Review article
ICU management of severe acute pancreatitis
Alexander Wilmer
Department of General Internal Medicine, Medical Intensive Care Unit, Gasthuisberg University Hospital,
Catholic University of Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Received 22 April 2004; received in revised form 23 April 2004; accepted 7 June 2004
In intensive care medicine, severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) remains a very challenging disease with multiple complications and high
mortality. The main pathophysiological mechanisms determining outcome are an uncontrolled systemic hyperinflammatory response early on
and infection of pancreatic necrosis later on in the disease process. Despite a better understanding in recent years of the mechanisms and the
mediators involved in the hyperinflammatory response, there is, as yet, no generally recognized specific treatment for this disease. Since early
identification and aggressive treatment of associated organ dysfunction can have a major impact on outcome, early assessment of prognosis
and severity is important. The evidence available indicates that patients with severe acute pancreatitis do not benefit from therapy with
available antisecretory drugs or protease inhibitors. Supportive therapy, such as vigorous hydration, analgesia, correction of electrolyte and
glycemia disorders, and pharmacological or mechanical support targeted at specific organs, is still the mainstay of therapy. In spite of meager
evidence, prophylactic antibiotics with good penetration in pancreatic tissue are recommended in severe acute pancreatitis. Enteral nutrition
via a nasojejunal tube has become the preferred route of feeding. Most patients with sterile necrosis do not benefit from surgical intervention.
In patients with proven infection of pancreatic tissue, surgery is necessary. Percutaneous, radiological drainage techniques may eventually
become an alternative form of drainage in selected patients.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Severe acute pancreatitis
1. Introduction ........................................................... 275
2. Pathophysiology ......................................................... 275
3. General management ....................................................... 275
4. Resuscitation, pain control, and treatment of organ dysfunction ................................. 275
5. Assessment of severity ...................................................... 276
6. The role of prophylactic antibiotics ............................................... 276
7. Nutritional support ........................................................ 277
8. Indications and timing of ERCP ................................................. 277
9. Antisecretory or anti-inflammatory treatment modalities ..................................... 277
10. Surgical treatment ........................................................ 278
References................................................................ 278
0953-6205/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Tel.: +32 16 344275; fax: +32 16 344230.
E-mail address: Alexander[email protected].
European Journal of Internal Medicine 15 (2004) 274 280
1. Introduction
The clinical spectrum of acute pancreatitis ranges from a
transient, self-limited inflammation with minimal organ
dysfunction and uneventful recovery to necrotizing pan-
creatitis with multiple organ failure and death. Based on a
consensus conference, severe acute pancreatit is (SAP) is
defined as acute pancreatitis associated with other end organ
failure and/or local complications such as necrosis, abscess,
or pseudoc yst [1]. Necrosis of pancreatic tissue develops in
14–40% of all cases of acute pancreatitis, with the higher
incidences reported in patients admitted to tertiary care
centers [2–4]. While the overall mortality of acute pancrea-
titis without necrosis is close to zero, the mortality of acute
necrotizing p ancreatitis (ANP) depends very much on
possible infection of the necrotic tissue. Depending on
patient selection and institutional differences, infection of
necrotic pancreatic tissue may occur in 30–70% of patients
[5–7]. This ominous complication account s for a major
percentage of the observed mortality and at least doubles the
mortality from less than 10% in patients with sterile necrosis
without additional organ failure to more than 25% and even
up to 70% in those with infected necrosis and multiple organ
failure [5,7–10].
Over the last decade the benefit of early surgical
intervention has been challenged and early, aggressive
intensive medical care has become commonplace [11–13].
In this review I will give an informed opinion on the
general management of patients with SAP admitted to an
intensive care unit (ICU) and I will also discuss some
controversial issues emphasizing evidence from recent
clinical trials and recommendations from consensus
2. Pathoph ysiology
In the European Union, the United States, and in Asia,
gallstones and alcohol together account for approximately
80% of all cases of SAP. Other less common causes of the
disease include endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreati-
cography (ERCP), h yperlipidemia, hypercalcemia, drugs,
pancreas divisum, abdominal trauma, and hereditary dis-
ease. In about 10% of cases, no specific cause can be
identified [2].
Regardless of the cause, acute pancreatitis appears to be
initiated with the premature intrapancreatic activation of
digestive enzymes in conjunction with microcirculatory
changes. A local inflammatory reaction ensues. In severe
pancreatitis, the local inflammation is amplified through
induction of a generalized, cytokine-mediated, hyperinflam-
matory systemic response. Inflammatory and anti-inflam-
matory cytokine production begins shortly after the onset of
pain and typically lasts for several days [14,15].An
imbalance in this process seems to be ultimately responsible
for the organ failures observed early on in the course of the
disease [16]. Infection of necrotic tissue accounts for a
major percentage of the mortality later in the disease. There
is evidence pointing to bacterial translocation from the
intestines as the source of pancreatic infection [17]. The
exact mechanism of transmural migration and the route of
migration of the micro-organisms to the pancreas are still
3. Genera l management
For diagnostic purposes and at the time of admission to
the ICU, not all patients with acute pancreatitis are in
need of immediate, dynamic, contrast-enhanced, tomo-
graphic scanning (CECT). However, this imaging proce-
dure is the modality of choice for the detection of necrosis
and for radiological staging. Even though pancreatic
necrosis appears to develop within 24–48 h after the
onset of symptoms, CECT performed within the first 12 h
may show only equivocal findings [18]. CECT obtained
48–72 h after the o nset of symptoms is more accurate in
the depiction of necrotizing pancreatitis and has a
sensitivity of close to 100%. Follow-up scans within 7–
10 days are recommended in patients with one or more
peripancreatic fluid collections, in those with retroperito-
neal air, and in case of clinical deterioration when
pancreatic infection is suspected to be the cause [19].If
necrosis is present, simultaneous fine needle aspiration
should be performed.
Once the diagnosis is established and the patient stable,
the management strategy involves several steps. First, there
should be ongoing adequate fluid resuscitation , pain control,
early detection and treatment of additional organ failures,
and assessment of severity. Then, choices will have to be
made regarding the use of prophylactic antibiotics, the route
of nutrition, the timing of ERCP (in the case of biliary
pancreatitis), and the possible benefit of antisecretory or
anti-inflammatory treatment modalities. Finally, in some
patients, the indications and timing of surgical therapy will
need to be considered.
4. Resuscitation, pain control, an d treatment of organ
At the time of admission to the ICU, patients with SAP
are usually volume-depleted due to poor oral intake, third
space loss, and increased vascular permeability due to the
generalized inflammatory response. Rehydration may
require large amounts of fluid (up to 10 l in the first 24
h). In the absence of important cardiac dysfunction,
crystalloids are the preferred solution. Patients with SAP
should be given an arterial catheter, at least two peripheral
lines (and, in cases of simultaneous renal dysfunction or
hemodynamic instability, a central venous line), continuous
oxygen saturation and electrocardiogram monitoring, and a
A. Wilmer / European Journal of Internal Medicine 15 (2004) 274–280 275
urinary catheter. Some patients with multiple organ failure
may benefit from more invasive hemodynamic monitoring
with a pulm onary artery catheter. After initial rapid
resuscitation, fluid replacement shoul d aim at 35 ml/kg
body weight per day. If these patients develop shock it is
usually of a distributive type, and noradrenaline is a good
first choice in this clinical context.
For obvious reasons, adequate pain control is important
in many patients. Paracetamol and nonsteroidal anti nflamm-
tory drugs are often insufficient. The latter need to be used
with caution, especially if the patients are hypovolemic and
oliguric due to possible exacerba ting renal dysfunction.
Opiates are often needed and there are no compelling human
data suggesting that one opiate is superior to another [19].In
a recent randomized trial with 107 patients, continuous
intravenous infusion of procaine hydrochloride was shown
to be significantly less effective than an opiate such as
pentazocine [20].
Organ dysfunction in the course of SAP is frequent,
and early detection and treatment are of paramount
importance. Progression to multiple organ failure may
occur within a few hours of the onset of symptoms,
placing the patient at a very high risk of death from
cardiovascular or pulmonary failure . Simple, readily
available biochemical and clinical parameters are enough
to calculate the sequential organ failure assessment
(SOFA) score, which is a practical means to detect and
objectively grade organ dysfunction early on [21].
Respiratory failure may be expected in 56–63% of cases,
shock in 23–51%, renal failure in 13–42%, and coagul-
opathy in 19–42% of cases [10,22–25]. The rules for the
management of organ dysfunction are the same as for
other critically ill pati ents. However, control of glycemia
and intensive monitoring of serum electrolytes are of
particular importance in these patients.
5. Assessment of severity
Objective assessment of the severity of acute pancreatitis,
though often n eglected, is important for a number of
reasons, including better identification of patients at risk
of developing severe disease, better utilization of costly ICU
resources, and timely and specific treatment that may have a
positive impact on the outcome. A number of parameters to
predict severity in acute pancreatitis have been investigated
in the past, i.e., clinical assessment, scoring systems,
biochemical parameters, and imaging procedures. Clinical
assessment of severity of illness in acute pancreatitis at the
time of admission will misclassify approximately 60% of
patients [26,27]. Forty-eight hours after admission, how-
ever, correct prediction based on clinical grounds will
increase to approximately 83%. In recent years, a numbe r of
markers of immunological activation or pancreatic injury,
such as interleukin-6, urinary trypsinogen activation pep-
tide, procalcitonin, phospholipase A
, and polymorphonu-
clear elastase, have been shown to be good candidates for
the early stratification of patients with acute pancreatitis
[28,29]. However, at the present time, none of these tests are
available for use in routine practice because they are
expensive and time-consuming. The C-reactive protein
(CRP) is a good discriminator between severe and mild
disease 48 h after the onset of symptoms. A cut-off level of
150 mg/l is accepted in the literat ure as a good predictor of
severe disease [30]. Both the Ranson’s score a nd the
Glasgow (Imrie) score have a good predictive value, but
after 48 h they are not much better than intuitive prediction
based on physical findings [31–33]. The Acute Physiology
and Chronic Health Evaluation score (APACHE II score)
comprises biochemical and clinical variables as well as
several co-morbidities that have been proven to influence
outcome. Since the predictive accuracy for death or
complications with the APACHE II score at 24 h is as
effective as the former scoring systems at 48 h, this score
has been recommended as the best choice if a multiple
factor scoring system is to be used [30]. An APACHE II
score of 9 or more indicates a severe disease, but will
exclude many with a lower score who will develop a
complication. An APACHE II score of 6 or more will
include nearly all complications (sensitivity 95%), but only
half of the patients will develop a complication (positive
predictive value 50%) [34]. On the basis of a combi nation of
peripancreatic inflammation, phlegmon, and degree of
pancreatic necrosis, a CT severity index can be completed
that correlates well with morbidity and mortality [18,35].
Obesity, as shown by a body mass index (BMI) above 30, is
a reliable predictor of severe outcome independently of age
[36,37]. Left-sided or bilateral pleural effusions on chest X-
ray performed within 24 h of admission have also proven to
be indicative of subsequent complications or fatal outcome
[38]. Based on the aforementioned and on the 1999
Santorini consensus document on the management of acute
pancreatitis [30], this author favors the following practical
approach to predi cting severity requiring admission to an
ICU: a BMI above 30, left-sided or bilateral effusion on
chest radiography performed within 24 h of admission, an
APACHE II score of at least 8 at 24 h after admission, and a
CRP abo ve 150 mg/l or a Ranson score above 3 at 48 h after
admission. The development of organ failure or pancreatic
necrosis (i.e., SAP by definition) also warrants immediate
transfer to an ICU.
6. The role of prophylactic antibiotics
In acute pancreatitis, infected necrosis accounts for
approximately 80% of all deaths. The incidence of infection
depends on the duration of the pancreat itis. In a prospective,
clinical study of 114 patients with ANP, the infection rate in
the first week was 24%, in the second week 36%, and it
reached a peak of 71% in the third week [5]. Forty-three to
eighty-six percent of the organisms found in pancreatic
A. Wilmer / European Journal of Internal Medicine 15 (2004) 274–280276
infection are gram-negative rods, 28–36% are staphylococci
and streptococci, 4–11% anaerobes, and 7–37% Candida
species [10,22,39]. Thus, prevention of infection by means
of anti-infectives could, theoretically, be a beneficial
therapy. However, the role and optimal duration o f
prohylactic antibiotic therapy are still controversial issues.
Clearly, an antibiotic agent has to reach a therapeutic tissue
level in the pancreas and must cover the flora commonly
encountered in pancreatic infection. For this purpose,
carbapenems, followed by quinolones, are by far the most
efficacious antibiotics [17,40].
Between 1993 and 2003, seven prospective, controlled
studies with prophylactic intravenous anti-infectives, with
or without selective digestive decontamination (SDD), were
published [41–47]. In most of these studies, the incidence of
pancreatic infection was reduced, usually significantly, and
in two studies mortality was significantly lower. The largest
of these trials randomized 71 patients, the smallest 23.
Nonetheless, all guidelines and consensus conferences
recommend prophylactic intravenous antibiotics in SAP
[19,30,34]. The number of complications may be expected
to decrease but not the mortality. There is no place for
prophylactic anti biotics in acute mild pancreatitis. SDD
improved outcome in one good randomized study, and its
use seems to be a rational and logical approach in
preventing late infection of pancreatic necrosis. Because
of the workload associated with its use in a group of
patients who already place huge demands on ICU resources,
unconditional endorsement of SDD has been delayed until
further evidence is available. The duration of prophylactic
antibiotic treatment is unclear, but there seems to be no
significant advantage of 3- versus 2-week treatment
duration [22].
7. Nutritional support
For years, TPN has been considered the standard for
nutritional support in SAP. The main argument favoring
this pract ice was that intravenous nutritional support was
awayofdresting the pancreasT by eliminati ng the
hormonal stimulation and consequ ent exocrine secretion
associated with classical nasogastric enteral nutrition.
Several studies, however, conclusively failed to demon-
strate an effect on survival [48,49] . Nowaday s, enteral
nutrition (EN) is favored [50]. The rationale for the use of
EN is based on the prem ise that enteral feeding maintains
the barrier function of the intestinal tract, promotes gut
motility, possibly reduces translocation of bacteria or
endotoxins, and avoids the infectious complications
associated with TPN. Between 1997 and 2003, six
randomized trials were published that compared TPN
and EN in patients with acute pancreatitis [51–56]. The
largest study randomized 96 patients, the smallest 26.
Although further studies are necess ary, the published data
suggest that EN is safe and may be advantageous over
TPN in ANP. One definite benefit of EN in the setting of
ANP is reduced costs; probable benefits include reduced
septic complications. The following recommendations
have been made [19,30]:
1. Most patients with mild pancreatitis do not benefit from
nutritional support.
2. In patients with severe pancreatitis, EN via a nasojeju-
nal tube inserted beyond the ligament of Treitz should
be started early in the course of the disease.
3. TPN is advised only in circumstances of into lerance to
EN, or of increasing pain with significant increases in
amylase and lipase during EN, or when a nasojejunal
tube cannot be placed.
4. Patients who require an operation should have a jejunal
tube placed at the time of surgery.
8. Indications and timing of ERCP
Common bile duct stones are the cause of SAP in
about 40% of cases. ERC P is only indicated when a
biliary cause is strongly suspected or, preferably, proven.
The ideal timing of ERCP and endoscopic sphincterotomy
(ES) has been evaluated in four prospective, randomized
studies including from as few as 120 to as many as 238
patients [57–60]. These four trials differ importantly with
regard to inclusion criteria, study design, and definitions.
Definite conclusions about the timing of ERCP are,
therefore, not possible. However, the following recom-
mendations have been issued by the 1998 United King-
dom guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis
and have been endorsed by the Santorini consensus
document [30,34]:
1. In the presence of severe pancreatitis with sonograph-
ically detected gallstones and jaundice (or bilirubin
level equal or greater to twice the upper limit to normal)
or aspartate or alanine transaminase at least twice the
upper limit of normal or in the case of cholangitis,
urgent ERCP with sphincterotomy is recommend ed.
2. In the absence of these biochemical and clinical signs,
conservative treatment is justified in suspected gall-
stone-pancreatitis. However, if the patient’s condition
fails to improve within 48 h in spite of intensive
resuscitation, therapeutic ERCP is also indicated.
3. Whenever performed, ERCP should be carried out by
an experienced endoscopist and the patient should
receive antibiotic coverage.
9. Antisecretory or anti-inflammatory treatment
Somatostatin and its long-acting analogue, octreotide,
are potent inhibitors of pancreatic exocrine secretion and
A. Wilmer / European Journal of Internal Medicine 15 (2004) 274–280 277
have been reported to decrease mortality in experimental
acute pancreatitis. Since significant effects on mortality rate
have only bee n shown in meta-analysis, therapy wi th
somatostatin in acute clinical pancreatitis has not found its
way into standard practice [63–66]. A large randomized,
double-blind, multicenter trial with octreotide in moderate
to severe acute pancreatitis showed no benefit [67]. Platelet-
activating factor (PAF), a pro-inflammatory lipid mediator,
plays a significant role in the systemic immune response
syndrome that follows SAP. The only PAF antagonist that
has been studied in humans is lexipafant, and initial double-
blind trials with this compound have shown a promising
trend towards a reduction in mortality and a reduced
incidence of systemic complications [68]. These encourag-
ing findings were later discredited by the results of a large
multicenter, phase III, double-blind, randomized study
involving 290 patients with predicted SAP (APACHE II
N6) [69]. Lexipafant, administered within the first 72 h after
the onset of symptoms, was no better then placebo in
preventing new organ failure or mortality.
Given the available evidence, there is general consensus
that none of the available antisecretory drugs or protease
inhibitors is beneficial in the treatment of any degree of
acute pancreatitis [19,30,34,].
10. Surgical treatment
Surgical intervention is necessary for many patients
hospitalized with SAP in an I CU. The controversy
surrounding the appropriate indication and timing has
recently been addressed in a consensus document of the
International Society of Pancreatology [13]. The following
guidelines have been endorsed.
(1) Infected necrosis is generally accepted as an absolute
indication for aggressive surgical debridement. Surgery
should be performed as soon as possible after confirmation
of pancreatic infection, usually by CT-guided fine needle
aspiration of pancreatic necrosis and subsequent gram stain
and culture.
(2) The available data do not support a general operative
policy towards patients with sterile necr osis, although
subgroups may benefit from surgical intervention. These
subgroups may include patients continuing to deteriorate
from multiple organ failure despite full intensive care,
patients continuing to exhibit a septic picture 10 days or
more after onset, and patients with recurrent abdominal pain
or hyperamylasemia following attempts at oral feeding 3–4
weeks after onset.
In the opinion of this author, a clin ical course resulting in
an abdominal compartment syndrome with intra-abdominal
pressures exceeding 20–25 mm Hg and progressive organ
failure should prompt consideration of decompressive
laparotomy. Surgical therapies should favor an organ-
reserving approach wi th no technique being clearly superior
to another.
Positive results have been reported with less invasive
drainage methods, such as percutaneous catheter drainage
or percutaneous necrosectomy, but the value of these
newer methods has yet to be confirmed in controlled
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