Demonstrating the importance of intangible ecosystem services from
peri-urban landscapes
Henrik Vejre
, Frank Søndergaard Jensen, Bo Jellesmark Thorsen
Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
1. Introduction
The complexity of the provision of services from ecosystems, i.e.
production, regulation, habitats and information services (see, e.g.
de Groot et al., 2002) has been extensively discussed during the past
couple of decades. Contemporary problems in the human–
environment systems, e.g. climate change, loss of wildlife habitats
and water shortages, call for analytical tools which can provide
insight into the concrete value of ecosystems. There is a growing
consensus that we need to assess the value of non-marketable goods
and services from ecosystems to balance the classic values from
production-related activities. Environmental valuation (see, e.g.
Freeman, 2003 for a theoretical introduction) has emerged as an
independent discipline, aiming at valuing and balancing these
various goods and services when planning the exploitation of
natural resources. A strong challenge for this thinking is its practical
applications: qualification and quantification of single and jointly
produced ecosystem services as input to management and planning
(Turner et al., 2003). Experiences in rating and valuing the values of
‘‘hard’’ ecosystem services such as flood control, CO
denitrification, filter effects and to some extent recreation have been
gained in recent decades. Attempts to aggregate these values even at
the highest level have been made (Costanza et al., 1997), but there is
still considerable uncertainty about how to practically assess and
value the even more intangible or ‘‘soft’’ ecosystem services, such as
aesthetics, the mere presence of open space, experience and cultural
heritage (e.g. Price, 2008). While valuation methods for non-
marketed ecosystem services are of importance, they face at least
three key challenges for landscape management and planning to
internalise the values of the more intangible ecosystem services.
Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
Article history:
Received 5 May 2009
Received in revised form 18 September 2009
Accepted 21 September 2009
Available online 24 October 2009
Landscape values
Cost of provision
Ecosystem services
Landscape functions
Peri-urban landscape
Among ecosystem services, the various categories of intangible services linked to human perception,
such as aesthetics, recreational values and cultural heritage, must be rated alongside ta ngible services
linked to physical processes, such as wildlife habitats, clean water and air, and filter- and buffer effects.
This is a pre-requisite for a sustainable development with a balance between ecological, social and
economic values. We analyse ecosystem services in areas of the urban fringe of Copenhagen, where the
services provided are mainly related to hum an perception. We employ relatively simple methods in
selected landscapes to qualify or quantify the aesthetics and recreational value, and the scale of the
welfare economic value of these ecosystem services. In the first case area, the Danish state acquired 50
villas covering more than 50 ha in order to recreate open vistas and gain access for the public to the
seaside. In the second case area, peri-urban open landscapes were protected by conservation orders, to
maintain and enhance the ben efits of green space for the growing urban population. We assess the value
in a broad sense of these ecosystem services using three practical methods: a landscape evaluation in
terms of services and qualities, an assessment of actual recreational use, and finally an asse ssment of the
costs in terms of residential development values lost of securing the provision of aesthetic qua lities
and recreational opportunities.
Searching the original planning documents we uncovered the original motivation for the land
evaluation and decision. The arguments behind the designation and protection of the areas were
primarily aesthetic and potentials for recreational use. The two areas receive annually 2–2.5 million and
400.000 visits respectively, proving their strong recreational value. The value of the demolished houses
in the first case area exceeds 115 million
, and the value of the lost development opportunities in the
second case area exceeds 280 million
By combination the three methods, we substantiated that the intangible services may dominate the
tangible in cases like these, stressing the need for planners to assess the role and value hereof.
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Firstly, undertaking primary environmental valuation studies is
time consuming and expensive. Secondly, the stated preference
methods in particular are difficult to communicate and potentially
flawed by, e.g. hypothetical bias or other methodological uncer-
tainties (e.g. Kahnemann and Knetsch, 1992). This makes it hard to
obtain widespread application and in particular acceptance of the
approaches. Thirdly, these methods can only capture values, use- or
non-use values that people perceive as related to the ecosystem in
question. Several, even quite ‘‘hard’’ value components may thus
escape quantification (Costanza, 2008).
Multiple studies have addressed the challenges of classifying
ecosystem services, or the synonymous ecosystem or landscape
functions. Classification systems and nomenclatures of ecosystem
services (ecosystem functions, landscape functions) vary according
to the scientific or strategic point of departure: agriculture (Anon.,
2001), landscape planning and management (Brandt and Vejre,
2003a) or conservation of ecosystems (Farber et al., 2002; de Groot
et al., 2002). There is a general consensus of distinguishing
between marketable goods and other goods or services, the latter
being a very heterogeneous group. Distinction between material
and non-material services or functions has been proposed by
several authors (de Groot et al., 2002; Costanza et al., 1997). Brandt
and Vejre (2003b) suggested a further distinction between the
intangible or transcending functions, separating perceived func-
tions or services from statutory functions or services, i.e. the
articulated visions for the development or status of areas as it is
encountered in planning documents. While the many contribu-
tions represent some degree of consensus on nomenclature and
definitions, severe difficulties persist in classifying and valuing the
various services in a consistent and quantitative manner.
Environmental valuation methods may capture parts of the
value aspects of the intangible functions or services, but unresolved
challenges remain. One challenge is the task of describing the exact
spatial extent of the particular service, addressing questions such as
‘‘where is the landscape beautiful, and where is it not?’’, ‘‘where are
the recreational qualities and where are they not?’’ i.e. drawing
exact boundaries in landscapes where such boundaries are only
vaguely defined. Nevertheless, in a world with rapidly developing
paradigms for assessing ‘‘hard’’ services, there is also a strong need
to develop and highlight the soft values by valuing them with the
same priority and rigor as the hard ones.
In the western world, there is a long tradition of valuing
landscapes through the instruments of landscape protection by
designation (reviewed by Hamin, 2002). A multitude of mostly
qualitative methods have been employed in the identification and
delineation of landscapes of high cultural and aesthetic quality in
most European countries, leading to the declaration of protected
landscapes of various kinds. However, there is often limited
documentation of methodology and exact criteria for these
delineations; rather, they rest on subjective descriptions and
qualitative assessments.
The aim of this study is to identify and value a sample of soft
landscape services: the landscape aesthetics and the recreational
use, and further to assess the monetary value of open landscapes
reserved for these two services. We aim at identifying the exact
criteria used for the identification and delineation of protected
areas where intangible services are the primary outputs, as well as
assessing the extent of recreational use of these areas, and
establish an economic valuation of the same areas.
2. Methods of assessment
2.1. Case study approach
The point of departure of this paper is a number of landscapes,
an approach which bears resemblance to the case study approach
known from social sciences (e.g. Yin, 2003). The social science
approach aims at characterising the real world, which may be
highly complex, and cannot easily be subdued to controlled
experiments. By working with cases we attempt to illustrate the
complexity of assessing the intangible ecosystem services
provided by real-world peri-urban landscapes. As such we employ
explorative, descriptive and explanatory approaches in the study.
We choose areas in the peri-urban landscapes north of
Copenhagen (Fig. 1) known for their high aesthetic and recrea-
tional qualities, representing a long conservation tradition. The
areas provide several ecosystem services, including, e.g. produc-
tion, habitat protection and drinking water supply. However, the
areas are not unique in terms of any of these specific functions or
services, but they are unique in their provision of intangible
landscape values in the Greater Copenhagen area, making them
particularly suitable for studies of intangible services.
The advantage of a case study approach is that we leave
environmental valuation theory related to ecosystem services and
its more abstract and generic applications somewhat behind, and
we limit ourselves to the challenge of describing the complexity of
the type of ecosystem service to that relevant to the case study
areas. This of course limits the generality of observations made, but
it enhances their value for communication with decision-makers.
Further, the access to data is adequate, and the knowledge of the
history of the case areas is comprehensive and detailed.
2.2. Description of case areas
The case areas are located north of Copenhagen, the capital of
Denmark (Fig. 1). The landscape consists of an undulating moraine
plateau with scattered hills and hillocks, dissected by deeply cut
glacial valleys and ravines. Lakes and forests are abundantly
scattered in the landscape, making this part of the urban fringe of
Copenhagen quite attractive. A summary of data regarding the case
areas is given in Table 1.
2.2.1. Springforbi
The Springforbi case area is approximately 50 ha, located at the
eastern-faced coast north of Copenhagen (Fig. 1), and generally
considered the most fashionable high-life urban area of Denmark.
The area possesses high icon value in terms of aesthetics and
cultural history. The coastline became scattered with bourgeoisie’s
villas through the second half of the 19th century, and further
developed from 1900 to 1920, with a dense urban structure to a
distance of 20 km from Copenhagen, eliminating public access to
the coast (Vejre et al., 2007). The same period brought an
increasing pressure for recreational opportunities, not least
pertaining to the coast. The growing stock of industrial workers
in Copenhagen living under poor conditions revealed urgent needs
for access to open space. Hence, the1920s brought a clash between
private property rights and a rising democratic agenda of gaining
access to the coast for recreational and public health purposes.
Simultaneously, there was a rising concern as to the consumption
of what was considered high value landscapes in terms of
aesthetics and cultural history. This concern was probably most
pronounced at Springforbi, where there was a particular con-
sciousness of the loss of access to the coast (Struckmann, 1929).
The combined forces of the conservative interests in aesthetics and
cultural history, and the labour movements’ interests in recrea-
tional opportunities and public health spawned the 1930s
decisions of acquiring more than 50 villas at the most high-rated
(in terms of real estate) address of Denmark (Struckmann, 1942).
From 1940 all 50 villas, covering approximately 52 ha, were
gradually taken over by the State. The procedure was a simple
acquisition of the properties whenever they became available on
the market. After acquisition the single lots were opened to the
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
public and since the 1940s (the most recent being from 2006) villas
have been demolished too. In 1982, only about 30 villas were left,
and today less than ten are still standing (Fig. 2), some of which are
now preserved for architectural reasons. The area has gradually
been converted into a public park with access to the beach below
the cliffs. The outcome may be characterised as a rather unique
form of de-urbanisation, opening of the landscape, converting a
closed private suburb into a public open space park landscape.
The land cover of the 50 ha comprises grassland with scattered
trees, and shrub land at the low coastal cliffs. In terms of ecological
qualities the area rates quite low. The grassland is basically the old
garden lawns of the demolished villas. There are no qualities related
to old extensive grasslands or continuous forestcover, as can be seen
in the nearby Natura 2000 designated forest and grassland area.
2.2.2. Søllerød Municipality green space
The second case area comprises the open landscapes in Søllerød
Municipality (as of 2007 part of Rudersdal Municipality), north of
Copenhagen (Fig. 1). This municipality houses some of the most
attractive residential areas of Denmark, due to the high proportion
of protected forests, lakes and preserved open land, combined with
its proximity to the sea and downtown Copenhagen (15 km). Until
1900, the municipality was in essence a rural area with scattered
forest patches (the forests of this region were generally protected
in the 1780s), but the opening of the railroads in the last part of the
19th century brought a number of summer residences (Fig. 5).
From 1900 to 1930 there was an extensive sprawl of summer
houses, gradually developing into full-time residential areas. This
settling of Søllerød Municipality took place in the most attractive
parts of the landscape: at lakeshores, along forest edges, water-
courses and valley slopes (Vejre et al., 2007). The negative effects of
the consumption of high quality open land became evident in the
1920s. The sprawl threatened to exclude the general public from
access to recreational opportunities. In 1928, the first initiative was
taken to contain the urban sprawl, by the establishment of a
committee for the elaboration of a general urban plan for greater
Table 1
Summary of information regarding the two case areas.
Springforbi Søllerød Nature Park
Area 50 ha 280 ha
Land cover/land use 2009 Public park, lawns, scattered trees and villas Agricultural fields, pastures, forests, lakes, wetlands, golf course
Major ecosystem services Recreation, aesthetics Recreation, aesthetics, wildlife habitats, ground water
Public intervention method Acquisition and demolition Nature conservation orders
Ownership 2009 100% State owned 90% State or municipality; 10% private
Period of intervention 1940–1960 (acquisition) 1930–1960
1940–2006 (demolitions)
Landscape evaluation indicators Potential vista; connection between coast and Deergarden Wetlands, steep terrain, proximity to forests and lakes
Cost of provision >800 million DKK (>110 million
) 2125–4250 million DKK (280–570 million
Fig. 1. Map of Denmark, and of Greater Copenhagen showing the location of the study areas: Søllerød (1) and Springforbi (2).
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
Copenhagen (Gaardmand, 1993). In 1936, the committee pub-
lished a plan for the establishment of a recreational network in the
landscapes north of Copenhagen (Forchammer, 1936), Fig. 3. The
plan suggested the protection of patches of open landscapes,
combined with a recreational infrastructure connecting the city
centre with the landscapes. The plan was approved in 1938, Fig. 4
(Blixencrone-Møller, 1939), and from 1938 to 1960 the plan was
almost realised by imposing nature protection orders in all the
designated areas, in the 1940s also supported by the local mayor in
Søllerød (Goldschmidt et al., 2006). Alongside this development
the remaining areas of Søllerød Municipality was more or less
urbanised, so today the entire municipality of approximately
35 km
is divided into three distinct classes: (i) protected forests,
(ii) open countryside under nature protection orders, and (iii)
urban areas. The open land consists of five larger patches (each
covering more than 1 km
) and several smaller patches. The larger
areas cover a total of 8.5 km
In this context we concentrate the case study to the so-called
Søllerød Nature Park area (Fig. 6). The Nature Park covers an area of
. The land cover of the open space comprises agricultural
land (120 ha, all under organic management), various wetlands
(25 ha), forests (85 ha) and extensive grassland (150 ha), including
golf courses. The forests are primarily plantation forests with a
relatively low biological quality. Most of the grasslands are less
than 50 years old and do not contain large biological qualities. In a
few patches old permanent pastures with a high biodiversity are
found. The prime nature quality is linked to the numerous small
lakes and ponds.
2.3. Landscape and land evaluation methods
In this paper, we attempt to scrutinise the procedure originally
employed to delineate the protected areas of the Copenhagen
urban fringe. The procedures bear resemblance to both classic land
evaluation and more contemporary landscape evaluation.
Land evaluations are generally performed in order to rate
qualities of land areas. Evaluation procedures have been
developed and refined throughout the 20th century (e.g.
Zonneveld, 1995; Rossiter, 1996). These evaluations have largely
addressed production-oriented land use purposes, such as
suitability for crop production. Also evaluation for intrinsic
values has been developed (e.g. Hamin, 2002). In general, land
evaluation follows a rather strict procedure of defining the aim
(guiding principles), defining land qualities (which properties
determine the usefulness of the land to the specific aim?) and
finally the indicators (which easily field identifiable variables
represent the properties?).
Fig. 2. Map of the Springforbi area in 1930 (left) and in 2004 (right) On the 1930 map the project area is indicated by the hatched line. On the 2004 map the vista from the
‘‘Eremitage’’ castle is indicated. In 1930 the situation prior to the acquisition process is clear: some 50 mansions and other houses blocking the access between the forests and
pasture area ‘‘Dyrehaven’’ and the coast. In 2004 the effect of almost 70 years of demolition is visible, less than ten buildings are left, and only one between the road and the
coast. The entire area is a public park, some of the remaining buildings are now protected, but still a few are to be demolished.
Fig. 3. The original nature conservation for Greater Copenhagen plan of
Forchammer (1936) indicating the critical core areas with the highest aesthetic
qualities and strongest potentials for recreation. Light grey, existing forests, dark
grey, proposed conservation areas.
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
Land evaluation has been performed for two overall
purposes: nding the most appropriate site for a given activity ,
and finding the most appropriate activity for a given site.
Examples of classic land evaluation procedures encompass
resource mapping for agricultural development o r landscape
analysis prior to the location of infrastructure. More recently, we
have seen procedures of identifying the most appropriate
conservation areas, e.g. the Natura 2000 process of the EU
(Anon., 1992). In contrast, landscape evaluation is performed to
rate more intangible values of landscapes such as visual qualities
and place identity.
We employed a retrospective ‘‘evaluation of the evaluation’’
procedure, as we took point of departure in the areas delineated
decades ago and scrutinised the relevant documents in order to
identify the original articulated aims and guiding principles behind
the designations of conservation areas. Further, the identification
of properties and the indicators used by the land surveyors in the
delineation procedure were attempted. It should be stressed that
the evaluation procedure behind these designations somehow
follow the classic land evaluation procedures, inasmuch as the
designation procedure followed a well-defined aim, and rested on
field identifiable indicators, such as wetlands and steep terrain, as
representative of a more complicated state of land units fulfilling
the defined aim. It should be kept in mind that the evaluation was
performed in the 1930s by a skilled engineer and urban planner,
decades before landscape architects formulated formal visual
analysis procedures.
But the evaluation certainly bears similarities to modern
landscape evaluations such as Ian McHarg’s approach which
employ ecological knowledge in physical planning by overlay
methodology where information on soil, vegetation and hydrology
are combined and translated into social value (Natuhara, 2006), or
Dearden and Sadler’s (1989) evaluation techniques of social
dependent aesthetic values. It also bears resemblance with
Steinitz’ six-stage process for landscape planning, of which the
landscape evaluation step include aspects such as costs, beauty,
user satisfaction, public health, but also nutrient fluxes and habitat
quality (Steinitz, 1990, 1995).
2.4. Recreational use assessment
Outdoor recreation demand is basically linked to resources such
as land based and man-made services. From a social-psychological
point of view, outdoor recreation demand refers to a person’s
willingness to spend time and other resources on recreation. The
outcome of this behaviour is an experience that satisfies personal
needs. Demand for recreation opportunities is thus a demand for
instruments or courses of action to realise a psychological demand.
Another approach, traditionally relating to resource allocation, is
to consider demand for recreation activities on specific sites or
resources (Clawson and Knetsch, 1978). Outdoor recreation should
also be considered within the context of, e.g. social, health, sport,
culture, forest and nature policy, and is thereby linked to other
social and economic goods and services.
Over the past decades, numerous techniques and methods have
been used to monitor visit to natural areas (e.g. Gasvoda, 1999;
Hornback and Eagles, 1999; Watson et al., 2000; Cessford and
Muhar, 2003; Arnberger et al., 2005; Kajala et al., 2007; Sieva
et al., 2008). This variety of methods is partly a consequence of the
broad range of recreation activities and settings. Since recreation
involves both a psychological experience and participation in a
specific activity in a specific area, studying outdoor recreation
usually requires more than simply counting the number of visits.
Gathering information about preferences, the perceived outcomes
of visits, the prior expectations of visitors, and the journey to and
from the area must be included. The choice of method depends on
the aim of the study, the type of area, the extent of various
activities, the number and types of visitors. Additional considera-
tions comprise the geographical and natural characteristics of the
area, and the behaviour patterns of the visitors. Those uses can be
concentrated or widely distributed, different activities may involve
different movement patterns, and the number of entry points to
the area varies. Many on-site studies are based on data gathered
from samples of visitors. However, a statistical representative
sample may be difficult to achieve, since the size of the total
research population is rarely known exactly; in order to count or
interview all visitors, the entire boundary of the area must be
monitored, which is costly and often not feasible. However, given
knowledge of general patterns of visit, and the location of entry
points, it is usually possible to select a number of strategic data-
gathering locations which together provide an acceptable level of
The analyses and results we present in this paper estimate the
extent of recreational use in two case areas, using a household
survey in Søllerød Municipality (Baroudy, 2007) and a national on-
site survey wherefrom visit to specific sites in Søllerød Munici-
pality as well as Springforbi is extracted (Jensen, 2003).
2.4.1. Household survey in Søllerød Municipality
A questionnaire was distributed in 2006 among residents living
within a distance of 500 m from the nature area Søllerød Nature
Park (Fig. 6). The respondents were chosen randomly among the
households. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, and
approximately 50% was returned. The respondents gave basic
information such as age and gender, and addressed questions
pertaining to their use of and activities in the nature area: purpose
and frequency of visits, the satisfaction with facilities, and the
attitude towards other visitors. Finally, the respondents were
asked to indicate their favourite route on a map of the area. About
200 respondents provided that information.
2.4.2. National on-site survey
From earlier surveys we have extracted and refined data on
number of visitors in selected forest and nature areas of Søllerød
Municipality (five areas) and the Springforbi area.
Fig. 4. The approved plan of 1938 for nature protection orders, indicating the final
delineation of the future protected landscapes north of Copenhagen. The plan did
not deal with the landscapes west and southwest of Copenhagen. Note that some
areas were significantly expanded in comparison to the proposal (Fig. 3).
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
The basic data collection in 1996–1997 consisted of instanta-
neous, manual counts of parked cars and the delivering of 85,673
questionnaires in 592 forest/nature areas, with an area totalling
approximately 201,000 ha (Jensen, 2003). The response rate for the
questionnaires was 46.7%. During the field work all the places
where visitors could park their car (at a given forest/nature area)
were surveyed in the course of 1 h (simply by counting the number
of parked cars and delivery of questionnaires under their wind-
The time for manual counting at specific registration periods
had been selected by stratified random sampling. The counting
was carried out at 20 randomly stratified moments of maximum
1 h. The stratification took the seasonally, weekly and daily
variation into account. The enumerations to annual figures based
on the sample were undertaken by sample estimation (weighting).
The advantages of this method include the benefit that it is
based on a relatively manageable field work effort; and that
information regarding the number of users is obtained simulta-
neously for a large number of forest/nature areas. Among its
weaknesses is that only the recreational use of the car-borne
visitors is included in the actual counting. However, based on
information from other national surveys ( Jensen and Koch, 1997)it
is possible to estimate the total number of all types of visitors—
independent of means of transport. This is possible based on
general knowledge of the relationship between travelling distance
and use of car as a means of transportation. In Koch (1980) detailed
descriptions of the different methodological aspects are presented.
2.5. Economic assessment
The theory and application of environmental valuation
methods is by now far developed (e.g. Freeman, 2003) and builds
on the assumption that choices made by individuals (actually
revealed or stated hypothetical choices) involving trade-offs
between non-marketed and marketed goods and services, reveal
to the analyst the (marginal welfare economic) preferences and the
value of the non-marketed assets.
Revealed preferences can be obtained from markets, where
people trade goods that have an environmental attribute aspect of
interest, e.g. hedonic pricing methods can assess the effect on
house prices of proximity to, e.g. peri-urban forest and the implied
environmental services (Tyrva
inen and Miettinen, 2000; Cromp-
ton, 2001; Anthon et al., 2005). A strong limitation of the revealed
preferences is that they capture only the kind of values that can be
appropriated by acting in the related market studied. Stated
preference method is in theory capable of valuing the more
intangible values related to, e.g. cultural heritage and landscapes
(Hasler et al., 2008; Tuan and Navrud, 2008). Both of these
approaches can only capture use or non-use values, as perceived by
people. Some value components may not be evaluated at all
(Costanza, 2008) and the information provided by respondents in
stated preference valuation studies can have quite dramatic
influence on the values estimated, e.g. for biodiversity protection
(Jacobsen et al., 2008).
A severe practical drawback of both of these approaches is that
they are often too advanced and cumbersome for the typical urban
planning unit or consultancy firm to undertake appropriately, and
they are also difficult to communicate to decision-makers. Partly
for these reasons, a number of other approaches to assess the
economic value of environmental services prevail in the literature,
and in particular in practice. This includes some cost based
methods, e.g. direct abatement costs incurred for avoiding an
environmental damage, costs of replacement or restoration of
environmental damages, or loss of environmental benefits. Or the
cost of provision, which assesses the opportunity cost in terms of
marketed values and goods forgone of adjusting land uses and
production systems to provide increased ecosystem services
(Pearce, 1998; Freeman, 2003). As measures of value, these
approaches to ‘‘pricing’’ the environment are heavily flawed as
they do not address the welfare effect of the environmental goods
and services, but only the (budget) cost of providing these services
(Freeman, 2003). Thus, observed direct costs incurred by
individuals or societies may usually, at best, be an absolute lower
bound of the value of the environmental service provided.
The direct cost based approaches do, however, have the
advantage from a practical point of view of being fairly easy
to apply as data are often reasonably easy to find. Furthermore,
layman as well as decision-makers can often better relate to,
understand and accept these methods. In this study, we will show
two examples of how these direct cost of provision approaches can
be applied as part of a three-tier approach to assessing the values of
peri-urban open spaces and the ecosystem services they provide.
More explicitly, real estate agents in the two different case areas
were asked about property values for real estates in the following
specific settings:
Real estates prices at Strandvejen, neighbouring the Springforbi
area, for houses comparable to the demolished houses (case area
1, Fig. 2).
Real estate prices for vacant yet undeveloped building lots
approved for single-family houses in Søllerød Municipality (case
area 2, Fig. 5).
Price differences between real estates bordering open space in
Søllerød Municipality, and comparable real estates with no direct
access to the open space. Similarly, the price effect of having a sea
view in the Springforbi area was assessed.
Based on these data, we can provide some illustrative measures
of the values that society has sacrificed to maintain these open
spaces for the sake of recreation and aesthetics.
3. Assessment results
The two case areas were protected or developed for the sake of
provision of two primary services: aesthetics and recreation. We
first provide an analysis of the original land and landscape
evaluation of the two areas, which employs a qualitative analysis
to pinpoint the nature of the intangible services, and also
pinpointing the reasons behind the exact delineation chosen
during the planning process. Subsequently, the recreational use of
the areas is documented and discussed also in terms of quality of
the recreational experiences pursued by users. Finally, an
assessment of the costs of providing these benefits is made, which
can be considered a lower bound on the economic value of the
ecosystem services provided. For summaries of data consult
Tables 1 and 2.
3.1. Land and landscape evaluations
3.1.1. The delineation of the case areas
It is not within the scope of this paper to perform an updated
landscape analysis to identify the aesthetic qualities of the areas
per se. Rather, we analysed the original land and landscape
evaluation procedures on which the designations of the 1930s and
1940s rest. This is done by scrutinising the original planning
documents, from which the rationale behind the exact delineation
of the two case areas was extracted. The delineation of the
Springforbi case is found scattered in the archives of the Danish
Forest and Nature Agency and in various publications of the 1940s.
The delineation of the Søllerød case was published along with the
other area delineations of northern Copenhagen in 1936 (For-
chammer, 1936; Blixencrone-Møller, 1939). In both cases the exact
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
delineation represents decisions made by a very limited number of
experts. Springforbi area. The Springforbi area was chosen as the
core area for the process of regaining the public access to the coast
for several reasons. The surroundings of the area were important—
it links the central, open plains of Jægersborg Dyrehave (a deer
park) with the sea at a point where cliffs make broad vistas
The aim of the Springforbi demolitions was to clear a strip for
vistas from the iconic vantage point the Eremitage, a royal
hunting castle from 1736, placed in the centre of Dyrehaven.
Prior to the urbanisation of the coast, visitors could admire the
view over the plains, across the sea to the coast of Scania (South
Further, the area comprised some of the larger villas, which
were not yet parcelled out, making the process of public
acquisitions easier. Starting with the villa ‘‘Springforbi’’
(2.5 ha, later to lend name to the entire area, Fig. 2) in 1940,
the villas ‘‘Beaulieu’’ and ‘‘Konow’’ (each 1.5 ha) in 1941, a core
area was defined for the future e stablishment of a public park
(Struckmann, 1942). The three villas were demolished shortly
thereafter. In the following decades the State Forest Service
pursued a strategy of buying properties whenever possible to
expand the park area, and after a few years d ecision on the exact
delineation of the park area became relevant. To the north the
watercourse ‘‘Mølleaaen’’ constituted a natural borderline for the
park. In contrast, the southern demarcation line was a very
pragmatic choice. The boundary for the park area was decided so
i.e. an aesthetically motivated demarcation (Fig. 2). Further, the
delineation corresponded with one of the major access routes to
the forest. Søllerød Municipality green space. The land evaluation, on
which the delineation of the conservation areas rests, was literally
done entirely by Olaf Forchammer, the Chief Engineer of
Copenhagen City, working for the committee for the elaboration
of a comprehensive urban plan for Copenhagen. Surveying
intensively in the areas north of Copenhagen in the early 1930s
he drafted the plan in a comprehensive report (Forchammer, 1936)
(Fig. 3) which in a revised form of 1938 was realised almost
completely (Fig. 4 ). The premises for designating the future green
space are carefully described in the report. The guiding principle
for Forchammer’s survey was recreation, both as a physical
exercise requiring space and land, and as a mental experience,
requiring attractive landscape, peace and views. Nature conserva-
tion in terms of habitat and species protection was a subdued issue
at that time and only mentioned briefly. Concerns regarding the
urban development were raised as many new settlements were
not equipped with sewers, leaving lakes and wetlands vulnerable
to pollution. As landscape qualities, Forchammer surveyed the
landscape for larger open land, for beautiful vistas, for peaceful
environments, and for areas located in close connection to
protected forests and lakes. The most prominent indicators were
steep terrain, proximity to lakes and forests, wetlands and
watercourses. Properties determining recreational qualities com-
prised the presence of lakes and coasts with potentials for bathing,
and areas suitable for camping grounds close to water and forests
and curiously, far from ‘‘tempting’’ facilities such as inns and
After defining what were to be the core areas of the future
conservation areas, Forchammer sketched future recreational
traffic routes and parkways, connecting the city centre with the
conservation areas, and interconnecting them. In essence, the
plan of 1936 dealt with the identification of the cr itical core areas.
In the plan maps, the areas are hatched (Fig. 3),andtheyarenot
exactly delineated. In the further process, a committee under the
Prime Minister decided the exact boundaries, basically by
following clear features in the landscapes, such as roads and
hedgerows, or cadastral boundaries (Fig. 4). The core areas are
hence the parts of the landscape that Forchammer in the early
1930s found the most attractive, the boundaries determined by
pragmatic decisions.
Fig. 5. Maps of the three stages progressive development of the southern part of
Søllerød Nature Park. (a) Map from 1890 shows the rural area of Søllerød
Municipality, (b) map from 1940 shows the beginning urban sprawl, and the (c)
contemporary map shows the three categories of the landscape today: urban areas,
protected forests and open landscapes under nature protection orders.
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
3.2. Recreational uses
The intensity of recreational uses is shown in Table 2. Data for
Søllerød Municipality consists of five nature areas, which in total
receive 421,000 visits a year—equivalent to 720 visits/year/ha or
890 visitor h/year/ha. This level of visit is considered an intensive
use (defined as 300–999 visitor h/year/ha) in a Danish context. The
area ‘‘Søllerød Kirkeskov and Rygaard’’ in Table 2 is almost
equivalent to Søllerød Nature Park (case area 2) with 136,000 visits
a year—equivalent to 655 visits/year/ha or 866 visitor h/year/ha.
The household survey in Søllerød Municipality gave some
additional information on the recreational use of the Søllerød
Nature Park—indicating that approximately half of the respon-
dents visit their local nature area at least once a week. The typical
activity is a foot trip/stroll, walking the dog, jogging or cycling.
About one third of the visitors appreciate wildlife (watching birds)
during the visit. About 90% of the visitors are very satisfied with the
facilities and opportunities within the area. Certain conflicts
among users are mentioned, in particular animosity towards
mountain bikers and dogs without a leash. The respondents’ map
with favourite routes gives a detailed impression of the use of the
recreational infrastructure, and the variation in intensity of
recreational traffic (Fig. 6).
The visit of the Springforbi case is based on the total use of
Jægersborg Dyrehave and Hegn, which is very intensively used
with more than 7 million visits a year—equivalent to 4460 visits/
year/ha or 9074 visitor h/year/ha. Specific geographical delimita-
tion of the recreational use of the Springforbi part of the total area
is relatively complicated, as recreationists obviously are not static
in their use of the area. It is possible to make a rough estimation
based on the specific use of the five entrance points, which are
directly linked to the Springforbi area. For these entry points alone,
the yearly number of visits can be estimated at approximately 1.1
million. This is a conservative estimate, as numerous visitors from
other entry points to Jægersborg Dyrehave will visit the Springforbi
area, especially due to the vista from the Eremitage castle (Fig. 2). A
more realistic proxy will probably be the double—around 2–2.5
million visits a year. As for Søllerød, most visitors to Springforbi are
satisfied with the facilities, and conflicts with mountain bikers and
dogs without leash are mentioned by some visitors.
Whether the 1996/1997 recreation data are valid for 2008 is of
course questionable. But as this paper is testing how far we can get
in valuating ecosystem services by relatively simple quantifica-
tions, we suppose the accuracy to be adequate in this context. For
testing of benefits transfer of forest recreation over time, see e.g.
Zandersen et al. (2007a,b).
3.3. Assessing cost of provision in the case studies
Based on the simple methods described above, we can provide
some illustrative measures of the values that society have
sacrificed to maintain these open spaces for the sake of recreation
and aesthetics.
3.3.1. The Springforbi area
Real estate prices along the coast road north of Copenhagen,
Figs. 1 and 2, are among the highest in Denmark. This is due to the
attractiveness of the area in general, being close to the city centre,
close to the sea (the Øresund) and also quite close to Jægersborg
Dyrehave and Jægersborg State Forest District (Fig. 2). In addition,
houses in this area are quite large, by Danish standards, often
situated on fairly small land lots. Prices for typical units consisting
of a house with 200–500 m
of living space, on a land lot of some
500–800 m
, lie within 10–30 million DKK as of November 2008,
corresponding to 1.3–4 million
. Incidentally the estate exactly
neighbouring the Springforbi case area was for sale at 32 million
Table 2
Intensity of recreational use of the case study areas 1996/1997 (Jensen, 2003).
Area Annual visits (1000) Annual visits per ha Annual visitor hours (1000) Annual visitor hours per ha
The Søllerød Municipality case
Trørød Hegn 56 997 56 1008
Kohaven 2 60 4 104
Søllerød Kirkeskov and Rygaard
136 655 179 866
Geel Skov 202 1045 247 1279
Ravneholmene 25 260 35 367
The Springforbi case
Jægersborg Dyrehave and Hegn 7501 4460 15,263 9074
Almost equivalent to Søllerød Nature Park.
Fig. 6. The recreational intensity as expressed by number of passages in Søllerød
Nature Park. Data represents approximately 200 inputs from local residents within
a distance of 500 m from the area (Baroudy, 2007).
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
DKK ( >4 million
) at the time of gathering data for this analysis.
The huge variation in prices arises not only because of the variation
in the size of land lots and notably house sizes, but also because of
an important variation in the environmental attributes of different
sites. Estate dealers all stressed that in this area there is a
significant difference between houses on the seawards side of the
North-South travelling coastal road and those on the landwards
side (Fig. 2). They assessed that properties with a clear view
towards the sea had on average a price premium of about 20–30%.
This is well in accordance with several hedonic pricing studies on
similar environmental attributes from other places in Denmark,
reporting effects of lake view or neighbouring a forest of up to 20%
in more wealthy and larger urban areas, and some 10% in the
countryside, where supply of such environmental attributes is
higher and average income is lower (Anthon et al., 2005; Birr-
Pedersen, 2006).
In 1940, about 50 villas of varying sizes but typical for the
general area occupied the strip of land between the inland open
area and the seaside. All villas were taken over by the state, and
about 40 were demolished, several of them facing the sea directly.
The number of villas demolished was probably too small to affect
the general housing market in the area. Even for the nearby houses,
the increase in environmental value is likely to be negligible as
nearness to coast and inland forest lands was already present.
Based on the above evidence, we assess that the market value of
these estates would in today’s currency have been in the range
of 400–1200 million DKK or 50–160 million
. Compared with the
surrounding area, relatively many of these houses were facing the
sea, implying that the actual costs are likely to be at the upper end
of this interval, most likely above 800 million DKK.
This is the present value of the sacrifice that society in the 1940s
decided to make in return for the (in principle) eternal ecosystem
service provided by the landscape connecting the seaside to the
inland open grassland and forest areas, and the views and access to
the sea. Of course, society may in principle expand housing in
another part of the urban region, to maintain the supply of houses.
This may potentially cause a reduction in eco-system services
elsewhere, which cannot be assessed here. It seems safe to assume,
however, that their value will not rival those estimated here.
3.3.2. The Søllerød Municipality green space
While heavily urbanised, Søllerød Municipality is characterised
by large tracts of land left undeveloped to preserve the natural
beauty of the landscape and the landscape amenities that are
important parts of the attractiveness of the area in terms of
demand for single-family houses. These areas are all protected
against urbanisation and subjected to very strict regulation. When
these restrictions were decided, the implication for society was to
forgo opportunities for further urbanisation and development of
residential areas. A master plan of 1943 for the development of the
municipality (i.e., before the conservation planning process was
entirely unfolded and generally accepted by the local munici-
palities) literally suggested the development of the entire area into
various urban categories (Goldschmidt et al., 2006). Hence, it is
relevant to express the value of the open space at least partly as
missed development opportunities. The area, however, is so large
that a full development would have direct supply effects on the
house market in the region, causing lower prices. It is large enough
for some 10–15,000 land lots for single-family houses to be
established in the better parts of these tracts. Apart from the
negative effect on the house market in the area, the effect of a large
scale development would also be to erode a significant part of the
value of the existing environmental attributes embedded in the
value of existing houses.
Estate agents again assess that houses with direct access and
connection to the forests and open lands in the area, have a selling
price some 25% higher than houses just a few hundred meters
away. This is in accordance with hedonic models of similar cases
(Anthon et al., 2005; Birr-Pedersen, 2006). Several hundred houses
in the area benefit from this direct access, and with a typical single-
family house in the area having a selling price of 5–10 million DKK
(0.7–1.4 million
), the aggregate environmental value component
of the existing property values is likely to amount to several 100
million DKK. Thus, if we want to consider the opportunity cost of
forgone residential development, we would in fact need a model of
the house market in the area capable of assessing non-marginal
effects of changes in the supply of housing as well as the supply of
environmental services.
That the potential value of the environmental services is,
nevertheless, massive can be illustrated by making a more cautious
partial calculation: If, for instance, only some 10% of the open space
of Søllerød Municipality was parcelled out as typical single-family
house lots, which in Denmark typically cover 800–1000 m
more than 1000 lots could be sold. As vacant lots in the area are sold
for typically 2500–5000 DKK (350–700
, these lots would
represent a gross value of 2125–4250 million DKK (280–570 million
). Increasing the built-up area may of course reducethe value of the
environmental services experienced by those already living in the
area, but nothing near the gain measured here. Thus, in spite of the
value of the current ecosystem services likely to be embedded in the
current property stock, society is willingly carrying a cost much
larger than this to preserve the general ecosystem services arising
from these urban open areas and forest patches.
4. Discussion and concluding remarks
The combination of three distinct methods: the land evaluation
and identification of qualities, assessment of recreational use, and
monetary assessment, gave a unique opportunity of valuing
intangible services within the same limited tracts of land. We
should, however, discuss the degree of representativity before
aiming at any general conclusion.
The case in Søllerød Municipality Søllerød Nature Park is
representative of green space in the northern suburbs of Copenha-
gen in terms of landscape, ownership, location and land cover (even
though it is larger than the average green area in llerød
Municipality). But the area rates as some of the most attractive
and pricey in terms of real estate, and cannot without reservation be
compared with green areas west and southwest of Copenhagen. The
Springforbi area is quite unique, the location, neighbourhood and
price level is not to be found anywhere else in Denmark.
The delineation of the case areas followed different pathways.
In Søllerød, the delineation was based on a decision on the location
of critical core areas, followed by a pragmatic decision on the exact
boundaries. In Springforbi, the opposite and very costly procedure
was followed. The extent of the Springforbi area was not based on
existing values, but on potential values, and consequently the
decisions were where to create the ecosystem services. The study
revealed that the underlying evaluation of the landscape qualities
is heterogeneous in nature, elitist in the sense that the task was
done by a few individuals, and subjective. The evaluation and
decisions were made before participatory planning was an issue,
and the planning process must be characterised as functionalistic
and centralised.
It should further be noted that the planning documents were
not straight-forward. They were very detailed in Søllerød
Municipality, but scattered and not published in Springforbi.
Interestingly, the results that the ‘‘old experts’’ came up with
three generations ago, reflect more or less what more recent forest
and landscape preference studies of the general Danish population
have revealed (Koch and Jensen, 1988; Jensen, 1999). At a time
where participatory planning is enthroned, a more philosophic
H. Vejre et al. / Ecological Complexity 7 (2010) 338–348
discussion of nature quality and democracy could be enlightening
and rewarding, as the case of e.g. Arler (2002), who discusses the
pros et cons of the use of ‘‘the experienced connoisseur’’ and ‘‘the
biological connoisseur’’ in the process of identification of nature
We estimated aesthetics, open space amenity and recreation
pressure, but in a comprehensive study of ecosystem services we
should also have valued other services, e.g. habitat value,
groundwater extraction, CO
sequestration etc. We did not
compile these d ata in any quantitative manner, but some remarks
should be made on the other ecosystem services. The Sprin gforbi
area’s limited extent of 50 ha proves insignificant for services s uch
as filter and CO
sequestration, though its capacity per ha may be
as high as many other green space areas. There is no significant
water e xtraction, and the area is not known to house any species of
special importance, in particular when compared to reference
areas of biodiversity hotspots in other locations of greater
Copenhagen. Being a part of the larger forest area it certainly
provides some habitat services. Truly it is an area serving mainly
intangible services or functions. The broad range of services
discussed here differs strongly in their ‘‘spatial extent’’. As an
extreme, the carbon sequestration is strictly limited to the area
itself, whereas the transboundary effect is larger for the habitat
service, as organisms may cross boundaries. As another extreme,
the aesthetic and transcending, cultural services certainly
‘‘radiate’’ out of the area, not just because the area has impact
on vistas from a much larger areas, but also because the service
penetrate into the minds of an entire population, as the site is a n
iconic landmark playing a role for people not even visiting the
In contrast the nature areas of Søllerød have important habitats,
in particular such pertaining to wetlands and forests. Also, the areas
are large enough to play a role as climate mediators, as CO
sequestration areas and as water reservoirs. However, these services
are not unique for this area, and better substitutes are found in the
region.Hence, it is beyonddoubt thattherecreationalandlandscape/
aesthetic values are the prime ecosystem services provided from
these areas. The case neatly demonstrates the power of spatial
planning in reducing the costs of acquiring urban green space, with
‘‘eternal’’ provision of recreational and aesthetic services.
The Springforbi case is a very illustrative example of the level of
costs that the society is facing, when no or just inadequate planning
is unfolded. The coast north of Copenhagen was developed before
any regulation on urban sprawl was formulated. The first urban
planning regulation was enforced in the 1920s, and prior to that the
authorities had almost no power or legal instruments to preserve
areas for recreational purposes. With contemporary legislation it
would have been rather simple to delineate a recreational zone
without compensation to owners, and in general all Danish coasts
are protected by strict regulation on development 3 km inland from
the coastline. In 2009 values, an estimated average of about 115
would be the cost of compensating for the lack of spatial
planning instruments in a small area of 50 ha.
In comparison to the Springforbi area, the process of spatial
planning, and the implementation of the plan by employment of
nature protection orders and payment of compensation to the
landowners, proved to work in Søllerød.
The tools becoming available in Denmark in the late 1930s were
conservation planning, meaning that local and regional authorities
could designate areas of importance for recreation and nature
conservation. The mere designation had legal deferment effect on
any development, until a central committee had approved the
plan. The declaration of nature conservation order was not free of
charge, as private landowners could claim a compensation for lost
development opportunities. In some cases the authorities had to
pay compensation, in other cases the landowners voluntarily let
their properties be subjected to nature conservation orders.
However, this planning hindered other development opportu-
nities. In 2009 values, the sacrifice made for preserving these 8 km
in Søllerød is in the range of 280–570 million
From an economic point of view, the role of the more or less
centralised spatial planning process, from goal formulation to
implementation, is to correct the following important market
failure: Without regulation and spatial planning, beautiful peri-
urban landscapes will roughly speaking be developed until the
point where they are no longer beautiful and at least as crowded as
any other potential piece of land available for development, ceteris
paribus. The spatial planning process and laws regulating it are
capable of protecting such local public goods from a super-optimal
degree of development.
In any case study the question should be raised whether the
analysis is universal or confined to a specific geographic area. The
results are probably somewhat confined—the vicinity to an urban
conglomerate plays a role.
In other cases, demolition of houses on critical sites in Denmark
has taken place. The UNESCO World Heritage Site Jelling, which is
an ancient Viking monument from the 10th century, was cleared of
a number of residential houses surrounding it (Adriansen, 2003).
An old industrial complex was cleared near Hamlet’s castle
Kronborg in connection with its admission onto the UNESCO list.
Globally, several examples of demolitions near ancient monu-
ments and near unique nature sites could be mentioned. One is
Uluru/Ayers Rock in Australia, where tourist facilities next to the
rock were demolished in the 1970s. But we have so far not found
other records of the demolition of estates located on a city’s most
fashionable address for the sake of a view anywhere in the
On the other hand, the case of safeguarding green areas at the
city perimeter is probably valid for urban conglomerates of most
developed countries, and certainly of use for developing countries
with sprawling cities. In order to safeguard and develop recrea-
tional and aesthetic land values in a future dominated by climate
change and biodiversity agendas, development of sound planning,
evaluation and mapping methods which identify and delineate
these values are important (e.g. Caspersen and Olafsson, 2009).
5. Conclusions
Among ecosystem services, the category of intangible, trans-
cending and social functions must be rated alongside tangible
services linked to physical processes such as habitats, water, air,
buffering etc. if a balanced sustainable development is to be
The cases and the case histories we have described in this paper
demonstrate several things:
that the intangible services may certainly rival the tangible ones
in some areas around larger cities
that there are several ways in which these values can easily be
quantified in a way suitable for communication
that some degree of centralised spatial planning processes can
even if not as participatory and transparent as those of today
protect the common interests and the public goods in peri-urban
areas and counteract the market failure implied by these large
The authors wish to thank Chief Forester Klaus Waage Sørensen
at the Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Copenhagen for valuable
contributions to the description of the Springforbi Case.
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