Three distinct mechanisms predominate in non-
contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in male
professional football players: a systematic video
analysis of 39 cases
Markus Waldén,
Tron Krosshaug,
John Bjørneboe,
Thor Einar Andersen,
Oliver Faul,
Martin Hägglund
Additional material is
published online only. To view
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Division of Community
Medicine, Department of
Medical and Health Sciences,
Linköping University,
Linköping, Sweden
Football Research Group,
Linköping, Sweden
Oslo Sports Trauma Research
Center, Norwegian School of
Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway
Division of Physiotherapy,
Department of Medical and
Health Sciences, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden
Correspondence t o
Dr Markus Waldén, Division of
Community Medicine,
Department of Medical and
Health Sciences, Linköping
University, Linköping 581 83,
Accepted 31 March 2015
Published Online First
23 April 2015
To cite: Waldén M,
Krosshaug T, Bjørneboe J,
et al. Br J Sports Med
Background Current knowledge on anterior cruciate
ligament (ACL) injury mechanisms in male football
players is limited.
Aim To describe ACL injury mechanisms in male
professional football players using systematic video
Methods We assessed videos from 39 complete ACL
tears recorded via prospective professional football injury
surveillance between 2001 and 2011. Five analysts
independently reviewed all videos to estimate the time of
initial foot contact with the ground and the time of ACL
tear. We then analysed all videos according to a
structured format describing the injury circumstances and
lower limb joint biomechanics.
Results Twenty-ve injuries were non-contact, eight
indirect contact and six direct contact injuries. We
identied three main categories of non-contact and
indirect contact injury situations: (1) pressing (n=11), (2)
re-gaining balance after kicking (n=5) and (3) landing
after heading (n=5). The fourth main injury situation
was direct contact with the injured leg or knee (n=6).
Knee valgus was frequently seen in the main categories
of non-contact and indirect contact playing situations
(n=11), but a dynamic valgus collapse was infrequent
(n=3). This was in contrast to the tackling-induced direct
contact situations where a knee valgus collapse occurred
in all cases (n=3).
Conclusions Eighty-ve per cent of the ACL injuries in
male professional football players resulted from non-
contact or indirect contact mechanisms. The most
common playing situation leading to injury was pressing
followed by kicking and heading. Knee valgus was
frequently seen regardless of the playing situation, but a
dynamic valgus collapse was rare.
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in profes-
sional athletes can cause long lay-off from
and may be career threatening.
average, one player will suffer an ACL injury every
second season in a professional mens football team
Serious injuries have not dropped in mens
professional football in the past decade,
and pre-
vention of ACL injury is a priority area within
sports medicine/sports physiotherapy research.
Understanding the injury mechanisms is a key
factor in injury prevention research
and systematic
video analysis has advantages for analysing
complex injury mechanisms.
During the past
decade, several video studies have been published
on ACL injuries in team sports such as basket-
and Australian Rules foot-
Although a few football-related ACL injuries
were included in two studies analysing injury
sequences from several sports,
13 14
the specicACL
injury mechanisms in football were not established.
Recently, a study on football players was pub-
but that study had a retrospective design
and included a heterogeneous sample of youth,
amateur and professional football players of both
sexes. It is also unclear from that study how the
time of the tear was determined and information
on the quality of the video sequences is also
lacking. Additionally, the study used only two ana-
lysts for visual estimations, and there was limited
data on biomechanics and playing situations.
The objective of this study was, therefore, to
describe the ACL injury mechanisms, in particular
the playing situation, player-opponent behaviour
and biomechanics in male professional football
players based on systematic video analysis.
Injury inclusion and video recording
The ACL injuries included for video analysis were
obtained from long-term prospective injury surveil-
lance studies on three different cohorts of male
professional football players in Europe carried out
by our research groups: the Union of European
Football Associations (UEFA) Elite Club Injury
Study since 2001,
16 17
the Swedish professional
league since 2001
18 19
and the Norwegian profes-
sional league since 2000.
20 21
All ACL injury situa-
tions eligible for inclusion occurred during rst
team match play at club level competition (national
league, national cup and international cup
matches). We only included complete ACL tears
conrmed by surgery or MRI. We excluded ACL
injuries occurring during training, in rst team
friendly matches, reserve or youth team matches
and in national team matches. We excluded ipsilat-
eral re-injuries after previous ACL reconstruction.
In total, 55 complete ACL tears were reported in
the three cohorts during the inclusion period for
this study and video sequences from 40 (73%) of
these were obtained (gure 1). This included 28
injuries from the UEFA Elite Club Injury Study,
where video sequences from national league and
cup matches (n=20) were collected from the clubs
medical staff, and UEFA Champions League video
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sequences (n=8) were obtained from Viasat Sport, Modern
Times Group MTG AB (Stockholm, Sweden). The Swedish
professional league sequences (n=5) were obtained from
Onside TV Production AB (Sundbyberg, Stockholm), and the
Norwegian professional league sequences (n=7) were obtained
from Football Media AS (Oslo, Norway). In total, 16 of the
injury situations were captured from 1 camera angle, 10 from
two, 12 from three, 1 from four, and 1 from ve camera angles,
respectively. The majority of videos had a standard PAL reso-
lution (typically 768×576 pixels), but eight videos had a lower
resolution (typically 352×288 pixels); one video was recorded
in High Denition (1440×1080 pixels). We excluded one video
(case #31) from all analyses as it had insufcient resolution
(176×100 pixels).
Video processing
The injury sequences were digitised and cut using a video
editing programme (Final Cut Pro, V.6.0.5, Apple, Cupertino,
California, USA). All les were converted to QuickTime (.mov)
les, which enabled easy frame-by-frame navigation in the video
sequences using QuickTime Player (V.7, Apple, Cupertino,
California, USA). Two different versions were made for each
injury case. First, we cut a longer sequence containing approxi-
mately the 10 s before the injury situation and 23 s sequence
after the injury to assess the specic match situation and the
injury circumstances. Second, we cut another sequence contain-
ing the 12 s prior to the injury to 23 s after the injury for ana-
lysis of the biomechanical variables. Where possible (n=23),
these sequences were de-interlaced to increase the effective
frame rate from 25 to 50 Hz. For cases where two or more
camera views were available, we made one single video with all
sequences synchronised side by side using Adobe AfterEffects (V.
CS4, Adobe System Inc, San Jose, California, USA). We con-
ducted the synchronisation manually by using, for example, foot
onset to the ground or ball impact as visual cues.
Video analysis
Five analysts (all researchers with expertise in sports medicine,
football, biomechanics) assessed all videos in real time and in
slow motion. In the rst step, the analysts reviewed and docu-
mented all sequences independently to estimate the time of
initial contact (IC) between the foot and the ground as well as
the assumed moment of the ACL tear, referred to as the index
frame (IF). Next, all injuries were reviewed in a group session
during a 1-day meeting to obtain a consensus on the IC and IF.
Thereafter, all videos were analysed independently by the ana-
lysts again according to an analysis form based on protocols pre-
viously used for Football Incident Analysis,
and for systematic
video analysis in basketball and alpine skiing.
10 23
The analysis form included tick-box alternatives for categor-
ical variables on injury circumstance and biomechanics (table 1).
Additionally, joint exion angles for the hip, knee and ankle
were visually quantied to the nearest for the following
frames: IC, IC+40 ms, IC+80 ms and IF for each injury case
(40 ms corresponds to two frames for de-interlaced sequences
and 1 frame for interlaced sequences). We dened a non-contact
injury as one occurring with no bodily contact with another
player in the IF. Contact to any other body region other than
the injured leg was referred to as indirect, while contact to the
injured leg was dened as direct.
11 12 15
The players speed was
categorised into high, low, zero, and unsure in the vertical and
horizontal directions. As we did not have the possibility to
Figure 1 Flow chart showing the process to obtain video sequences of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in prospective injury surveillance of
mens professional football players ( January 2001June 2011).
2 of 10 Waldén M, et al. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:14521460. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573
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quantify their velocity through any measurements, we were
limited to assess speed based on the movement type they exe-
cuted. Walking and jogging would typically be characterised as
low horizontal speed, whereas running and sprinting would be
categorised as high horizontal speed; a distinct jump with a
vertical component would be classied as having high vertical
speed, whereas running, stopping or cutting would have a low
vertical speed component.
The analysts also reported if there was substantial hip abduc-
tion (>20°), knee valgus, and ankle eversion for the non-contact
and indirect contact injuries during the sequence: IC, IC+40 ms
and IC+80 ms (and IF if this frame deviated from the previous
three). We dened a valgus collapse as a substantial medial knee
displacement that could result from hip adduction, hip internal
rotation, knee valgus and external tibial rotation.
10 24
we held a 1-day consensus meeting where we examined each
video as many times as was needed to obtain a consensus for
the categorical variables.
Statistical analysis
We used a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from Windows
(Microsoft Excel 2007, Redmond, Washington, USA) to store
and analyse data.
To obtain a consensus for each categorical variable, at least
three of the ve analysts had to agree on the category.
angles are reported as the median of the individual estimates,
along with the mean absolute deviation from the median,
the main categories of injury situations identied (at least ve
assessable cases per category). A median joint exion angle was
reported for each case only if at least four of the analysts were
able to estimate a joint angle for the actual frame; otherwise, the
exion angle was reported as unsure. We reported the median
joint exion angle with a corresponding IQR for each of the
three main injury situation categories. Joint exion angles are
shown as positive values. As a measure of the accuracy of the IC
and IF estimates, the mean absolute deviation (in ms) of the
initial individual estimates determined in the consensus meeting
was calculated. We required at least three of the analysts to have
made sure initial estimations of the IC and IF frames in order to
report the mean absolute deviation for that particular case.
In addition to the video that was excluded because of insuf-
cient resolution, another three videos were excluded from the
frame accuracy calculation, joint exion angle estimations and
the visual estimations of hip abduction, knee valgus and ankle
eversion for various reasons: player hidden by opponent, poor
picture quality and uncertainty of injury identication. All these
excluded videos were lmed from one camera angle only.
Biomechanical variables and joint exion angles were not
assessed for injuries resulting from contact to the injured knee
or lower leg.
Five cases were excluded from the IC and IF
accuracy calculations because there were more than two unsure
estimations from the analysts, and owing to a technical error
Table 1 Variables and categories used to describe the ACL injury circumstances and biomechanics
Variable Categories
Weather condition
Precipitation preceding injury Yes, no, unsure
Football-specific variables
Playing situation preceding injury Offensive, defensive, set play, other, unsure
Field location at injury* Defensive third, midfield zone 1, midfield zone 2, offensive third, unsure
Player action preceding injury Heading, dribbling, receiving, screening, turning, kicking (passing, shooting or clearing), blocking, other (e.g. goalkeeping),
unsure, no ball possession
If kicking, which leg Right, left, unsure
Duel type preceding injury Collision (unintentional), tackling (other player), tackled (by other player), heading, screening, pressing, running, blocking, other,
unsure, no duel
If tackled, from what direction Front, behind, side, unsure
If tackled, what type One-footed, two-footed, unsure
If tackled, what movement Sliding, standing, unsure
If pressing, what type Tackling, intention to tackle, no intention to tackle, unsure
Player contact preceding injury Yes, no, unsure
If contact, what type Direct contact (to injured knee or injured leg), indirect contact (to uninjured leg, trunk, head/neck or arm), unsure
Player contact at injury Yes, no, unsure
If contact, what type Direct contact (to injured knee or injured leg), indirect contact (to uninjured leg, trunk, head/neck or arm), unsure
Biomechanical variables
In balance at IC Yes, no, unsure
If out of balance, what direction Forward, backward, sideways, combined directions, unsure
Player movement at IC Forward, backward, sideways, upward, downward, combined directions, unsure
Cutting angle at IC Intended change of direction 030°, intended change of direction 3090°, intended stopping or change of direction >90°, unsure
Leg loading at IF One leg, two legs with equal load, two legs with main load on injured leg, two legs with main load on uninjured leg, unsure
Horizontal speed at IC High, low, zero, unsure
Vertical speed at IC High, low, zero, unsure
Trunk rotation at IF Toward injured leg, toward uninjured leg, neutral, unsure
Foot rotation at IC Internal 045°, internal >45°, external, neutral, unsure
Foot strike at IC Heel, toe, flat, unsure
*Midfield zones 1 and 2 denote the first and second halves of the middle third of the playing field.
Trunk rotation denotes the position in relation to the foot position.
Foot rotation denotes the position in relation to the player movement direction.
ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; IC, initial contact; IF, index frame.
Waldén M, et al. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:14521460. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573 3 of 10
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during data computerisation, another case was excluded from
the IF accuracy calculation. The mean absolute deviation of the
initial individual estimates of IC and IF were 7 and 11 ms,
A total of 39 ACL injuries were included in the study, 27 from
the UEFA Elite Club Injury Study (20032011), and 5 and 7
from the professional leagues in Sweden (20022008) and
Norway (20062011), respectively. There were 20 and 19 injur-
ies to the right and left knees, respectively. We were able to
describe the injury circumstances for all 39 cases included (see
online supplementary table S1). We classied 25 injuries as non-
contact injuries, 8 as indirect contact injuries and 6 injuries as
direct contact injuries. A majority of the ACL injuries (n=30)
occurred in a player who was involved in a defensive playing
action. No injury occurred during set play. Twenty players had
no ball possession at the time of injury. Most injuries (n=34)
occurred to a one-legged loaded knee, and in all ve two-legged
loaded cases, the main load was on the injured leg (see online
supplementary table S2). The vast majority of the injuries
(n=37) occurred during seemingly dry weather conditions; in
only one case we observed precipitation at the time of injury.
Six injuries were the result of foul play according to the decision
of the referee.
Injury situations
We identied three main categories of non-contact and indirect
contact injury situations: (1) pressing (n=11), (2) re-gaining
balance after kicking (n=5) and (3) landing after heading
(n=5). Additionally, direct contact to the injured leg or knee
(n=6) was another main category. The remaining cases (n=12),
all representing non-contact or indirect injury situations, were
distinctly different from the categories described above (see
online supplementary tables S1 and S2).
Non-contact and indirect contact injury mechanisms
The most frequent injury situation was pressing, 10 of 11 being
the result of non-contact mechanisms (table 2). In a pressing
situation, the defending player typically made a sidestep cut in
order to reach the ball or to tackle an opponent (gure 2 and
online supplementary video 1). In six cases, the injured player
was intending to tackle or was tackling, but did not achieve any
contact with the opponent. The pressing player was typically
moving forward at high speed with an intended cutting angle
between 30°and 90° (table 3). The individual exion angles at
IC were in all cases 40° or less for the hip, and 20° or less for
the knee (see online supplementary table S3), with the median
exion angles 25° for the hip and for the knee (table 4). We
identied substantial hip abduction in eight cases and knee
valgus in six cases (four unsure), one of which was a clear
dynamic valgus collapse. Estimates of ankle eversion showed no
clear trend: four yes, three no and three unsure.
Re-gaining balance after kicking (n=5) was another common
injury situation, all owing to non-contact or indirect injury
mechanisms (table 2). The most frequent kicking situation was
clearing the ball (gure 3 and online supplementary video 2).
The kicking player was typically moving at high horizontal
speed while being out of balance (table 3). The individual
exion angles at IC were lower than 30° and 20° in all estimated
cases for the hip and knee joints, respectively (see online
supplementary table S3), with the median exion angles 10° for
both the hip and knee joints (table 4). Substantial hip abduction
was seen in three cases and knee valgus in three cases (one
unsure), but no dynamic valgus collapse was identied.
Estimates of ankle eversion showed no clear trend: two yes,
two no and one unsure.
Table 2 Football-specific variables recorded for 33 non-contact and indirect contact ACL injury cases analysed using systematic video analysis
situation Field location Player action Duel type
Player contact
preceding injury
Player contact
at injury
11 cases Defense (n=11) Defensive third (n=2) Midfield zone 1 (n=3)
Midfield zone 2 (n=4) Offensive third (n=2)
No ball possession
Pressing (n=11) No (n=11) No (n=10)
Indirect, to trunk/
arm (n=1)
5 cases Offense (n=2)
Defense (n=3)
Defensive third (n=1) Midfield zone 1 (n=2)
Offensive third (n=2)
Passing (n=1)
Shooting (n=1)
Clearing (n=3)
No duel (n=2)
Tackled by other
player (n=2)
Other (n=1)
No (n=2)
Direct, to injured leg
Indirect, to uninjured
leg (n=1)
Indirect, to trunk/arm
No (n=3)
Indirect, to trunk/
arm (n=2)
5 cases Offense (n=1)
Defense (n=4)
Defensive third (n=2) Midfield zone 1 (n=2)
Offensive third (n=1)
Heading (n=5) No duel (n=3)
Heading duel (n=2)
No (n=3)
Indirect, to trunk/arm
No (n=5)
12 cases Offense (n=4)
Defense (n=8)
Defensive third (n=6) Midfield zone 1 (n=3)
Offensive third (n=3)
Dribbling (n=1)
Receiving (n=2)
Screening (n=1)
No ball possession
No duel (n=5)
Collision (n=1)
Tackled by other
player (n=1)
Screening (n=1)
Running (n=4)
No (n=5)
Direct, to injured leg
Indirect, to uninjured
leg (n=1)
Indirect, to trunk/arm
Combined* (n=1)
No (n=7)
Indirect, to trunk/
arm (n=5)
*Player contact both to the trunk/arm and injured leg.
ACL, anterior cruciate ligament.
4 of 10 Waldén M, et al. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:14521460. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573
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All injuries occurring during landing after having headed the
ball (n=5) were the result of non-contact injury mechanisms
(table 2). The injured players landed mainly on one leg only
(table 3). In all one-legged landing situations, the injured player
landed on his forefoot (gure 4 and online supplementary
video 3). The individual exion angles at IC was 10° or less in
all estimated cases for the knee, but showed greater variation
for the hip (see online supplementary table S3). The median
exion angles were 10° for the hip and for the knee at IC
(table 4). Substantial hip abduction was seen in one case and
knee valgus was seen in two cases (one unsure), and both of
these were dynamic valgus collapses. Estimates of ankle eversion
showed no clear trend: one yes, one no and two unsure.
Direct contact injuries
The six direct contact injuries occurred as a result of tackling or
collision duels (see online supplementary table S1). In all three
cases resulting from direct tackling to the injured knee, the tackle
was from behind with lateral impact to the knee joint leading to
forceful valgus collapse (gure 5 and online supplementary video
4). In the three unintentional collision injuries, the injury situa-
tions varied: front-to-front contact with anterolateral impact to
the lower leg leading to valgus and hyperextension of the
injured knee, knee-to-knee contact with posterolateral impact
leading to varus and anterior translation of the injured knee, and
knee-to-knee contact with anteromedial impact leading to valgus
and hyperextension of the injured knee.
Eighty-ve per cent of the ACL injuries resulted from non-
contact or indirect contact mechanisms. We identied three
main playing situations for these injuries: (1) pressing, (2)
re-gaining balance after kicking and (3) landing after heading.
Regardless of the playing situation, we frequently observed knee
valgus, but we rarely saw an overt dynamic valgus collapse. In
contrast, a dynamic valgus collapse was obvious in all three
tackling-induced direct contact ACL injuries.
Injury circumstances
Previous football studies using player interviews reported
that ACL injuries occur infrequently in contact situations
25 26
The proportion of direct contact ACL injuries in
this study (15%) was consistent with these data and lower than
that in previous studies on handball and Australian Rules foot-
ball (3032%) that used classication identical to ours.
11 12
proportion of direct and indirect contact injuries (36%) was,
however, in line with other video studies on different sports
where between 28% and 35% were reported as contact injuries
(but not further specied as being direct or indirect).
10 13 14
In contrast, more than half (53%) of the ACL injuries in male
football players in a recently published video study, using the same
classication as in our study, were categorised as contact injuries.
Even if it occasionally is difcult to categorise player-contact based
on circumstances preceding the injury, for example, if a player was
pushed in the back or held by his shirt,
this cannot probably
explain this apparent discrepancy. It is, in our opinion, more likely
that differences in video collection procedures and study samples
could explain this discrepancy between studies.
Playing situations associated with ACL injury
We found that 77% of the ACL injuries occurred during defend-
ing, which corresponds to recent ndings from another recent
Figure 2 Non-contact pressing mechanism (right knee). (A) At160 ms, the defending player is running forward at high speed towards the
opponent in possession of the ball. (B) At initial contact, he strikes the pitch with his right heel and makes a sidestep cut in an effort to reach the
ball or to tackle the opponent, but no player contact. (C) At 80 ms, he rotates the trunk towards his left leg and puts the entire load on his right
leg. (D) At 240 ms the right hip and knee joints are in abducted positions and the ankle joint is in eversion (dynamic valgus without collapse).
Waldén M, et al. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:14521460. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573 5 of 10
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study where 73% of the ACL injuries occurred during this
phase of play.
Importantly, we identied three main non-
contact and indirect contact situations comprising 54% of all
situations leading to ACL injury. Pressing was most frequent
(28%) followed by re-gaining balance after kicking and landing
after heading (13% each). Interestingly, all players getting
injured while kicking were clearly out of balance and most
players being injured after heading landed out of balance on
one leg. Thus, our ndings suggest that ACL injury preventive
exercises in male footballers, similar to what has been shown
for female players,
27 28
should target neuromuscular and pos-
tural control in out-of-balance situations, including footwork
and running technique training during changes of direction as
well as jumping and landing technique training.
ACL injuries also occurred occasionally as a result of direct
contact to the injured knee or leg (15%). The pattern of
associated injuries found in the tackling-induced cases suggests a
valgus-driven injury mechanism, since all three had concomitant
injury to the medial collateral ligament and two had lateral
meniscus injury (data not shown).
Lower limb biomechanics
In the video analysis on Australian Rules football,
all indirect
and all but one non-contact ACL injury had a shallow knee
exion (less than 30°) at IC which tallies with our ndings
(maximum 20° knee exion). The most reliable data to date are
likely those reported in a study utilising a model-based image
matching (MBIM) technique to estimate joint kinematics in ACL
injury situations of 10 basketball and handball players. The
mean knee exion angle at IC was 23°, and this increased by
24° within the following 40 ms where the injury was assumed
to occur.
Thus, it seems that a majority of ACL injured
Table 3 Biomechanical variables recorded for 33 non-contact and indirect contact ACL injury cases analysed using systematic video analysis
In balance
speed at IC
speed at IC
Trunk rotation
at IF
Foot rotation
at IC
11 cases No (n=2)
Yes (n=9)
Forward (n=10)
Sideways (n=1)
030° (n=1)
3090° (n=9)
One leg
High (n=8)
Low (n=3)
Zero (n=11) Toward uninjured leg
Neutral (n=4)
Unsure (n=1)
Internal >45°
External (n=3)
Neutral (n=6)
Unsure (n=1)
Heel (n=7)
Toe (n=1)
Flat (n=1)
Unsure (n=2)
5 cases No (n=5) Forward (n=1)
Backward (n=2)
Sideways (n=2)
NA (n=3)
One leg (n=4)
Two legs*
High (n=1)
Low (n=4)
Zero (n=5) Toward uninjured leg
Neutral (n=2)
Unsure (n=1)
Internal >45°
External (n=1)
NA (n=2)
Toe (n=3)
Flat (n=1)
Unsure (n=2)
5 cases No (n=3)
Yes (n=2)
Forward (n=1)
Backward (n=1)
Sideways (n=1)
3090° (n=1)
NA (n=2)
One leg (n=4)
Two legs*
Low (n=3)
Zero (n=2)
High (n=3)
Low (n=2)
Toward uninjured leg
Neutral (n=3)
Internal >45°
Neutral (n=2)
NA (n=2)
Toe (n=4)
Flat (n=1)
12 cases No (n=6)
Yes (n=4)
Unsure (n=2)
Forward (n=8)
Sideways (n=3)
3090° (n=3)
One leg (n=8)
Two legs*
Unsure (n=1)
High (n=8)
Low (n=4)
Low (n=1)
Zero (n=11)
Toward uninjured leg
Toward injured leg
Neutral (n=3)
Unsure (n=1)
Internal 045°
Internal >45°
External (n=2)
Neutral (n=3)
Unsure (n=3)
Heel (n=4)
Toe (n=1)
Flat (n=4)
Unsure (n=3)
Main load on injured leg.
Player movement both forward and sideways.
ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; IC, initial contact; IF, index frame; NA, not applicable.
Table 4 Joint flexion angles for the main non-contact and indirect contact ACL injury mechanisms
Hip flexion angle (°)* Knee flexion angle (°)* Ankle flexion angle (°)*
10 cases 25 (12.5) 30 (7.5) 5 (5) 30 (13.75) 10 (12.5) 2.5 (12.5)
5 cases 10 (8.75) 20 (5) 10 (5) 27.5 (10) 0 (7.5) 2.5 (7.5)
4 cases 10 (25) 25 (22.5) 5 (5) 30 (18.75) 30 (22.5) 10 (11.25)
*Flexion angles are reported as median with the IQR. Positive values mean flexion and negative values mean extension.
Case #11 excluded.
Case #14 excluded.
ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; IC, initial contact; IF, index frame.
6 of 10 Waldén M, et al. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:14521460. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573
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athletes are likely to have a relatively straight knee at the time of
injury. Vertical compression at a straight knee has previously
been shown to load the ACL through anterior tibial drawer and
internal rotation.
Although the classication of knee valgus was uncertain as
determined by visual inspection in 11 cases in our study, we
observed valgus in 15 of the 19 remaining cases. This nding is
in line with previous research from several other sports,
1013 29
Figure 3 Non-contact kicking mechanism (right knee). (A) At220 ms, the player is clearing the ball with his right foot. (B) At initial contact, he
strikes the pitch with the forefoot and rotates the trunk to the left. (C) At 40 ms, being out of balance backwards, he puts the entire load on his
right leg. (D) At 140 ms, his right knee joint is abducted and the ankle joint is in eversion (dynamic valgus without collapse).
Figure 4 Non-contact heading mechanism (right knee). (A) At306 ms, the player wins a heading duel while having trunk-to trunk contact in the
air with his opponent. (B) At initial contact, he lands at high vertical speed on his right leg striking the pitch with the forefoot. (C) At 80 ms, being
out of balance both backwards and sideways, he puts the entire load on his right leg. (D) At 186 ms, his right knee joint clearly give way in
substantial abduction (dynamic valgus collapse).
Waldén M, et al. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:14521460. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573 7 of 10
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and suggests that knee valgus is also an important injury compo-
nent in football. A sudden knee valgus increase was also
reported in a non-contact ACL injury in a male professional
football player, where the MBIM technique was employed.
Interestingly, there were no sex-related differences in knee
valgus at IC in a study of 39 ACL injuries in female and male
basketball players, but the valgus angle was signicantly
higher in females at assumed time of injury 3350 ms later.
Similar ndings were reported in a study on a mixed sample of
athletes where knee valgus was signicantly more pronounced
in female athletes ve frames after IC compared with males.
Additionally, a valgus collapse was reported to be ve times
more common in female than in male basketball players.
has been argued that the dynamic valgus collapse might be a
sex-specic knee motion occurring predominately in females.
Our data seem to support this hypothesis, since an overt valgus
collapse was identied in only a minority of the non-contact
and indirect contact cases. However, given that we observed
knee valgus in three-quarter of the cases where assessment was
possible, one can speculate whether the overt valgus collapse
often seen in females is a sex-specic consequence after the
injury (eg, due to lower muscle strength and higher joint laxity)
rather than a mechanism leading to the injury.
Methodological considerations
The major strength of our study is that it includes a relatively
large and homogenous sample of professional male football
players for whom we captured all injuries prospectively through
ongoing injury surveillance. We, therefore, believe that our
sample is representative, particularly since the major ndings
were consistent. Additionally, we used the same methodology as
has been used in the majority of previous systematic video ana-
lysis studies on ACL injury mechanisms in other sports,
10 11 23
and the number of analysed videos were also similar compared
with previous studies (2055 cases).
Moreover, all ACL
injuries eligible for analysis were veried with MRI or surgery.
Finally, we used as many as ve analysts to make the estimations
individually, and there was also a high degree of agreement
between them in, for example, the IC and IF estimations.
However, some limitations should be acknowledged. First,
video analysis studies are dependent on the quality and reso-
lution of the images, and the number of camera views available.
Owing to poor quality of the video recordings, one case was
excluded from all analyses and another three cases from the bio-
mechanical analyses. Additionally, the number of camera views
available was varying (range 15), and 15 of the 39 injuries
were captured with one camera view only (ve excluded
from main analyses). Second, video analysis is also limited by
difculties to, by visual inspection only, estimate the exact
moment of injury (illustrated by ve cases being excluded from
the accuracy calculation).
Additionally, it has previously been
shown that visual inspection may underestimate joint exion
angles during different running and side-step cutting man-
oeuvres compared with a three-dimensional motion analysis
Consequently, the reported joint exion angles and
body motions might not be the actual mechanisms leading to
the ACL injury, but rather a consequence of the injury.
given that we only studied competitive match injuries in profes-
sional male football players, it is unknown whether the injury
mechanisms and playing situations differ from training injuries
and as compared with injuries sustained by amateur, female or
youth football players. Fourth, although weather and surface
Figure 5 Direct contact mechanism (right knee). (A) At60 ms, the player is jogging forward at slow speed towards the sideline trying to screen
the ball from the opponent. (B) At initial contact, he strikes the pitch with his right heel and holds the trunk in a neutral position. (C) At 140 ms,
having the entire load on his right leg, he is tackled from behind with forceful lateral impact to the knee joint. (D) At 440 ms, he falls backwards
and his right knee clearly give way in substantial abduction (dynamic valgus collapse).
8 of 10 Waldén M, et al. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:14521460. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573
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on September 1, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573 on 23 April 2015. Downloaded from
conditions are known to interact with footwear at the inciting
injury event,
it was not possible to accurately assess the
surface conditions by visual inspection. However, we observed
precipitation in only one case suggesting that a vast majority of
injuries occurred during dry weather conditions. This might be
of interest from a prevention perspective since it has previously
been hypothesised that warm and dry conditions, giving higher
shoe-surface traction, are associated with an increased rate of
non-contact ACL injury.
34 35
What are the new ndings?
The most common playing situations associated with
non-contact and indirect contact anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) injuries was pressing followed by re-gaining balance
after kicking and landing after heading.
Knee valgus was frequently seen regardless of the playing
situation, but a dynamic valgus collapse was rarely
The injured knee was relatively straight both at the initial
ground contact and at the assumed time of tear for all
non-contact and indirect contact ACL injuries.
How might it impact on clinical practice in the near future?
Our ndings in this systematic video analysis study on ACL
injury mechanisms in male professional football players
suggest that ACL injury preventive interventions, similar to
what has previously been shown for female athletes, should
focus on:
General postural and neuromuscular control of the core
and lower extremities;
Footwork and running technique during changes of
direction in defensive playing actions, mimicking the
pressing situation;
Maintaining balance during shooting, passing and ball
Jumping and landing technique during heading duels;
Promoting fair play in order to avoid erce tackling from
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the club contact persons for
providing us with the video sequences as well as Professor Jan Ekstrand and
Professor Roald Bahr for their support and assistance on this project.
Contributors MW, JB, TEA and MH were involved in the data collection from the
injury surveillance. TK was responsible for the analysis form and OF processed all
video sequences. MW, TK, JB, TEA and MH analysed the video sequences. All
authors were responsible for the conception and design of the study. All authors
participated in the consensus discussions, contributed to the interpretation of
ndings and had full access to all data. MW wrote the rst draft of the paper,
which was critically revised by all coauthors. MW is the study guarantor.
Funding The Football Research Group has been established in Linköping, Sweden,
in collaboration with Linköping University and through grants from the Union of
European Football Associations, the Swedish Football Association, the Football
Association Premier League Limited and the Swedish National Centre for Research in
Sports. The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center has been established at the
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences through generous grants from the Royal
Norwegian Ministry of Culture, the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority,
the International Olympic Committee, the Norwegian Olympic Committee &
Confederation of Sport and Norsk Tipping AS.
Competing interests None declared.
Ethics approval The study designs were approved by the UEFA Medical
Committee and the UEFA Football Development Division, Nyon, Switzerland, for the
UEFA Elite Club Injury Study; the Institutional Ethical Review Board at the Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden, for the Swedish professional league (#01-062); and
the Institutional Ethical Review Board at the Oslo University, Oslo, Norway, for the
Norwegian professional league (#S-06188).
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally reviewed.
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See:
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on September 1, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2014-094573 on 23 April 2015. Downloaded from