Depo Provera Order Form
Date: ________
Health Service
507-933-7630 phone * 507-933-6074 fax
Paent Label
Please complete all of the following:
Original RX DX: ________ Start date: __________ Stop date: __________ Rells: _________
Date of last injecon: _________________________ Injecon site: _____________________
Next injecon due: _________________________
Please fax any supporng documents to Gustavus Health Service, 507-933-6074 (fax).
Ordering Provider Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________
Purpose for disclosure: X Connuaon of Medical Care
I understand that the informaon in my health record may include informaon relang to sexually trans-
mied disease, acquired immunodeciency syndrome (AIDS), or human immunodeciency virus (HIV). It may
also include informaon about behavioral or mental health services, and treatment for alcohol and drug
As stated in the Noce of Privacy, I understand that I have a right to revoke this authorizaon at any me. I
understand that if I revoke this authorizaon I must do so in wring and present my wrien revocaon to
Gustavus Adolphus College Health Service. I understand that the revocaon will not apply to informaon
that has been already released in response to this authorizaon. I understand that the revocaon will not
apply to my insurance company when the law provides my insurer with the right to contest a claim under my
policy. Unless otherwise revoked, this authorizaon will expire on the following date, event, or condion:
_________________. If I fail to specify an expiraon date, event or condion, this authorizaon will expire in
one year. I understand that authorizing the disclosure of this health informaon is voluntary. I can refuse to
sign this authorizaon. I need not sign this form in order to assure treatment. I understand that I may inspect
or copy the informaon to be used or disclosed, as provided in CFR 164.524. I understand that any disclosure
of informaon carries with it the potenal for an unauthorized disclosure and the informaon may not be
protected by federal condenally rules. If I have quesons about disclosure of my health informaon, I can
contact the Gustavus Adolphus College Health Service.
_________________________________________________ __________________
Signature of Paent Date
If paent is not able to sign, please indicate relaonship to paent:
Parent of Minor Legal Guardian Other
ID Vericaon _________________________________ Completed by __________________ Date ____________