests with the prescribing
physician. Neither the publisher nor the ESMO Guidelines Committee can be held responsible for errors or for any consequences arising from the
use of information contained herein. For detailed prescribing information on the use of any product or procedure discussed herein, please consult the
prescribing information or instructional material issued by the manufacturer.
The slide set can be used as a quick reference guide to access key content on evidence-based management and individual slides may be used for
personal presentation in their present version and without any alterations. All rights reserved.
© 2018 European Society for Medical Oncology
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Immunotherapy-Related Side Effects and their Management