This agreement (the Agreement”) dated as of _XX/XX/XX_, is between the undersigned student-
athlete (referred to herein as you”) and Corporation Name (“XXX”), and shall confirm that you agree to
provide your services as in connection with advertising by DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED SERVICES
for XXX in accordance with the terms set forth herein.
1. No Conflict/Disclosure. You represent and warrant that: (i) your grant of rights to your Persona (as
defined below) herein and your services herein do not conflict with any sponsorship contract of your educational
institution or team, any contract between you and your educational institution or team, or any policy of the
athletic department of your educational institution; and (ii) you have disclosed or will disclose the existence of
this agreement to the educational institution at which you are enrolled, in a manner designated by the educational
institution. You will not be required to engage in any activity that compromises your eligibility in violation
of University at Buffalo, MAC and/or NCAA rules.
2. Services. You agree to perform your services (in accordance with XXX’s instructions) as set forth in
Exhibit A attached hereto. You agree that you are available to perform services on any dates, times and
locations specified herein or in Exhibit A that do not conflict with team, academic or NCAA obligations.
3. Code of Conduct. You agree that each Post (as defined in Exhibit A) will be in compliance with the
following code of conduct (“Code of Conduct”): each Post will not (a) reference or depict any celebrity or
other individual (unless explicitly approved by XXX); (b) disparage XXX or their competitors; (c) depict nudity
or lewd content of any sort; (d) incite, advocate, or express pornography, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, hatred,
bigotry, racism, or gratuitous violence, or include any other offensive content; (e) promote excessive
consumption of alcohol beverages or promote any illegal drug use; (f) misrepresent the source of anything in
the Post, including impersonation of another individual or entity; (g) provide or create links to external sites
that violate this Code of Conduct; (h) include content that is protected by intellectual property laws, rights of
privacy or publicity, specifically School Marks, or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights
thereto or have received all necessary consents; or (i) contain advertising for you or third parties (including,
without limitation, money making schemes, discount cards, credit counseling, online surveys, or online
4. Materials. You agree that XXX and others working for them or on their behalf, and their respective
agents, licensees, successors, and assignees (collectively, the “Permitted Parties”) shall have the right, but not
the obligation, to produce or use the materials listed in Exhibit A (the Materials”), barring the individual
Student Athlete’s approval. You agree that you shall have the right of approval of the Materials or their use.
During the Term (as defined below), the Materials may be used anywhere in the world, in the media listed in
Exhibit A (the Media”).
5. Term. The Termshall be as set forth in Exhibit A. In addition, at any time during and after the
Term, the Materials (and Posts) may be used anywhere in the world by the Permitted Parties for intra-company,
research, award, press, publicity, file and/or reference purposes. Further, for clarity, (a) XXX shall have the
right to authorize third party websites and/or social media platforms to use the Materials and Posts in accordance
with their terms of use, and so long as it is in accordance with UB Policies.
6. Compensation. In full consideration to you for entering into this Agreement and for all of your services
hereunder and all rights granted by you herein, and provided that you fully and completely perform all of your
services, XXX agrees to pay you (and you agree to accept) the “Feeas defined in (and payable in accordance
with) Exhibit A. XXX shall not be liable for any broker’s and/or agents fees or
FKKS: 750019.v1 20428.203
commissions, taxes, production company fees or other payments to third parties payable by you in connection
with this Agreement or your services hereunder.
7. Exclusivity. During the Term and anywhere in the world, you will not authorize or permit (nor have
you authorized prior to the Term, which authority is still in effect) the use of your Persona (as defined below),
nor will you render any services, give any testimonials or endorsements in any advertising in any medium, nor
engage in any promotional activities in connection with (a) any “Competitive Productsas defined in Exhibit
A, (b) any other manufacturer, distributor, retailer or producer of Competitive Products, or (c) any product or
service that in its advertising or publicity denigrates XXX or its products. However, for purposes of clarity,
this exclusivity/Competitive Products restriction does not apply to the use of your Persona or services in
connection with official team activities.
8. University Marks. The University at Buffalo retains the right to the UB marks and has full autonomy
over if and when the Student Athlete is permitted to use those marks in accordance with their advertising
agreements. The term “School Marks” includes, but is not limited to,
9. Grant of Rights. Subject to the Permitted Parties’ usage rights hereunder, (a) XXX shall have all right,
title and interest in and to the Materials; and (b) you agree that the product of your services hereunder shall be
a work-made-for-hire for XXX for copyright purposes, or if for any reason held not to be work-made-for-hire,
you hereby assign to XXX right, title, and interest in and to such product. In addition, you grant to the Permitted
Parties, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, the right to use your name, picture, image, likeness,
social-media handle(s), signature, voice and biographical information (collectively, Persona”) in and in
connection with the Materials and Posts. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you also agree that
the Permitted Parties shall have the right to: (a) “tag” you/your social media handle in any social media posts
that are issued by or on XXXs behalf; and (b) link to and pull Posts from your owned/controlled social media
channels onto our website.
10. Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that (a) you are 18 years of age or older
and have no criminal record (other than with respect to routine traffic violations not involving alcohol or a
controlled substance); (b) there is nothing in your personal background that would reflect negatively on your
association with XXX; (c) you have the right to enter into this Agreement and have no conflicting commitments
or obligations that would interfere with your ability to perform the services required of you and the rights herein
granted; (d) in the event you make any public statements in connection with this Agreement (including, without
limitation, in the Posts), you shall clearly and conspicuously disclose your affiliation with XXX in accordance
with the Federal Trade Commission Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and
Testimonial in Advertising available at
idx?SID=14e8f4d3c876671a54fce164a72f2e3e&node=pt16.1.255&rgn=div5 (as may be updated) (the “FTC
Guides”), in a form to be approved by XXX, and shall incorporate appropriate disclosures in connection
therewith (e.g., #ad or #sponsored); (e) you have all necessary rights to any content provided by you
hereunder (including, without limitation, the Posts, headshot/bio, etc.) and the Permitted Parties’ use thereof
in accordance with this Agreement shall not violate the rights of any party. These rights include the individual
student athletes “UB Obligations,” which include, but are not limited to, the athletes Scholarship Agreement.
Permitted Parties’ must; (f) you shall comply with all reasonable policies provided by XXX; and (f) you will
not engage in any conduct that (i) would disparage, denigrate, portray in an unfavorable light or bring you,
XXX, or XXX’s products into public disrepute, contempt or scandal, or (ii) would injure the success of XXX
or any of XXX’s products (including, without limitation, a public revelation of your disapproval or dislike for
XXX or any of XXX’s products, or your approval or favor towards one or more of XXX’s competitors, as
determined by XXX, in its sole and absolute discretion), but this this does not include athletic performance-
based conduct that results in a reduction in the Student Athlete's playing time, while the Student-Athlete must
make their best efforts to avoid such a situation, the Student Athlete nor the University is responsible for a
loss of revenue to XXX as a result of action taken by the school.
11. Termination. If you suffer a disability which prevents you from fully rendering your services
hereunder, or if you neglect, fail or refuse or are unable to perform your services or observe your obligations as
you have agreed or warranted hereunder (including, without limitation, those set forth in the previous section
hereof), or if an Event of Force Majeure (as defined below) occurs, in addition to any other rights and remedies
that XXX may have hereunder or at law or in equity, (a) XXX shall have the right to terminate this Agreement,
(b) in such event, you shall only be entitled to payments accrued as of the date of such termination (i.e., the pro
rata portion of any compensation paid or payable to you up to and including the date of such termination), and
(c) XXX shall have the opportunity to terminate without fault, so long as termination is not based on athletic
performance-based conduct that results in a reduction in the Student Athlete's playing time, while the Student-
Athlete must make their best efforts to avoid such a situation, the Student Athlete nor the University is
responsible for a loss of revenue to XXX as a result of action taken by the school. Event of Force Majeure
is defined as a natural catastrophe, labor dispute or strike, pandemic or epidemic, act of God or public enemy,
war, municipal ordinance, state or federal law, governmental order or regulation or any other similar cause
beyond your control that adversely affects your services or the Permitted Parties’ rights to use/create the
12. Confidentiality. You will not disclose (including, without limitation and by way of example, via text
messaging, blogging or communicating in any way via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other social
networking website, tool or device, etc.) any trade secrets or confidential information of XXX to any third
parties, including but not limited to any content of any advertising (including, without limitation, any scripts,
copy, storyboards, etc.) that XXX has not yet released to the general public, your relationship with XXX (until
publicly disclosed by XXX), and any of the terms of this Agreement (including, without limitation, the amount
of compensation paid hereunder). In addition, you understand and agree that all press inquiries regarding your
services hereunder and any information and materials related thereto (including, without limitation, any
confidential information) shall be directed to XXX and that you will not communicate to the press directly
without XXX’s prior written approval.
13. Non-Union. You understand and agree that unless otherwise agreed by XXX in writing, neither your
services nor the creation and use of the Posts shall fall within the jurisdiction of any union or guild (e.g., SAG,
AFTRA, etc.).
14. Miscellaneous. Any payments made hereunder shall be subject to any deductions required by state
and/or federal law. The value of any goods or services that you receive for your performance under this contract
is subject to the self-employment rules under the Internal Revenue Code. You understand and agree that you
will comply with these regulations, and that it is your obligation to ensure that these tax liabilities are properly
paid, in a timely manner. The relationship between the parties is solely that of independent contractors, and you
shall not be considered an agent or employee of XXX. This Agreement contains the entire understanding
between XXX and you with respect to the subject matter hereof, may not be altered or waived except by a
writing signed by both parties, and shall be governed by the laws of the state of New York, applicable to
contracts executed and performed entirely therein. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to
this Agreement by pdf shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed signature page hereof. Any
action to enforce this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located or having
jurisdiction in New York, and you hereto irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of such courts and agree to
waive any objection that such courts are an inconvenient forum for the resolution of such action.
15. Severability. Should any section or part of a section within this agreement be rendered void or
unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall
nevertheless be binding upon the parties with the same effect as though the void or unenforceable part had been
severed and deleted.
__AUTHORIZED OFFICER NAME AND TITLE_________________________________________
(Authorized Officer)
I AGREE to the foregoing terms and conditions of this Agreement and I further acknowledge that I must disclose
the existence of this Agreement and the required services herein to my educational institution
Signature: ______________________________
Name (print): ___________________________
Address: __________________________
Phone no.:_______________________________
Email Address:____________________________
Date of Birth:_____________________________
1. Services Details
Materials and Posts Geographic Boundaries:
- The Western New York Region including, Erie County, Niagara County,
Chautauqua County, Cattaraugus County, Allegany County, Wyoming
County, Genesee County, Orleans County and any reasonable location in
which a school-sponsored or NCAA athletic event takes place.
- Any agreement must be provided to UB’s Compliance Office in
advance in order to be approved before performance. Failure to do so
may result in disciplinary action against the athlete.
Partner agrees to o Content Creation
Create Social content for XXX to be used on Instagram, Instagram
Stories/Reels and Twitter.
(1) Self-shot video formatted properly in aspect ratios for Instagram,
Instagram Stories/Reels To be used along with other content in a montage
video for the “Company Team for SA’s” highlighting partnered Student-
Follow the provided script and instructions for the video
On-camera recorded player intro
Props (See below)
Wardrobe o Items provided (See below)
o Do not wear anything which has any brand marks or logos. Failure to follow
this will negate the agreement because content will be unusable.
Include the following props in the video
CORPORATION backdrop (Will be sent for self-assembly or digital)
Wear the CORPORATION hat provided
Wear the CORPORATION apparel (Could be jersey, shirt or hoodie) provided
o Self-Posting
Post on the proper date and timeframe provided.
Follow provided posting and tagging instructions.
Include #sponsor. Failure to follow this will negate the agreement as content won’t be FTC
o Allow Content to be amplified (If necessary) & shared by but not limited to
CORPORATION Social channels
Other athletes (NIL & Professional)
Party Social Channels
2. Media definition:
Type of Materials
Digital Videos
Internet/New Media Industrial
PR Materials
Any and all public relations and publicity uses
CORP. Social
Internet/New Media
3. The “Term” is defined as commencing on _XX/X/XX_, and concluding upon the end of the Student-Athlete’s
enrollment at the University at Buffalo.
4. The “Fee” is defined as 3% of compensation as earned by the athlete, payable 30 days after content is live in-
5. The “Competitive Products” are defined as:
Exclusivity & Competitors
Within the term, partner shall not endorse, post or re-post any of the following competitors:
The Competitive Categories include, but is not limited to the following establishments:
(LIST COMPETING ESTABLISHMENTS - specific competing businesses)
(LIST COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES - general industries, products, etc. in competition with XXX)